Chapter 71 Spy
The more I thought about it, the more I felt something was wrong.

Why is everything so weird.

"Please move the section chief." Song Shutang invited him out of the interrogation room.

Seeing that he had something to say, Cao Yanning said, "Come to my office."

The four came to Cao Yanning's office, before Shen Lushui sat down, he asked first, "What do you want to say?"

"The subordinates think this matter is strange."


"As the section chief said, why can't the torture equipment in the interrogation room pry open Fat Head's mouth?"

Cao Yanning could only keep silent when Song Shutang brought up the old story again, and wondered in his heart whether to strengthen the professional training of the staff, you can't even deal with murderers, how do you confront the spies?
What Shen Lushui said just now was nothing more than joking with Cao Yanning, seeing Song Shutang's serious face at this moment, he couldn't help but stop joking.

"The felony of homicide is inevitable. Perhaps he was unwilling to give up the last hope, so he gritted his teeth and refused to admit it." Shen Lushui made an analysis.

"The torture tools in the interrogation department make people unable to survive or die, and professionally trained agents can't bear it, let alone ordinary people like Fat Head." Song Shutang was present when Fat Head was tortured yesterday. The pain is unbearable, and it is absolutely impossible to bite the bullet.

Recalling the scene yesterday, Long Hao also had doubts and said: "The sound of the fat head yelling for injustice is loud and loud, and he also cried for his father and mother when he was tortured. After thinking about it, there is no problem. How did you behave after being caught in the murder case?"

When Shen Lushui and Cao Yanning were deep in thought, Song Shutang continued: "There are still many doubts in this case. First of all, there is the question of motive. After investigation, the fat head had no reason to kill Wang Qiang. He has no grievances in the past and no vengeance in the present.

Secondly, the method of killing is extremely ingenious. With the other six crew members present, it is not easy to do this quietly. It requires extremely high planning ability, judgment ability, ability to seize opportunities and strong psychological quality. It is not available to ordinary people. "

What Song Shutang said is indeed reasonable.

Ordinary people would probably choose to do it secretly even if they decided to kill someone.

It is impossible for ordinary people to make accidents.

This requires extremely high personal ability!

But the fat head is just how can the crew have such a high ability?

It is also risky to hang the body outside the boat and move quickly to change positions. Is it not doubtful that he dared to choose and execute it without hesitation?

"Spy?" Shen Lushui spat out two words.

According to Song Shutang's analysis, then the identity of this fat man must not be a simple crew member, who would hide his identity?
Intelligence workers!
"Spy?" Did Long Hao think there was such a coincidence?
Instead of investigating the murderer, a spy was found!

Cao Yanning had heard a lot about Song Shutang's deeds in the interrogation department before, and had many discussions with Wan Chunping, the director of the judicial department. And Miki Takeshi, who was protecting the telegraph operator during the explosion, are both remarkable.

It is not difficult to understand the previous progress, after all, it is to track down the spies based on clues.

But this time!
Just a coincidence?

"You can tell if it's a spy or not," Song Shutang said.

"How to try?" Long Hao asked.

"The cooperation of Section Chief Cao is still needed."

"Tell me."

"After going back to the interrogation room, Section Chief Cao will be in front of the fat head, expressing that the interrogation department is not doing well, and all the spies can't bear the torture tools of the interrogation department, but they can't do anything to an ordinary murderer, and ordered to continue the torture with a little anger .”

As soon as Song Shutang said this, everyone present understood its deep meaning.

The words are for the fat head.

The torture tools and spies from all walks of life can't hold it, you say you are an ordinary person, how can you hold it?
Wouldn't it be doubtful if you could hold on.

It is against common sense for a person to do something that is not in line with his own identity. How can he not attract attention?

Don't want to draw attention?

Then rationalize everything.

Rationalization is recognition!
To put it bluntly, it depends on whether the fat head will admit to murder after hearing these remarks.

He was beaten to death before.

Now admit it.

The inconsistency is enough to illustrate the problem.

As for what you said, will you let go because you have endured the limit?

None of the four people in the room had such an idea. The instruments of torture are the most effective at the beginning. After the opponent survives a round, the effect of the instruments of torture will be greatly reduced. Unless they are replaced with more brutal instruments of torture, there is no such thing as a situation where they will not be able to hold on.

Just do it.

Song Shutang and Long Hao didn't go back to the interrogation room this time, after all, the fat head couldn't let the fat head know that they went out to discuss and speculate, it was just to report the situation.

Cao Yanning's tone was not kind, and he and Shen Lushui made some sarcasm.

Just now the two of them were like this in the interrogation room, but now they just follow the trend.

This action caused Cao Yanning's face to be dull, and he cursed at the personnel in charge of the torture.

"All kinds of spies who came into my interrogation department have to speak up obediently. You two interrogated a murderer but failed to return to me. Make people in the intelligence department look at it as a joke?

You don’t think it’s embarrassing, I’m still ashamed, I don’t believe that this person is more difficult to interrogate than a spy, if you can do it, do it, if you can’t do it, get out, the police don’t want you guys. "

Cao Yanning scolded fiercely, and the officer in charge of the torture department bowed his head and remained silent last night.

Feeling wronged in my heart, I dare not defend myself.

It is obvious that the other party refuses to speak, it has nothing to do with their torture, can they beat someone?
Cao Yanning continued: "I've never seen a person who is tougher than a spy. You should torture him and interrogate me. If you still can't pry his mouth open, you can just pack up and leave."

Shen Lushui just muttered: "Tougher than a spy?"

interrogative sentence.

Not much sound.

But it is certain that the fat head heard it.

Afterwards, the two left the interrogation room. The interrogation lasted overnight without sleep, and the interrogation continued during the day today.

Facing the fat-headed criminal officer, he also had hatred, not because he would be scolded so badly by Cao Yanning, but mainly because he would pack up and leave if there was no progress.

When Cao Yanning and the two came out of the interrogation room, Song Shutang and Shen Lushui went back to the intelligence department.

"Just wait for the news, you can go back to sleep for a while." Shen Lushui told the two to interrogate all night, and planned to give them some sleep time.

"Not waiting for the fat head to speak?" Long Hao asked.

"Thank you section chief." Song Shutang planned to go back to sleep.

Even if the fat head is really a spy as they speculated, it is impossible to change the statement immediately at this time. It will definitely take a period of torture before he will let go of his mouth because he can't hold it.

Therefore, there is time to go back and sleep, otherwise why would Shen Lushui give the two of them a holiday.

Moreover, Cao Yanning secretly confessed that in the interrogation room, only the torture tools used last night can be used, and no upgraded torture tools can be replaced.

The two had just bid farewell to Shen Lushui and planned to go back to rest, but Zhu Yue blocked the way.

Long Hao immediately explained the matter clearly, which greatly satisfied Zhu Yue's curiosity, and also satisfied Long Hao himself. He couldn't keep his mouth idle.

Zhu Yue's expression brightened upon hearing this.

The police station closes the case, you reverse the case and investigate the murderer, that's all.

It seems that there are spies involved?

Although I don't know what this spy is about, but if he secretly hides his identity in the mountain city, then the intelligence department will have no problem catching him.

Moreover, the other party interrogated overnight did not reveal his identity, so he must not be on the same front as them.

Shen Lushui was extremely tolerant of Song Shutang's impulsive decision before, could he be a prophet?

Zhu Yue couldn't help guessing.

Ignoring Zhu Yue's wonderful expression, Song Shutang said: "Leader, let's go back to rest first. If the fat head lets go, please send someone to inform us."

"it is good."

Seeing the back of the two leaving, Zhu Yuepin felt that the word was outrageous.

 Thanks to Grandpa Jiujiu for his support.

(End of this chapter)

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