Chapter 79

I worked overtime again until late at night before going back to rest.

On the second day, I rushed to the intelligence department to start a new day's work.

Since the beginning of the investigation of the mission, it has been rare to have free time. As for Wang Qiang's death, someone has been sent to Wang Shan to explain.

Song Shutang did not choose to be there that day.

He had already fulfilled what he promised Wang Shan, so he didn't want to see his old father's appearance when the truth came out.

Such a diligent investigation is also a comfort to Wang Qiang's spirit in heaven, this life cannot be lost in vain.

Kill me alone, and swear to uproot your group.

When the intelligence department met in the morning, Long Hao first took someone to the telegraph office to investigate the situation of the sender.

Song Shutang followed Zhu Yue to the "Xinhua Daily" newspaper office.

Go out and get on a rickshaw and tell the location West Third Street.

It was the street behind Central Park. Song Shutang and Long Hao had wandered around the area before, and had some impression of the location of the newspaper office.

It was inconvenient to talk in two separate cars, and I came all the way to the newspaper office without a word.

"Go." Zhu Yue stepped out of the car and said.

Song Shutang followed closely behind.

When the two stepped into the newspaper office, a staff member stepped forward to greet them and asked, "Misters, what can I do for you?"

"Is your President Pan here?"

"Who are you two?"

"The two of us have something to see your president."

"I'm really sorry, the president happened to be away today."

"Where's General Manager Xiong?"


"Aren't you here or don't want to see us?" Zhu Yue couldn't hear the perfunctory excuse.

Actually normal.

People don't know who you are, so the president and general manager can't be seen casually.

Just at this time, a person walked out of the newspaper office and glanced this way. He was surprised at first and then stepped forward with a smile on his face.

"It's you, Mr. Song." The visitor smiled, and his warm eyes glanced at Zhu Yue to greet Song Shutang behind him.

Zhu Yue had a strange look on his face.

This girl in her twenties greeted Song Shutang with a smile on her face, and even called out her name, old acquaintance?

Ignoring Zhu Yue's curious eyes, Song Shutang opened his mouth but found that he didn't know the name of the person in front of him.

"My name is Meng Jiaqi." The girl's clear and energetic voice was not unfamiliar at all.

"Ms. Meng."

"Just call me Jiaji."

"Then you don't have to call me Mr. Song, Shutang."

"Who are you at the newspaper office today?"

"I want to see President Pan."

"The president is not here today."

"Where's General Manager Xiong?"

"I'll report to you." Meng Jiaqi immediately ran away with small steps.

The staff of the newspaper who was originally in charge of receiving Song Shutang and Zhu Yue stood there with an embarrassed expression on their faces.

Looking at Meng Jiaqi who was jumping away, he looked helpless.

I just said that the general manager is not here, so you turned around and sold me.

Soon Meng Jiaqi came back and said, "Come with me."

"Thank you."

"Xiao Meng." The newspaper staff couldn't help shouting.


"It's okay." The newspaper staff had no choice but to leave.

Meng Jiaqi still looked confused, making Zhu Yue and Song Shutang amused.

"Know?" Zhu Yue asked Song Shutang in a low voice.

"see once."

"I don't think his enthusiasm looks like a one-sided relationship."

"You can remember you deeply even if you give money."

"Give me money?" Zhu Yue raised his tone slightly and immediately pressed down.

Looking at Meng Jiaqi who was leading the way full of youthful vigor, Zhu Yue really couldn't believe it.



"Your heart is really dirty. I'm talking about donations."

"Didn't I say donations?"

"Not only the heart, but also the thick skin."

"I don't understand." Zhu Yue quickly took two steps away from Song Shutang.

He really only met Meng Jiaqi once.

It was because Long Hao and Long Hao were planning to go to the Secret Service Corps to help Jiao Teng screen photos, and encountered a fundraising event during dinner, Song Shutang stepped forward to donate [-] yuan, and also received a donation certificate.

The person in charge of the event at that time was Meng Jiaqi.

Unexpectedly, she worked in a newspaper office.

Or "Xinhua Daily"!
When Meng Jiaqi came to the office door, he turned his head, his ear-length short hair swaying from side to side.


"Thank you." Zhu Yue stepped in first.

Song Shutang also walked up to Meng Jiaqi and said, "Thank you."

This is to tell the other party that you are not suitable for the next conversation.

"It's easy to do." Meng Jiaqi waved his hand and felt that he didn't need to thank him.

Song Shutang smiled and nodded, entered the office and closed the door.

"I heard from Xiaomeng that the two are caring people. I don't know what is the purpose of coming to the newspaper." Xiong Yuxiang showed a pleasant expression.

At the age of 50, he does not look old, but is full of energy.

Zhu Yue didn't play sloppy, and directly took out the ID card from his arms and put it in front of Xiong Yuxiang.

"Military commander?"


"It's a bit of a disappointment."

"Don't dare to trouble the general manager."

"Is something wrong?"

"Come here for the photo of the staff." Since he wanted to say it clearly, Zhu Yue didn't beat around the bush.

Xiong Yuxiang said with a clear expression on his face, "I said why the Ministry of Culture suddenly wanted photos of all the staff. It turns out that it was the order of the military commander behind it."

"I also hope that General Manager Xiong will cooperate."

"We cooperated the most and provided the photos to the Ministry of Culture as soon as possible. Could it be that they didn't give them to you?"

"Why is General Manager Xiong doing this?"

"Huh?" Xiong Yuxiang frowned slightly to express his confusion.

"We came today just to let the newspaper show all the staff photos."

"It's quite a lot."

Zhu Yue signaled Song Shutang to speak.

Song Shutang took over the conversation and said: "Our intelligence department needs photos to investigate spies..."

Explain the problem.

Xiong Yuxiang listened carefully to Song Shutang's words without interrupting.

I am also analyzing the truth and falsehood in my heart.

"There is no delay in arresting the spies, and I hope that General Manager Xiong will cooperate." Zhu Yue said again.

But Xiong Yuxiang still insisted that the photos he provided were all.

Zhu Yue and Song Shutang were not surprised. They knew that the newspaper would not give an answer, and the Eighth Route Army's Shancheng Office behind them could make up their minds.

Seeing that Xiong Yuxiang would not let go, the two got up and wanted to leave.

At the same time, it was also time for Xiong Yuxiang to contact the Eighth Route Army's Shancheng office.

Xiong Yuxiang didn't get up to see them off, and the two of them understood the deep meaning.

Beat the grass and startle the snake.

Xiong Yuxiang's personal farewell was eye-catching.

Therefore, from the fact that the other party chose not to send it, it can be seen that the photo information provided must not be comprehensive.

And Xiong Yuxiang has also begun to be vigilant.

The three of them tacitly agreed, and Song Shutang and Zhu Yue came out of the office.

On the contrary, Meng Jiaqi outside saw the two of them coming out and rushed forward to meet them.

"Is the talk going well?"

"Thank you for the introduction. It was a nice conversation."

Zhu Yuexin said that with your mouth, you can tell lies as soon as you open your mouth.

"I invite you to dinner, are you free at noon?" Meng Jiaqi realized that there was Zhu Yue beside him after asking, and hurriedly changed his words: "Please."

Zhu Yue is helpless, you might as well not change your mind.

"If there is something to do today, let's change another day."


Meng Jiaqi sent the two of them out of the newspaper office all the way before waving goodbye.

"You said that she couldn't see me as a living person?" Zhu Yue asked.

"Maybe I'm too dazzling."

"You must have deceived the little girl with your mouth."

"Can't it be this face?"

Zhu Yue carefully looked at Song Shutang for a long time, and finally said helplessly: "It seems that it is not impossible."


"Jokes are jokes, please be careful. If you work in Xinhua Daily, you are not a member of the Red Party, but you are also close to the Red Party." Zhu Yue reminded.

"Shouldn't she pay attention to me?"

"Women are not easy to deal with."

"The team leader is still experienced."

The two did not talk much about Meng Jiaqi, it was just an episode, they were going to the Eighth Route Army's mountain city office now, I believe Xiong Yuxiang had already reported the problem before they got there, and the two of them only needed one to get to the office The answer will do.

 Thank you for the support of Tianhe Zhishui 11.

(End of this chapter)

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