Chapter 141 The B-26 who was blasted by the volley
And as the distance approached, Bai Lixiu also saw clearly the model of the bomber that came to bomb.

Two bombers flew towards the train that was stopped because of the destruction of the railway.


Bailixiu looked at this American medium bomber through the high-powered telescope on the star-piercing sniper rifle and gently announced its name.

Of course, Bailixiu checked the specific parameters of this bomber after seeing Changjin Lake before crossing.

Of course, even though Baili was born with the talent of super precision before crossing, but this talent can't make him a superman, and because of his poor English, he naturally didn't get admitted to any good university and entered some secret unit.

Therefore, the data parameters about B26 found by Bailixiu are all public data on the Internet.

Crew: 7 people

Captain: 17.09 meters

Wingspan: 21.64 meters

Machine height: 6.2 meters

Empty weight: 11476 kg
Maximum take-off weight: 17327 kg[2]
Performance parameter
Maximum flying speed: 455 km/h
Maximum range: 1770 kilometers

Two Pratt & Whitney R-2800-43 "Double Hornet" engines
machine gun
Four Browning 12.7mm machine guns are fixedly installed on both sides of the fuselage, one in the nose, one pair in the back, a pair of tail turrets, and two in the abdomen
Air bomb: the bomb bay can carry up to 1814 kg of bombs
In fact, if you only look at the take-off weight and maximum flight data, you will find that it is incomparable with the fifth-generation fighters decades later, because its maximum take-off weight is not as heavy as the fifth-generation fighters.

The same is true for the flying speed of more than 400 kilometers, which is even more incomparable with the fifth-generation fighters, which are basically twice the speed of sound.

Of course, slow speed also has the advantage of slow speed, at least this is better for Bailixiu who wants to fight a bomber.

And this B26 bomber is still a bomber used during World War II, and the engine is not a turbofan or turbojet engine decades later.

It is a radial piston engine, so the speed is naturally not comparable to those bombers decades later. Of course, the most important thing is that the current bombers still use inertial guidance to drop bombs, not laser-guided bombs or radar in the future. Guided bombing.

Therefore, in order to improve the accuracy of bombing, the bomber will choose to drop the bomb at a lower altitude every time it drops the bomb.

But it is precisely because of this that Bailixiu is naturally given a chance. After all, if it is the kind of bomb that will be dropped directly at an altitude of thousands or even tens of thousands of meters in a few decades, then unless Bailixiu is holding it It was an anti-aircraft missile or a super-caliber anti-aircraft gun, otherwise the [-]mm weapon in Bailixiu's hand would not be able to reach it at all.

The B26 bomber began to dive and lower its altitude before it approached the train.

Bai Lixiu was waiting for this time. With his super accurate talent, Bai Lixiu could clearly see the straight-line distance between him and the bomber.

5000 meters, 3000 meters, 1000 meters.

When the bomber flew 350 meters above the train, the bomb bay opened and the bombing began.

And this time was also the closest to Bailixiu, because Bailixiu was lying in ambush on the hillside next to the train, so Bailixiu opened fire when the bomber dropped the bomb.

Without any hesitation, Bailixiu fired all ten high-explosive rounds in the magazine in less than three seconds.

That's right, although a [-]mm high-explosive bomb can directly blow a person into four or five pieces, but it doesn't do that much damage when it hits a bomber made of metal, even if the bomber's fuselage It's made of aluminum skin.

Although a [-]mm high-explosive bomb can blast the fuselage out of a basin-sized hole, don't forget that the fuel tank inside the fuselage is not one piece, and the fuel tanks in the fuselage generally have multiple fuel tanks.

Therefore, even if the fuel in one fuel tank is all leaked, it will not make the bomber immediately run out of fuel and fall down.

Therefore, three of Bailixiu's ten high-explosive bombs were aimed at the bomber's cab, and four of the remaining seven were aimed at the bomber's engine.

Only the last three shots were fired from the fuselage, but Bai Lixiu still underestimated the power of the gold-level equipment in his hand.

Although the caliber is only [-]mm, the explosive power of the high-explosive shell is not inferior to that of the [-]mm high-explosive shell.

After the B26 neutral bomber was hit by Bailixiu's ten high-explosive bombs, Heng didn't even hum, it was blown up in the air and burned.

The damage caused by the [-]mm high-explosive bomb is not only the penetration damage, but also the damage caused by the explosion of the gunpowder in the shell, so the high temperature of the gunpowder explosion naturally ignites the fuel in the fuel tank.

This is why machine guns are generally used for air defense and anti-aircraft machine guns are rarely used.

In the face of high-explosive bombs, what kind of self-sealing fuel tank can't play a little role at all

Bai Lixiu looked at this B26 bomber so unarmed, and regretted it. If I knew this bomber was so unarmed, it would be better to fire a few fewer rounds and save a few high-explosive bombs to hit the one behind. What about bombers!
And the bomber following the first bomber saw the bomber that was shot into a fireball in the air and immediately pulled the override lever, changing the bomber from a dive-bombing posture to an upward climbing posture.

Want to use this to get rid of unknown anti-aircraft guns.

It's just that what the B26 bomber pilot didn't know was that Bai Lixiu was busy loading bullets at this time, so there was no time to aim at him!
No way, the gold-level sniper equipped with unlimited bullets given by Zhong Wuyan, although it can generate a bullet every half an hour, the magazine cannot be removed, so it has to be opened when reloading the bullet. The bolt, which presses the bullets into the magazine one by one, is similar to the eight-round version of the Garand rifle. It takes half and a half minutes to fire the bullets for three seconds.

After the B26 pilot in the back raised the bomber to an altitude of 5000 meters in one breath, he was relieved, because such a height is already beyond the range of ordinary anti-aircraft guns.

Then it reported by radio that the previous bomber was blown up in the air, and the other party had anti-aircraft fire.

However, the commander of the United States felt that this must be the sporadic anti-aircraft firepower of the opponent, and asked the bombers to find a way to find the opponent and then kill them.

The driver of the B26 bomber's scalp was numb in response to the command's order.

After all, the flames burning on the B26 bomber that was blown up in the air just now haven't been extinguished yet!
But an order is an order, and not everyone has the courage to disobey orders like Li Yunlong.

However, there are orders from above, and there are naturally ways to fool people below.

I only saw that the pilot of the B26 bomber lowered the altitude a little bit, but the altitude was still above 4000 meters, and then began to hover over the bombed train.

However, it is obviously impossible to find Bailixiu at a distance of more than 4000 meters, because when Bailixiu chose this sniper spot before, he had already gone through a disguise and covered himself with a lot of litter .

(End of this chapter)

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