The sniper starts from the bright sword escape period

Chapter 196 The Horn of the General Attack

Chapter 196 The Horn of the General Attack

At four o'clock in the morning, Bai Lixiu, who was sleeping soundly, was woken up by Wu Wanli. After being a little confused for a while, Bailixiu placed her star-piercing heavy sniper at the sniper position chosen last night.

At this time, apart from Bailixiu, the other soldiers of the Ninth Corps were also silently preparing on the hillsides on both sides of the road north of Shuimen Bridge, waiting for the horn to attack.

At this time, after four or five hours of sleep a night, although they are not energetic, they have recovered from the exhaustion of yesterday's journey. Of course, when they woke up early in the morning, they were hungry and prepared for battle Instead, he silently ate baked potatoes to recover his strength.

At the same time, he was still thinking silently in his heart, Dishan's tomb is open, and the jungle eagle is listening to Cape's squawking!
Although this sentence is a mouthful to read, but according to the meaning above, this is the meaning of the Mi Army's English handing down their guns and not killing them, and giving preferential treatment to prisoners. With this sentence, the soldiers of the Mi Army can reduce their resistance and increase their surrender.

Half an hour of preparation time passed so quickly. In a blink of an eye, signal flares were fired on both sides of the road, and the soldiers who saw these signal flares immediately opened the safety, and then pulled the guns that had been aimed at a long time ago. Machine gun trigger.

So the soldiers who were caught off guard by the Mi Army standing guard were naturally ordered to be shot.

Of course, it's not just the machine gunners, the mortarers also sent shells into the rice army's firepower point, the machine gun point.

After the first round of shelling and firing, the horn of the charge sounded, and the soldiers with submachine guns who had been prepared for a long time shouted under the sound of the charge:

"Dishan's tomb is open, and the eagle in the dense forest listens to Cape Que and makes a fuss!"

At this time, apart from some soldiers standing guard, those soldiers who had just woken up still had their faces covered. They just picked up the guns that had been kept by their side by relying on the instincts they had cultivated over the years, and then raised them and pointed at them. The tide aid troops who charged pulled the trigger.

Of course, although Song Shilun explained that he wanted to capture the prisoners, he also explained that he should not be polite to those soldiers of the Mi Army who took up guns, just feel free to shoot boldly.

Therefore, under the sudden fierce firepower and charge of the tide aid army, after some of them understood the meaning of the Chinese-style English that the soldiers of the tide aid army shouted, some of them were not firm in their will, and a large number of comrades around them had been killed. The rice army soldiers finally couldn't help the fear of death in their hearts.

Then he put down his gun and raised his hands to express his surrender. Fortunately, the meaning of raising his hands was common throughout Blue Star.

When the tide reinforcement soldiers who charged saw the Mi Army soldiers throwing away their guns and raising their hands, they immediately turned their guns and aimed at the Mi Army soldiers who were still resisting and started shooting.

While the aid troops were attacking, Bailixiu also aimed his guns at the tanks that had just started their engines. Bailixiu was not at all polite to these tanks that were still in the warm-up stage. The guns blasted these tanks one after another.

It's just that after the Mi army reacted, they began to look for bunkers, and then began to counterattack. Of course, this naturally increased the casualties of the tide aid army.

But at this moment, a loud voice appeared on the noisy battlefield, even though it was in English, but Bai Lixiu also knew that it was Mei Sheng who started to read the surrender letter he wrote last night.

Of course, Bai Lixiu couldn’t understand English, but Mei Sheng showed him the Chinese version of the persuasion letter last night. The general meaning is, soldiers of the Mi Army, you are already surrounded, so don’t make meaningless resistance , Put down your guns and surrender!Think about the children in your family, think about your parents, they are still waiting for you to go home, our tide aid army promises that the prisoners will be treated preferentially, this is a meaningless and unjust war...

After all, the letters of persuasion are all based on the same formula. They all talk about the soldiers' parents, wives and children, how sad they will be after they die, and criticize the injustice of this war.

The soldiers of the Aid Tide Army also shouted while attacking hard:

"Dishan's tomb is open, and the eagle in the dense forest listens to Cape Que and makes a fuss!"

At the same time, as long as they put down their guns and raised their hands to surrender, the aid troops immediately let them go, and turned to attack the Mi army who did not put down their guns. Therefore, under such circumstances, more and more people are afraid of death, or because Mei Sheng broadcasts And the rice army soldiers who thought of their families began to surrender.

And this behavior of putting down their guns and surrendering is very contagious. Starting from the first and second surrendered Mi Army, it has become a group behind, and groups of Mi Army began to throw down their guns and surrender.

And here, Bailixiu, after destroying the group of nearly thirty tanks, took up the star-piercing sniper and rushed towards the north bridge head of Shuimen Bridge one kilometer away. There were not only twenty tanks there The tanks and the headquarters of the Mi Army Marine One Lion are also there.

So this piece is a very difficult bone to crack. Of course, if this bone is gnawed, the entire retreating force, which is dominated by the rice army's marines and lions, will have no heavy firepower to resist.

When Bailixiu arrived at the edge of the battlefield, Smith was relying on these twenty or so Pershing tanks to protect his precarious command post, and the twenty or so tanks surrounded the command center in the middle. department.

When Bailixiu arrived, he saw several soldiers of the tide aid army rushing towards one of the tanks holding explosive packs and cluster grenades.

It's just a pity that there was a [-]mm heavy machine gun on the front of the Pershing tank, which immediately tore the body of the tide aid army to pieces.

Just like the soldier of the Seventh Company in the Watergate Bridge movie who carried the explosives to blow up the tank, not only the person was smashed before he got close to the tank, but even the explosives were blown up by the bullets.

It's just that this time it's not a soldier from the Seventh Company, but a certain soldier whose name and number are unknown.

Seeing this scene, Bai Lixiu immediately set up a star-piercing heavy sniper, and then blasted the Pershing tank that was still invincible just now with one shot.

As for the tank commanders, gunners and other tank operators inside, the tide aid soldier who was smashed by them before was also blown to pieces by the shells that exploded inside the tank.

With the support of Bailixiu's star-piercing sniper capable of attacking tanks, in a blink of an eye, all the twenty or so tanks protecting the Mi Army's Marine Army One Lion Command were blown up one by one by Bailixiu .

And after Smith saw his tanks being blown up one by one, he knew that it must be the anti-tank rifle that shot tanks in the cliff hole during the day.

So knowing that the general situation was over, Smith, who could not rely on these tanks to last until dawn and then supported by planes, immediately ordered the helicopters parked next to the headquarters to launch quickly. Now that things have happened, Smith, who is powerless, does not want to become a prisoner of these tide aid troops again. .

(End of this chapter)

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