The sniper starts from the bright sword escape period

Chapter 188 One shot scrapped three tanks

Chapter 188 One shot scrapped three tanks

Bailixiu breathed a sigh of relief. Although the Xingyun carving knife is indestructible, cutting stones is easier than cutting tofu, but after all, the amount of work is too large, and Bailixiu is doing it alone, so she was busy until one o'clock in the morning. The three caves of the cunning rabbit with anti-explosion shock waves that I imagined have been completed.

Glancing at the completed cave, Bai Lixiu nodded in satisfaction, then lay down at the entrance of the cave and fell asleep in satisfaction.

And Wu Qianli also dug a cave that can accommodate more than 100 people in the middle of the mountain behind the mountain according to Bailixiu's request. It is still very easy to dig a hole in the soil afterwards, after all, the permafrost layer on the surface has been burned by incendiary bombs.

Naturally, it became much easier to dig, and Wu Qianli now has a number of people in his hands, so it is still very efficient to take turns to dig.

And in the middle of the night, Pinghe, who was the first blaster of the rockfall trap, also followed the notes left by Wu Qianli and others on the tree to find Wu Qianli and others who were digging a hole.

Of course, Pinghe was only the first one, and in the following time, he came back to other areas one after another to act as a sniper for the blaster.

In this way, Bai Lixiu and Wu Qianli interspersed with the Seventh Company, and the remaining dozen or so people who were merged into the Seventh Company from the Ninth Company also worked until midnight before resting.

Early the next morning, Bailixiu was woken up by the call from the radio, and it was Wu Qianli who made the sound. As for the fact that Wu Qianli woke Bailixiu up just after dawn, Bailixiu Lixiu was also very helpless, but she couldn't get angry.

, After all, if Bai Lixiu fell asleep and missed the time to blow up the bridge, causing the Mi Army's land battle lion to run away, then Bai Lixiu would be to blame.

However, Bailixiu still asked Wu Qianli to keep the radio silent as much as possible, otherwise it would be bad if he was discovered in advance.

The waiting time was long and short until twelve o'clock at noon, when the rice army's land battle lion arrived late.

The highest commander of the Mi Army stationed at the Watergate Bridge saluted the lion chief Smith of the Mi Army's Land War One Lion, and Smith returned the salute, then glanced at the battle marks on the Water Gate Bridge, and expressed his hard work. The soldiers of the Land War One Lion will thank them. Their hard work and the like.

Then Smith waved his hand to indicate that he could pass the Watergate Bridge. Of course, it was the tank that took the lead in passing.

And Bailixiu can see clearly through the high-powered scope on the star-piercing sniper in the cave on the stone wall 600 meters away.

Bailixiu did not shoot when the first tank boarded the Watergate Bridge, but Bailixiu still did not shoot when the second tank boarded the Watergate Bridge, until the third tank boarded the Watergate Bridge, the first When a tank was about to drive out of the Shuimen Bridge, Bailixiu's gun rang out.

The deafening gunshots echoed in the cave where Bailixiu was. Although Bailixiu stuffed cotton in her ears in advance, she still couldn't avoid being shaken and felt uncomfortable. The reason for this was naturally because Bailixiu didn't The gun barrel was not protruded out of the hole, so it made such a sound.

However, one advantage of this is that the muzzle flame and gunshots are not easy to spread. After all, the sound echoes and consumes in the cave after shooting like this, which is equivalent to installing a silencer.

And this high-explosive bomb flew at a speed of more than 1000 meters per second, nearly four times the speed of sound, to the explosive buried under the load-bearing pillar under the Shuimen Bridge 600 meters away.

The explosive fuse was quickly ignited under the explosion of the high-explosive bomb, and in less than a second, the extremely short fuze reserved by Bailixiu ignited the ten packs of explosives buried in the load-bearing column, that is, one hundred kilograms of TNT.

And the power of this one hundred kilograms of TNT explosion is naturally not much to say. It directly blasted the load-bearing column that was at least ten tons in a row, and by the way, it pushed up the three Pershing tanks that were still on the bridge. trembling.

It's just that under the action of gravity, the half-shattered load-bearing column quickly fell back down.

And without this key load-bearing column, the Watergate Bridge would be difficult. You must know that there are still three Pershing tanks still on the bridge at this time.

A Pershing tank weighs more than 40 tons, and three tanks add up to more than [-] tons.

So the Shuimen Bridge without the load-bearing columns collapsed so quickly under the weight of the three tanks.

The three tanks on the Shuimen Bridge naturally rolled down from the Shuimen Bridge, just like Bailixiu used explosives to blow up the tanks the night before yesterday. Under the Shuimen Bridge is a steep slope with an angle of more than [-] or [-] degrees.

The three tanks that fell off the Shuimen Bridge began to roll over like this, and then turned over and over like this, until they rolled over to a gentle slope one kilometer away before stopping.

Of course, it goes without saying that the occupants of these three tanks must not be able to survive. After all, even the turrets of the tanks were rolled away during the tumbling, so it is no wonder that the occupants inside survived.

Seeing this scene, Smith, the lion leader of the Land War One Lion, was very glad that he had not been on those tanks, but then Smith was annoyed and asked the commanding officer stationed at the Water Gate Bridge:
"Oh! God! How did you guard the bridge? The enemy planted explosives right under your nose, but you didn't notice it. You must be seriously dereliction of duty!"

However, this commander who has only been in office for a day is also very good at throwing the blame. I saw that the commander immediately defended himself:

"Long Guan, I am the new commander who just added staff yesterday. The last commander who guarded the bridge was killed by the enemy's attack the night before, and no enemy came to attack the Shuimen Bridge last night. None, so it must have been buried by the enemy under the cover of explosives the night before, so the bridge bombing the night before was just a cover, a cover!"

It is not easy to continue to ask questions about the conductor Smith, who has only been in office for less than two days, after all, the bridge has already exploded now.

No matter how much you ask, it won't help, so Smith immediately contacted the higher-ups and asked the higher-ups to airlift a steel structure bridge immediately.

Because Smith understands that with the airlift capabilities of their army, it is easy to transport a steel bridge that weighs several tons and has a span of only more than ten meters.

The rice army also understood the determination of the tide aid army to eat the entire rice army's land battle lion and other remaining troops after the bridge bombing the day before yesterday and the day before yesterday, so it also understood the importance of the Water Gate Bridge.

So after the bridge was blown up for the second time the day before yesterday, the Mi Army had already ordered the local steel factory of the little devil to recruit a steel bridge that could be easily assembled and transported by air overnight.

Therefore, according to the speed of the Mi army transport plane, the bridge can be transported in less than two hours at most, and then it will take another hour to assemble. Can successfully evacuate through the water gate bridge.

(End of this chapter)

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