Chapter 154 Dayu Cave Was Bombed
Secretary Liu nodded after finding the document of the highest command and walked towards the telegraph operator, preparing to let the telegraph operator promote the method of skiing to the entire tide aid army.

However, the release of this telegram also brought great disaster to the Chosun Front Command.

Because before the radio stations interspersed with the Seventh Company were delivered, there were almost no telegrams sent by the frontline headquarters in Dayudong.

Therefore, it did not attract the attention of the Mi Army for a period of time after the establishment of this mountain range, because the absence of a radio naturally meant that there was no electromagnetic wave signal.

Therefore, the Mi Army naturally cannot judge the location of the tide aid army headquarters based on electromagnetic wave signals.

However, as the Seventh Interlude Company escorted the radio station to the front-line headquarters, the front-line headquarters, which had command capabilities, was naturally preparing to line up and fight the Mi Army.

Of course, the tide aid army naturally knows about the fact that the Mi army can determine its position through the electromagnetic waves emitted by the radio station.

After all, during the Anti-Japanese War, the Eight Routes suffered a lot in this regard. At that time, the Eight Routes did not know that the little devil could determine the location of the radio station through the electromagnetic waves emitted by the radio station, so the use of the radio station was a bit unscrupulous. It was only after a high-level commander repented, and then used intelligence personnel to know that the little devil had the ability to determine the radio station through electromagnetic waves.

And the time when the eight-way senior commander sacrificed was in May of [-], and there were still a few months before Bailixiu crossed over, so Bailixiu was naturally helpless.

Therefore, it is precisely for this point that the tide aid army, which has no air supremacy, chose the location of the frontline headquarters in Dayu Cave.

Because this location is not only high and dangerous, but also has a lot of caves.

It is precisely because there are many caves here that it is called Dayu Cave.

And these natural caves in the rocks are naturally very strong, let alone a few ordinary bombs thrown by the Mi Army, even a few little boys are fine.

After the radio station sent the copywriting of the skiing to the hands of each unit of the Tide Aid Army in the form of radio waves, the lion leaders and regiment leaders of the Tide Aid Army who were still struggling in the knee-deep snow also rushed forward. Clap your hands.

I think this supreme command is amazing, but I can think of this method.

So the tide aid troops who were on their way immediately dispersed to find trees to make skis.

Anyway, bayonets are almost handy for most of the tide aid troops equipped with bolt-action rifles. As for the cloth strips tied to skis, the tide aid troops are not lacking, because in order to increase the marching speed and reduce leg fatigue, the aid The North Korean soldiers basically had leggings tied around their calves.

And this leggings are made of a long piece of cloth, so only a small piece of leggings is enough to tie the skis.

It's just that when all the troops of the Aid Tide Army stopped in situ to find trees to make skis according to the radio station of the frontline headquarters.

The front-line headquarters in Dayu Cave was not easy. The electromagnetic waves emitted by more than a dozen radio stations working at the same time were huge, which naturally allowed the Mi Army to determine the location of the front-line headquarters of the Tide Aid Army.

After all, in this era, who else can send out so many electromagnetic wave signals at this time except the Korean Aid Army Command!

So half an hour later, two B26 bombers carried several tons of bombs, and the incendiary bombs flew directly in the direction of Dayu Cave.

Naturally, the bomber aircraft at this time cannot cruise at supersonic speed, so naturally they can react quickly after hearing the roar of the bomber engine or avoid bombing.

No, just when Bailixiu was about to leave the command room, he heard the familiar engine sound of the B26 bomber.

Then Bailixiu looked up and saw that two small black dots were flying straight in this direction, and the distance from here was only five kilometers away. According to the flying speed of the B26, the five kilometers would only take one minute.

So Bai Lixiu immediately turned to everyone in the command room and shouted:
"The bomber of the Mi Army is here, quickly grab the important documents from the radio station, come out and hide in the air-raid shelter! Hurry up!"

There were only one or two high-level commanders who had never suffered from bombers but still stubbornly refused to leave.

Seeing this, Bai Lixiu of course wanted to step forward and pull the high-level commander away. At this time, the soldiers who interspersed with the Seventh Company also ran out of the resting warehouse.

When Bailixiu saw this, he immediately ordered to Chuan Qilian:
"Wu Qianli, Mei Sheng, immediately escort all these commanders to the air-raid shelter. They haven't experienced the power of the bombers of the Mi Army yet! They still refuse to leave!"

Sure enough, Wu Qianli and Mei Sheng didn't hesitate after hearing Bailixiu's order, and immediately led more than 150 soldiers from the Seventh Company to fight, and grabbed all the commanders in the command room who refused to leave. After being set up, he ran into the air-raid shelter.

These high-level commanders still don't know how powerful the Mi Army bombers are, but as the interspersed Seventh Company that has been patronized by Mi Army planes twice, they naturally understand the power of Mi Army fighters.

Of course, Bai Lixiu also ran into the air-raid shelter with the team, but Bai Lixiu looked around while running to see if there was a better place to ambush with a gun.

After all, Bai Lixiu, who has a star-piercing gun in his hand, is the only one who can kill the bombers of the Mi army.

Therefore, Bai Lixiu ran at the end of the team, but what Bailixiu didn't expect was that at this time, there was still someone retrograde in the team, wanting to go back to the command room, and this person was the one who asked him to go to the command room Secretary Liu.

Seeing this, Bai Lixiu reached out and grabbed Secretary Liu almost subconsciously, and asked:

"The bomber is coming, are you going back to die at this time?"

"Quick! Let me go! There is a large-scale map on the wall of the command room, and we don't have many large-scale maps!"

However, Bailixiu knew that going back at this time was just to be buried with the map, so he saw Yu Congrong and Wu Wanli standing at the door of the air-raid shelter with a glance, so he immediately shouted at them:

"Yu Congrong, Wu Wanli, quickly tie this Secretary Liu back, don't let him be blown up to death by the plane!"

But Yu Congrong and Wu Wanli, who knew the power of the Mi Army's plane, immediately came up one left and one right, grabbed Secretary Liu's two arms tightly, and dragged him back to the air-raid shelter regardless of Secretary Liu's struggle.

Bai Lixiu looked at the figure of Secretary Liu entering the air-raid shelter, and he didn't know whether to be happy or disappointed.

You must know that New China has resumed the public world that has been broken for more than 4000 years!From the beginning of the Xia Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty for more than 4000 years, they were all in the world!

If history really changed because of Bai Lixiu's random action today, making the public world disappear from now on, then would Bai Lixiu be a sinner of history!

But Bai Lixiu immediately thought of Secretary Liu's words, hundreds of thousands of people's children went to the battlefield with one order, why should I not go!
(End of this chapter)

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