Chapter 184
Just like this, when the sky was bright, Bailixiu pulled out a stone with a width of about ten centimeters and a length of twenty centimeters from the stones piled at the entrance of the cave, exposing the light outside, and then Bailixiu took Chuan Xing back to shoot It is placed behind the entrance of this hole, which is ten centimeters wide and twenty centimeters high.

Bai Lixiu didn't stick the muzzle out of the hole, because such a big hole is enough to observe the entire Shuimen Bridge, and Bai Lixiu just measured it with the talent of super precision.

Then he discovered that the cave he was in was 660 meters away from Shuimen Bridge.

This distance is more than twice the effective range of the [-] caliber Garand rifle.

If Bailixiu was still holding the Garand rifle from the bright sword period at this time, then Bailixiu would definitely not choose such a far away place for the spy.

Fortunately, the caliber of Bailixiu's star-piercing heavy sniper has reached [-]mm, and because of the gold-level equipment produced by Shui Chaowan Space, it is no more powerful than [-]mm in terms of power. Caliber guns are weak.

The effective range of its armor-piercing shells has reached 5000 meters, comparable to that of small-caliber mortars, and even high-explosive shells have an effective range of about [-] meters.

After all, the larger the caliber, the heavier the bullet, and the heavier the bullet, the farther it can fly. After all, the bullet is affected by two forces when it leaves the tube and flies in the air. One is the gravitational force from the planet itself. Another is the resistance from the air.

Take the Garand rifle that uses 800 ammunition and the Barrett that uses 800mm ammunition. Why is the effective range of the Garand rifle ammunition only [-] meters, while using [-] caliber ammunition The Barrett's effective range can reach [-] meters!
You must know that the initial speed of both of them is about 800 meters!

The main reason for this is that the bullet weight of the 48mm bullet has reached [-] grams, while the bullet weight of the [-]mm bullet is only a few grams. The difference in effective range is more than double.

In the same way, the bullet weight of the 250mm caliber star-piercing sniper rifle has directly reached more than 5000 grams, which is nearly half a catty in weight. In addition, the initial velocity of the muzzle is still very fast, so there is a The effective range is also a normal thing.

After Bailixiu set up the star-piercing sniper rifle, he saw through the high-power scope equipped on the sniper rifle that the Mi army stationed on the Shuimen Bridge, which was more than 600 meters away, began to repair the big hole that was blown out last night. Water Gate Bridge.

After watching Bailixiu for a while, I found it boring. Mi Jun’s bridge repair routine is still the same. I-beam rails and steel plate laying are all done.

Of course, this is also because the bridge deck that was blown up last night was not very wide, only about six or seven meters.

Bailixiu felt bored after watching it for a while, so she said to Wu Wanli who was squatting aside:
"Wanli, come here and keep an eye on the movements of the Mi Army for me. If they are just repairing the bridge, it will be fine. If any of their soldiers went to the bearing pillars under the Shuimen Bridge, you have to report to me immediately, you know! I'm sleepy Sleep for a while, and when I wake up, we will take turns to follow up!"

After Bailixiu finished speaking, he left the hair color position, and motioned Wu Wanli to crawl over to stare at him. Wu Wanli crawled over, and according to Bailixiu's teaching, he immediately saw the water gate bridge through the high-powered scope on the star-piercing sniper rifle. Mi Jun, who was repairing the bridge, immediately said to Bai Lixiu:

"Baili Lion Chief, this scope is really clear. By the way, Baili Lion Chief, which country produced this gun! I haven't seen anyone else own it like this?"

After Bailixiu heard Wu Wanli's question, he naturally couldn't talk to Wu Wanli about super play space, gold-level equipment, etc., so he thought of the sword he seized from Chu Yunfei in Liangjian World. The Solothurn S-10/1000 anti-tank rifle, anyway, this star-piercing sniper rifle looks similar to that Solothurn, so he said to Wu Wanli:

"This gun was captured by me at the end of the Anti-Japanese War. It is said to be an anti-tank rifle produced by Ruishi! Of course, this gun is even more powerful after I have changed it!"

Wu Wanli nodded when he heard it, and then asked Bailixiu:

"What is an anti-tank rifle! Is it specially used to fight tanks?"

Sure enough, if there is a first question, then there is a second question. For this kind of children who lived in the countryside decades ago, what they can learn without the Internet is naturally limited, so Bai Lixiu still patiently explained:
"An anti-tank rifle, as the name suggests, is a rifle used to shoot tanks. It has a similar function to the bazooka we use now. It is a special firearm for shooting armored targets. It used to be called an anti-tank rifle. It is used to equip infantry and attack enemies within 300 meters. Tanks and armored vehicles can also be used to shoot earthworks and firepower points 800 meters away.

An anti-tank rifle is a rifle specially designed to penetrate vehicle armor, and its main target is armored targets.This rifle was put into the battlefield at the same time when the tank first appeared, until it became useless at the end of World War II; because as the armor of the vehicle became thicker and thicker, the solid bullets that a single soldier could carry could no longer penetrate them .At this point the anti-tank rifle was replaced by later cone-charge weapons, such as the best known bazooka anti-tank rocket launcher. "

However, just after Bailixiu introduced what is an anti-tank rifle, Wu Wanli asked again:
"But I see that the anti-tank rifle you used before basically hit the tanks of the Mi Army one by one, which is more powerful than other people's bazooka!"

Regarding Wu Wanli's question, Bailixiu could only explain again:

"Because I have improved the ammunition of this gun and used the fin-stabilized shell-piercing shell that I invented to increase the penetration, so I can penetrate the thick armor of the tank. If I still use the original steel core armor-piercing shell Then there is no such effect!"

That's right, Bailixiu is very brazen to say that the APDS is his invention, but it is true that Bailixiu took out the tail-stabilized APEX in the 50s and said that he invented it. After all, according to history, Tail-stabilized shell-piercing shells will not appear on Soviet tanks until 60s before being imitated by other countries.

After Bailixiu finished talking about why his anti-tank rifle is so powerful, in order to prevent Wu Wanli from asking about other things again, he spoke first again:

"Okay! Don't talk about it! I didn't get a good rest last night! I'll catch up on my sleep first, and then I'll talk about it after I wake up! By the way! Just keep an eye on it, don't shoot, you haven't used this gun before so much Shooting from a long distance is just a waste of bullets! I don’t have any supplements for this bullet, I use one that is missing, you know!”

Although Bailixiu didn't load the gun, she still gave a worried warning.

(End of this chapter)

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