Chapter 15 Respective Development
After escaping the autumn harvest raid in November of [-], the little devil and the Eighth Route Army also stopped large-scale combat activities in the north because of the severe winter.

However, Bailixiu didn't rest. During the two or three months of winter, he was improving the production method of the [-]x mirror and preparing for the three-piece sniper suit.

Then, since Bai Lixiu became the platoon leader, she naturally didn't want her soldiers to charge forward and die in vain, so she made eight times the bottoms of the wine bottles she asked for from Li Yunlong. Mirror then sent it to the soldiers under him.

Of course, the bottoms of Li Yunlong's wine bottles are not enough for Bai Lixiu's soldiers to have an [-]x mirror, but the bottoms of the wine bottles are still easy to make. When the weather is warmer, I will go to the city or get some glasses from the little devils. Wine bottles are still easy.

Of course, the 500x scope from Bailixiu Lane was also sent to Zhao Gang this time. After all, Zhao Gang is a person who can hit a [-]-meter target with a machine sight, so it is a pity not to be equipped with an [-]x scope.

However, Bai Lixiu also discovered that his eight-fold scope, which is wrapped directly on the Zhongzheng rifle with a bamboo tube and leggings, also has a flaw. That is because it is eight times closer to the rifle with a bamboo tube and leggings. It is not fixed with the metal brackets used by those regular sniper rifles.

So after firing twenty or thirty shots, the sight of the scope will be deflected due to the vibration when shooting. Of course, this problem is nothing to Bailixiu.

After all, if the shock is deflected, the big deal is to fix it again. With Bailixiu's super accurate talent, it is naturally an easy thing.

But this is not so friendly to the fighters who got the eight times mirror.

After firing twenty or thirty shots, the scope has to be recalibrated, but these fighters don't have Bailixiu's super accurate talent, and they don't have professional gun calibration tools, so the final result can only be more accurate and more biased. up.

Therefore, the [-]x scope produced by Bailixiu is doomed to be unable to be promoted on a large scale. If you want to promote it on a large scale, you must first be able to manufacture metal brackets. However, with the current industrial capacity of Balu, what kind of machine tools are there to produce metal brackets? Woolen cloth!

In addition to this reason, where is the speed of Bailixiu's polished lenses? Even if you polish ten sets a day, it is only a thousand sets in a hundred days. It's just a drop in the bucket.

But the good thing is that at least the independent regiment or the sniper platoon under Bailixiu can help correct the scope anytime and anywhere because of Bailixiu's presence.

However, with the [-]x lens, Bailixiu's sniper platoon was somewhat unsatisfactory when used, because these soldiers had some difficulty in calculating the bullet's impact point based on the bullet's flight time and the acceleration of gravity.

Because in Bailixiu's view, the very simple calculation method of calculating the bullet's drop rate based on the acceleration of gravity and the bullet's flight time is indeed a bit difficult for most of the eighth-way fighters who have not gone to school.

But fortunately, Bailixiu thought of the secret location, this thing, which finally freed their sniper platoon from the cumbersome calculations.

As for the secret point, in fact, to put it bluntly, it is the preset point. For example, when shooting a target at a distance of 800 meters, the falling distance of the bullet is 800 meters, so the one on the [-]x mirror can hit [-] meters. Mark the point of the target.

In this way, as long as the soldiers measure the distance of the target to be 800 meters, then they can directly use this point to aim at the target.

The same is true for other distances, so Bailixiu set up a secret point every 200 meters on the sniper scope starting from 50 meters, so that as long as the soldiers of the sniper platoon have learned the method of jumping eyes and ranging, they can The distance is used to select the secret point of the corresponding distance for sniping.

As for the distance within 200 meters, because the bullet is less affected by gravity, the falling distance is not very large, just aim directly with the front sight on the scope.

Before he knew it, time had quietly arrived in March of [-], and there were only two and a half years left before the little devil surrendered.

And Bai Lixiu also discovered that he traveled to a different place in the world of Liangjian during these few days, that is, his age became younger, from the original 30s to a young man of seventeen or eighteen , Bai Lixiu didn't pay too much attention to this, maybe this is the novice benefit that Guangmu in his mind gave him!

Of course, only Bailixiu, a time traveler, knew about the time of the little devil's surrender, but the original residents in Liangjian World didn't know about it. Therefore, after the beginning of spring in March of [-], Li Yunlong convened the platoon-level and above of the independent group The cadres held a meeting to discuss the battle plan against the little devils this year.

And Bai Lixiu, who had just become a platoon leader for a few months, was naturally asked to come to Li Yunlong for a meeting. In the courtyard of Li Yunlong's house, Li Yunlong looked at a platoon leader sitting in the front row and said:
"Look, look at Xu Zhigeng, the platoon leader of a small independent regiment, hanging two bastard boxes, and the telescope's magnification is bigger than mine, you kid can't do it, you!"

Speaking of Li Yunlong, he laughed, and then the other cadres of the independent group also laughed at Li Yunlong's words. After laughing, Li Yunlong said again:
"That's right, self-sufficiency, self-development, the cadres of the whole regiment, starting from me, must have a correct attitude, put down the airs of returning to the army, and just think of us as what we are!"

Li Yunlong paused for a while when he said this, thinking about what metaphor to use, but fortunately, it didn't take long for Li Yunlong to think of an appropriate metaphor:
"By the way, as long as we are the heroes who roar together in the mountains and forests, what kind of living method is that! Drinking heavily, eating meat in large chunks, and dividing gold and silver according to the scale, from now on, our independent group will be broken into pieces, and even Ranked units, go alone, how to fight, I don't care, the company platoon leader has the final say, ambush, touch the camp, dig traps, beat sap, tie up and float, as long as you love to deal with little devils and second devils Do whatever you want, yes! Why do the little devils and the second devils drink and eat meat, and we drink the northwest wind!"

Li Yunlong said that his face that was still laughing here became serious again:

"However, I have to make it clear to you at one point five. If anyone does this to ordinary people, I will shoot him!"

When Li Yunlong said this, Zhao Gang immediately stood up and added:

"The leader is just making an analogy. He doesn't want you to really be kings of the mountain. In fact, this is the popular way of saying guerrilla stations! Comrades, you must be correct and immediately understand the meaning of the leader!"

And following Zhao Gang's supplementary words, Li Yunlong also realized that the previous metaphor was a little inappropriate. After all, the Eighth Route Army is a team with great lofty ideals. How can it compare with those mountain kings, so Li Yunlong immediately smiled and said:

"Haha! This is our Zhengwei, our Zhao Zhengwei is Confucius with a waist knife, good at both civil and military! We can't compare!"

Zhao Gang was a little embarrassed when he heard Li Yunlong praise him so much. In addition, Li Yunlong had explained the main content of the meeting, so he immediately announced the adjournment of the meeting.

(End of this chapter)

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