Spy sea wind and thunder

Chapter 7 Uncle Li

Chapter 7 Uncle Li
The small shop on the street has simple facilities, and there is no one to welcome or send them off. Song Shutang sat down on his own. The boss was still busy by the stove, and no service staff came to introduce him. A few dishes were written on a wooden board with burnt charcoal. Think of it as a menu.

Among them was the name of a dish that made him curious.

"Bomb soup?"

"What kind of soup is this bomb soup?" Song Shutang asked.

"It's mustard vegetable and egg soup." Someone on the side helped to answer questions.

"Why did you come up with such a name?"

"The little devil's bombs are bombing wildly every day, so it should be a scene."

The humor of the people in the mountain city is inadvertently reflected, reflecting that although they are under the flames of war, everyone is not afraid of the Japanese army, which makes the Japanese army's plan to use bombing to destroy everyone's will to resist the war fall into emptiness.

So I ordered a bowl of 'bomb soup' and a bowl of noodles.

During the meal, Song Shutang looked around and found nothing unusual. It seems that there was no follow-up surveillance.

After eating, I checked out and left, and when I entered the interrogation department, everything on my body was confiscated. Fortunately, the money given by the spy boss Li was still with me, so that the hero would not be stumped by a penny.

Walking to eliminate food Song Shutang walked slowly away from the shanty town, walked all the way to Zhongyi Road, passed Sidli to the back street of Zhongyi Road, did not stop but did not rush, and came to the back street of Shenxiandong.

I took a slight detour to further confirm whether someone was following me.

After ensuring safety, Song Shutang stopped on the upper stone slope.

Looking around, I saw a shoe repairer not far away. The shoe repairer was sitting on a small horse, with the tools needed for shoe repairing in front of him, and was beating on a pair of leather shoes with a small hammer in his hand.

From the look of his face, he was only in his forties, but his hair was already half black and half white, presenting a certain gray color.

The stubble around the mouth and chin is not too long, it was trimmed about two or three days ago, but the beard is still black, in stark contrast to the hair.

Song Shutang stepped closer and sat down on the pony saddle opposite the shoe repairer. At this time, he could see that there was nothing under the craftsman's legs.


Both legs were gone from the thigh down.

"Guest repairing shoes?" The craftsman raised the old glasses on his eye sockets and asked in a friendly voice.

"Shoe repair." Song Shutang took off his left shoe and handed it over. The shoe had indeed been glued off.

The craftsman put down his work, took over the shoes, looked through them and said, "I'll fix it for you first."

Song Shutang looked at the craftsman's legs, with a flash of pain in his eyes, and asked softly, "The injury hasn't healed yet, why don't you rest at home?"

The craftsman focused on the work in hand, but he responded, "You won't let me go back to the bureau with you. I'm worried that you won't be able to stay calm and restless in the face of the interrogation department's review."

"Let Uncle Li miss you."

Uncle Li in front of him is also a member of the Sword Holding Group.

There are nine people in the Sword Holding Group.

Yan Qinghui was in charge of the work of the radio station and did not participate in the action that day.

Nie Hong was in charge of driving the vehicle and waited at the evacuation site, but did not take action directly.

So there were seven people who faced the action that day.

Team leader of 'Tiangu', brother 'Fanruo' Qin, sister 'Wanggui' Ao, brother 'Crazy Drug' Zhao, brother 'Xuanju' Chu, Uncle Li of 'Lei Gong' and Song Shutang 'Ember'.

In the interrogation department Song Shutang said that among the seven people, six of them died and he was the only one alive, but in fact at that time Song Shutang was carrying Uncle Li who was seriously injured on his back, and the two evacuated together under the cover of the team leader and others.

The Japanese army's ambush was unexpected, so even if they were evacuated at that time, he did not dare to take Uncle Li to find Nie Hong. After all, it is not known who betrayed the news, and if he was not careful, he would fall into the trap.

So he avoided the agreed place and evacuated on his own, so Nie Hong did not see Uncle Li.

"I am the oldest in the sword holding group, and you are the youngest. They will leave the chance of life to you and me..."

"So I can't let this matter be unclear, I must investigate the truth and give the team leader an explanation." Song Shutang's mood was slightly elevated.

Investigate the truth!

That's not just what the Military Control Bureau has to do, it's also what Song Shutang has to do.

He needs the truth more than anyone else, he wants someone to pay for it, he wants revenge!
Uncle Li knew it was difficult to persuade him. He didn't want to seek the truth, but he was worried that Song Shutang would be in danger, and even more worried that he would act impulsively.

Originally, Uncle Li planned to come back with Song Shutang, and the two of them had the least suspicion of testifying against each other, but Song Shutang vetoed this proposal.

The situation is complicated and treacherous, and the black hands behind the scenes are waiting for the opportunity to move. How can Uncle Li cope with the current situation.

In order to keep Uncle Li safe, Song Shutang asked him to hide, saying that he died together with the team leader and others.

In the beginning, the two couldn't stop arguing and insisted on their own words.

Shutang of the Later Song Dynasty directly forced Uncle Li to agree to his arrangement.

So there it was, he went back to the Military Command Bureau for review, and Uncle Li was here to repair shoes and wait for the joints.

"You go back alone, you are obviously the most suspicious, why did you come out so soon?" Uncle Li thought he would have to wait for a long time.

After all, Song Shutang was directly involved in the positive action. When everyone sacrificed, but you survived, the suspicion is the biggest.

Facing this problem, Song Shutang explained briefly, and described the operation of arresting the spy.

"You've made great progress."

"It's Uncle Li and the others who taught me well."

"The master leads the door, and the practice is up to the individual."

"Suddenly I'm not used to being alone." Song Shutang's expression carried memories.

He is the youngest in the sword holding group, he was only 22 years old when he joined, and he is only 24 years old this year.

In the past, with older brothers and sisters and a team leader, he rarely had to face anything alone. Although he didn't grow up in a greenhouse, he still had someone to protect him.

These will no longer exist in the future.

"Don't push yourself too hard." Uncle Li's eyes were full of worry.

"I know."

"Yan Qinghui and Nie Hong, how about the interrogation department's investigation?" Uncle Li mentioned the two.

"I don't know, but it should be nothing."

"Do you suspect the two?"

In fact, Song Shutang was very unwilling to doubt Yan Qinghui and Nie Hong, because they were both members of the Sword Holding Group.

But when he acted that day, other people died in front of him, and Uncle Li's legs were disabled because of this, so why didn't he have doubts in his heart.

If there was no doubt, why did they evacuate on their own that day instead of going to the agreed place to meet Nie Hong?

The bloody facts taught Song Shutang to be rational instead of emotional.

Uncle Li also doesn't want to doubt Yan Qinghui and Nie Hong, but it's useless to talk about the matter so far, he only wants the truth.

"You mean that the interrogation department will finally release the two of them?"

"The Hunan Department and the Guangdong Department are behind the scenes. The interrogation department has no evidence. Naturally, they will be released. It's just a matter of time." Song Shutang knew in his heart that there was no evidence.

No matter who did it, it will be difficult for the Interrogation Division to find evidence.

The final result is nothing more than letting people go.

Uncle Li understood what Song Shutang was thinking, and he planned to investigate secretly by himself after Yan Qinghui and Nie Hong were out of trouble.

Doing so is naturally dangerous.

From Uncle Li's point of view, both Yan Qinghui and Nie Hong are more experienced than Song Shutang, and they have also taught him a lot, so what are the chances that this student will win against the teacher?
"Do you think the two of them turned to the enemy, or was it a faction?" Uncle Li asked a very sensitive question.

"Not sure yet."

"Be careful in everything, don't let 'Tiangu', 'Kuangyao' and others sacrifice their lives to save them, and place high hopes on them."

"You too, Uncle Li, take care of yourself."

"I can't die with this old bone."

The leather shoes in his hand have been repaired, Uncle Li handed them over and said, "Does it still fit after a try?"

Song Shutang took the leather shoes and put them on his feet, stepped on the ground vigorously, and said: "Master is good at craftsmanship."

When Song Shutang was paying the money, Uncle Li took the opportunity to ask: "What did 'Wanggui' say to you that day, which made your face change drastically and you agreed to evacuate. This is not in line with your temperament."

"What kind of temper am I?"

"In that kind of crisis situation, although everyone told you to leave, I know your temper. You would rather choose to live and die together than agree to evacuate alone. So the words 'forgot to return' to you played a decisive role I'm curious what she will say that can change your mind."

"Sister Ao let me live well."

Faced with such an answer, Uncle Li smiled and said nothing, but did not continue to ask.

Song Shutang got up and planned to leave, but when he turned around, he couldn't help but said, "Don't you blame me for carrying you out?"

"No wonder."

"Thank you."

(End of this chapter)

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