The sniper starts from the bright sword escape period

Chapter 157 Deployment before the Battle of Changjin Lake

Chapter 157 Deployment before the Battle of Changjin Lake

Bai Lixiu carried Tian Yu's body to a remote place about five kilometers away from Dayu Cave, the frontline headquarters.

After that, he put down Tian Yu's body, and then used the extremely sharp star meteor carving knife to quickly collect a lot of branches around.

It may be that the weather in winter is colder!The branches are very dry and easy to ignite.

Bai Lixiu looked at the pile of dead branches that was more than half a meter high and the size of a bed, and felt that Tian Yu's body could be cremated by relying on these logs, so he gently cremated Tian Yu's body. Embrace the firewood pile.

Bai Lixiu looked up at the darkened sky, took a torch and lit the firewood pile under Tian Yu's body.

Now that the weather is like this, there is no need to worry about the reconnaissance opportunity of the Mi Army patrolling and finding the fire burning Tian Yu's body and then coming to bomb it.

Two hours later, Bai Lixiu returned to the frontline headquarters in Dayu Cave with a bag of ashes.

But when Bai Lixiu returned to the Dayu Cave headquarters in a daze, he found a person standing at the intersection and pacing back and forth.

And this person Bai Lixiu is very familiar with, yes, this person is the Secretary Liu that Bai Lixiu rescued more than two hours ago.

After seeing Bai Lixiu, Secretary Liu immediately ran to Bai Lixiu excitedly and thanked Bai Lixiu:
"Thank you! If you hadn't stopped me in time, maybe I would have turned into ashes like the command room!"

That's right, when Secretary Liu came out of the empty hole and saw the command room that had been blown into ruins by the bombers of the Mi Army, he felt a bit of fear. The room turned into a charcoal.

However, Secretary Liu was not to blame for this. After all, Secretary Liu had never seen the power of the Mi Army bombers with his own eyes. It is only said that those who do not know are fearless, so he naturally felt that even if the bombers came, he might not be in trouble.

Although Bai Lixiu rescued Secretary Liu, the general attack on Changjin Lake that was originally scheduled to be launched on November 27 in [-] remained unchanged.

However, although the original plot with Changjin Lake has not changed, but because of the snowboard action plan provided by Bailixiu, the number of personnel lost by the tide aid army due to their rush is naturally greatly reduced.

You must know that skiing reduces not only the speed of marching, but also the reduction in physical energy consumption of the Korean aid troops. Walking in knee-high snow, the physical energy consumed by each step is more than twice that of normal marching. In addition, because the logistics supply line was destroyed by the bombers of the rice army.

Therefore, the food in the hands of the North Korean aid troops was naturally not very sufficient, and everyone only had a small amount of baked potatoes and other food that they carried at that time to satisfy their hunger.

The reason why Bailixiu was able to think of using skis instead of walking was naturally because of an example of a war about using skis to win a big victory that he saw before crossing.

In the [-]th year of World War II, the Soviet Union launched a war of aggression against Finland.Su and Finn had historically had territorial disputes. Su believed that their capital was too close to the border, and decided to use force to force Finn to cede its territory and annex Finn if necessary.

After all, Fen is a small country with a very small territory, and there are fewer soldiers. Originally, Su thought it was a limited border war, but unexpectedly, it fought for more than three months. A strategic attempt, but at an extremely heavy price.

You must know that Finnish country is the coldest country in the world, and a quarter of its territory is within the Arctic Circle, so when it comes to winter wars, the Finnish people are better than the Soviets.The war between the Soviet Union and Finnish coincided with the longest and coldest season of the year. The heavy snow and polar night severely limited the performance of the Soviet aviation and armored forces, but provided an excellent opportunity for the Finnish army, which is good at skiing.

The people of Finn make a living by fishing and hunting, and there are many hunters in the army who are active in the ice and snow all year round. They form ski teams in groups of three or four, causing great damage to the Soviet army.

After the 50 Soviet troops entered Finland, they immediately fell into a comprehensive siege.The border between Su and Finn is densely forested and intertwined with water networks, but Finn has developed transportation within the country, which can easily send strategic materials to the front line, while the army of Su has only one railway.After the war began, the heavy artillery of the Soviet army was blocked in front of the Mannerheim defense line, and the logistics supply line was frequently harassed by the Finnish ski team. One was killed in the snow.

In the first stage of the war, Su dispatched seven infantry lions, one tank army, and two tank greens to carry out the attack. Finn’s army relied on fortifications to defend during the day, and sent ski teams to harass the rear of the Su army at night, shooting and killing soldiers in the snow. Soviet soldiers warming up in the ground.The Soviet army attacked for more than a month but failed to achieve results. Instead, they were divided and surrounded by the Finnish army and forced to retreat.During the retreat, two infantry lions were bitten by the Finnish army, and the back road was also cut off by the ski team, and then fell into a unilateral killing.

Afterwards, the large army of Fen State caught up and gathered an army to besiege the two disabled lions of Su State.After five days of fighting, about [-] Soviet soldiers were beaten to death or frozen to death, and most of the rest were captured. Only a few followed the lion to break out. The ice sculpture corpses and weapons and equipment left by the Soviet soldiers were everywhere in the snow.The offensive was unfavorable, and the high-level officials of the Su State were furious. They vented their anger on the lion leader who broke through the encirclement, and was shot dead on the spot.However, the failure of the Soviet army was due to insufficient preparation and poor command, and the lion chief was just a scapegoat.

Of course, the country of Fen is only a small country after all, and the comprehensive strength gap between it and the country of Su is huge. Therefore, after learning this lesson, the country of Su immediately made a comeback and dealt a heavy blow to the country of Fen.

And Bailixiu was also inspired by this war, thinking that this trick of skis can also be applied to the tide aid army.

Following the order of the highest command on the front line, Song Shilun's Ninth Corps also began the deployment of combat missions in the Changjin Lake theater.

In the temporary command room of the Ninth Corps, Song Shilun began to issue orders to the various combat staff officers:
"The 27th Army immediately divided and surrounded the enemies in Gutuli, Liutanli, and Xiajieyuli, and ensured that the 27th Army concentrated its forces to wipe out the rice army in Xinxingli. After the [-]th Army ate up two large groups of enemies, they immediately destroyed them. The airfield at Xiajieyu-ri, cut off the enemy's air connection, and at the same time prevent the enemy from going north for reinforcements."

After Song Shilun issued the general direction of the battle deployment, he asked again:
"Where is the 27th Army now!"

The combat staff officer in charge of the 27th Army immediately replied:

"To reach the designated location!"

Hearing this, Song Shilun continued to order:

"Order the 27th Army to hide and stand by in the Linjiang area to prevent the enemy from fleeing south to Xingnan Port!"

After Song Shilun formulated the specific combat layout of the 27th Army, he began to ask about the location of the 26th Army.

(End of this chapter)

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