Chapter 89

At night, the sky is full of stars.

There are fewer and fewer pedestrians on the street.

A faint yellow light appeared by chance, illuminating a world in the darkness.

Song Shutang led Long Hao towards Huangjiaya along the path.

Before going up the stone steps, the two searched around and made sure there was no problem before going to the door.

"Dong dong dong."


"it's me."

Zhao Mu heard Song Shutang's voice and opened the door from inside.

"Come in."

Song Shutang stepped in and closed the door, Long Hao didn't come in but kept watch outside to prevent the Zhongtong people from appearing suddenly.

"Can Editor Zhao get the information?" Song Shutang cut to the chase.

"I hope Deputy Team Leader Song won't let me down." Zhao Mu handed over a portfolio while talking.

Feeling the thickness of the two fingers shows that there is a lot of information in it, Song Shutang immediately said: "Thank you, Editor Zhao, I shouldn't bother you any more, so leave."

Take something and turn around and leave.

"Stay here." Seeing that Zhao Mu was going to see Song Shutang off, he signaled that he didn't need it.

Zhao Mu's move violated the regulations of the general manager of Zhengzhong Book Company, and at the same time he was against the Central Committee, so he had to be careful in every way to avoid leaving troubles.

Coming out of the house and meeting Long Hao, the two walked away.

"Get it?"

"Get it."

"Go back and have a look."


Just as the two were leaving, they inadvertently saw someone coming from the other end of the alley.

The four of them were wearing suits and leather shoes, and ties around their necks, striding about as they walked.

They didn't pay attention, but the four of them headed towards Zhao Mu's house.

"Zhongtong?" Song Shutang immediately judged the identities of the four.

"It should be." Long Hao also felt that the identities of the four were unusual.

"Why did you go to see Zhao Mu?"

"Will his investigation materials be discovered?" Long Hao guessed.

Song Shutang shook his head and said, "No."

If Zhao Mu's investigation into the materials of Zhengzhong Bookstore was discovered, how could the Zhongtong let him go home.

As for your claim that the Zhongtong only became aware of it after Zhao Mu got off work, then he should have rushed to prevent the leakage of the information, but the footsteps of the four people seen just now did not appear to be in a hurry.

Long Hao randomly guessed again and said: "Will the Central Committee warn the staff in the Zhongzhong Bookstore in order to prevent someone from leaking the secrets."

Be warned!

Just choose Zhao Mu?

It can be seen that not only Song Shutang thinks that Zhao Mu's character is the breakthrough point, but also the people in the bookstore, and Zhongtong also got the news.

"Fortunately, we are one step ahead." Long Hao said while holding the file bag tightly in his hand.

It will be troublesome if there is permission at night.

But Song Shutang did not continue to leave but stopped.

"What?" Long Hao asked.

"I'm worried about Zhao Mu."

"The Zhongtong didn't catch him to investigate the information, let alone see him hand over the information to us. Facing the Zhongtong's warning, he nodded and bowed to express that he understood that there would be no danger." Long Hao felt that the timing was very good. What did the Zhongtong do? Problems are hard to find.

But Song Shutang looked at Zhao Mu's residence and said, "I'm afraid he doesn't know what it means to nod and bow."


"I'll go up there."

"What are you going to do?" Long Hao pulled Song Shutang back.

"Help him."

"How to help?"

"The Zhongtong came to warn us to prevent him from having an affair with us. I came to the Zhongtong right now to tell the Zhongtong that I really wanted to find Zhao Mu, but they stopped me on the spot one step faster, and it has nothing to do with Zhao Mu anymore." Song Shutang said in his heart What I want to say.

Long Hao is very entangled at the moment, helping Zhao Mu is bound to lead to a confrontation with the Central Committee, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to reconcile tonight.

There are four people on the other side.

There are only two of them.

And it will also directly collide with the Central Command in this incident, which may have a negative impact on the arrest of the 'Tiger Bee', and even accelerate the Central Command's deliberate leak of information, resulting in the ending of the military command's chicken-and-egg fight.

"You shouldn't go." Long Hao gritted his teeth and made a rational decision.

"You have made a lot of progress." Song Shutang was very satisfied with Long Hao's performance.

But he broke free from Long Hao's shackles and stepped forward.

Zhao Mu Shancheng has no relatives!

Injured on the front line has limited mobility!

Upright and inflexible!
It is conceivable that Jia Zhongtong, the general manager of the bookstore, will live in the future.

There is nothing wrong with catching spies on the basis of justice, but it is very likely to bring endless pain to an innocent person, which is not Song Shutang's original wish.

When he found out what he wanted, he left.

I feel uneasy!

Even if the righteousness supports it, Song Shutang's thoughts cannot be understood.

At the same time, this decision is not made on the spur of the moment, but after multiple considerations. Not only will it not cause trouble, but it may kill two birds with one stone.

Seeing Song Shutang approaching, Long Hao stuffed the file bag into his arms and followed closely.

This beating also has to be together!
It is true that Long Hao has received professional training, but just now the four of them are also professional, and they can be judged to be good at walking posture.

It is not unreasonable to say that two fists are no match for four hands.

"Wait aside." Song Shutang ordered to Long Hao.

He went up to Zhao Mu's room alone without closing the door, and then listened to threats from members of the Central Committee in the room, threatening Zhao Mu not to do wrong things.

Through the crack of the door, one could see Zhao Mu's face was ugly, and he was about to speak out when his eyes turned cold.

Seeing this, Song Shutang immediately raised his hand and knocked on the door.

The sudden knock on the door interrupted Zhao Mu who was about to speak in the room.

"Is Editor Zhao at home?" Song Shutang asked aloud.

Zhao Mu knew it was Song Shutang as soon as he heard it.

Didn't you just leave before, why go and come back?
Song Shutang pushed the door open before closing the door ajar. Seeing the large number of people in the room, his eyes were confused, as if he didn't know who Zhao Mu was.

Zhao Mu couldn't understand why he acted like this, he understood that Song Shutang was pretending to be visiting for the first time, and the two didn't know each other yet.

"Who are you?" The people in Zhongtong questioned.

"Sorry to interrupt." Song Shutang immediately left the room when he saw that the situation was not right.

But how could Zhongtong let him leave so easily, and all rushed out of the house to surround him.

Zhao Mu limped and moved slowly and hurried to the door, leaning on the door frame and watching the scene outside.

At this moment, he understood that Song Shutang must have seen the people from Zhongtong come to his door, and was worried that he would provoke right and wrong with his unscrupulous words, so he deliberately went back and forth to swim in the muddy water.

He yelled at Song Shutang yesterday, and was forced by the other party to agree to cooperate. In his heart, he thought that he was just a hypocrite for meritorious service and promotion.

But now Zhao Mu looked at the besieged Song Shutang with worry in his eyes.

"What are you doing?" Song Shutang asked, surrounded by people.

"What are you doing looking for Zhao Mu so late?"

At this moment, it was clear who Zhao Mu was.

Song Shutang then said, "Aren't you also coming late at night?"

"We are in your control?"

"Then you can't control me."

"I advise you to cooperate."

"I also advise you not to make fun of yourself."

"Juntong?" The people in Zhongtong are not stupid, so they had some guesses in their minds just now.

Seeing Song Shutang's silence, the members of the Zhongtong sneered and said, "Don't you dare to recognize the family?"

"Exactly." Song Shutang replied coldly.

"For the matter of Zhongzhong Bookstore, don't stretch your hands too far."

"It's you who have crossed the border." The identity of the other party is ready to be revealed, so Song Shutang naturally doesn't need to pretend to be stupid.

The four people in Zhongtong looked at each other, and they all planned to take the opportunity to teach Song Shutang some lessons, and there was no need for excuses.

Tomorrow when the Central Committee learns about this, it will only praise four people.

The military command will not come to the door to ask for trouble, but can only suffer from being dumb.

Make up your mind that the members of the Central Reunification took out their pistols and unloaded them all to prevent them from going off in a while.

It's okay to move your fists and feet, but it's too noisy to move your gun, and it's not easy to end.

Seeing this, Song Shutang also pulled out his pistol and retreated it.

Seeing this, the members of the Zhongtong couldn't help showing a hint of sarcasm on their faces, and planned to resist?
Long Hao originally planned to wait for an opportunity in the dark, but seeing this, he knew he couldn't wait any longer, and immediately rushed up to join Song Shutang.

But Song Shutang stopped him from coming forward with his eyes.

Although Long Hao hid the file bag in his arms, it was still obvious.

If he stepped forward and was seen by the Central Command, protecting Zhao Mu would become empty talk.

The sharp eyes did not allow half a refute, so that Long Hao did not dare to go forward, and in the end he could only turn his head and leave, intending to find the patrol team to prevent the two sides from fighting.

The Central Commander saw Long Hao running away from the dark, but he just ignored him as there were few people there to rescue the soldiers.

"Come on." One of the Zhongtong said in a low voice.

The four of them cooperated very well, and they didn't think it was disgraceful to fight four against one, and all of a sudden they rushed towards Song Shutang with fists and kicks flying all over the sky.



"Quickly ahead." Long Hao shouted while leading the police patrol team to run.

Coincidentally, there were few patrols in this remote place, but Long Hao bumped into a police patrol just as he left Huangjiaya.

He took out his ID to show his identity, and said that there was something wrong with Huangjiaya, and asked them to come.

Naturally, the police rushed over immediately.

Panting in a hurry, Long Hao arrived at the scene and saw that he was stunned.

The four fell to the ground, clutching their chests, hugging their calves, twisting their necks, or holding their shoulders.

Song Shutang still stood where he was, and even smiled at Long Hao.

"What happened?" Long Hao was surprised.

The police also planned to arrest Song Shutang, but he was told that he was a member of the military commander.

Then they plan to capture the person lying on the ground.

I didn't want to show my identity in such a shameful scene, but now I can only show my ID and scold the police officer away.

The policeman gave Long Hao a resentful look and then left. The conflict between you will involve us in what we do.

"Editor Zhao..."

"you dare!"

Just as Song Shutang was about to talk to Zhao Mu, the member of the Zhongtong who supported his shoulders yelled at Zhao Mu.

Song Shutang, a member of the Zhongtong with his back turned, shook his head slightly at Zhao Mu, signaling him to cooperate with him.

Song Shutang has already provoked trouble today, if Zhao Mu doesn't appreciate it, it will be for nothing.

Fortunately, Zhao Mu wasn't pedantic to the bone, and followed Song Shutang's intention and said, "Don't all of you look for me."

After saying that, he closed the door heavily.

Seeing this, the Central Command was satisfied.

But the way Song Shutang looked back at him made him take another step back in fright.

But Zhao Mu did not cooperate with Song Shutang and could only leave.

After he left, the members of the Zhongtong also helped each other up and left, which was very different from when they came.

"How did you do it?" Long Hao asked impatiently after Song Shutang.

"Would you believe me when I said they fell by themselves?"

"You think I'm stupid?"

"Where's the portfolio?"

"Here." Long Hao pulled out the file bag from the back of his waist, just to prevent the members of the Zhongtong from seeing it.

Zhao Mu hid in the room and saw through the window that all the people outside the room had left.

Only then did he have time to recall what he had just seen.

The four members of Zhongtong teamed up to attack Song Shutang and did not give the slightest chance. Zhao Mu believed that Song Shutang would not escape the pain of flesh and blood tonight, and his experience on the front line prevented him from closing his eyes and not daring to watch.

But the next moment the situation changed suddenly.

Song Shutang, who was standing there without moving at all, suddenly took a step to the left, bent over and punched in one go, dodging the attacking kick, and collided with Benlai's punch.

Fist collided with fist, Zhao Mu seemed to be able to hear the sound of bones colliding.

Just when Zhao Mu sighed that the two punches collided, Song Shutang tapped his foot on the ground and swung his arms in a circle, and the other two were blocked from attacking.

The four of them worked together to give up.

Song Shutang didn't stop, he took advantage of the momentum and kicked a person in the chest with great force.

For a moment, the person covered his chest and took a deep breath.

The Zhongtong three attacked again, Song Shutang dodged and fought back, one person's calf was smashed, and his bones were almost broken.

There were several moves between lightning and flint, and another person dodged and was slashed between the necks by the palm knife, and he tilted his head instantly and couldn't control himself.

The last person thought he had found an opportunity to rush up from behind, but Song Shutang threw his backhand over his shoulder and hit the ground heavily, causing the side of his shoulder to twist and swell.

Before Zhao Mu could blink his eyes, the fight was over and the winner was already divided.

Everyone outside the house disappeared, but Zhao Mu was still standing in front of the window, reminiscing. At this moment, he firmly believed that Song Shutang was different from what he thought.

 Thanks to the male doctor for his monthly ticket support.

(End of this chapter)

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