The sniper starts from the bright sword escape period

Chapter 203 Star Brilliant Sniper Cannon

Chapter 203 Star Brilliant Sniper Cannon
After Bailixiu put the equipment upgrade gem on the star-piercing heavy sniper, a prompt appeared in front of him whether to upgrade the current equipment.

Bai Lixiu naturally decided on this without hesitation, since Bai Lixiu has decided to upgrade to Star Piercing Heavy Sniper, naturally she will not hesitate at the last moment.

So with Bailixiu's confirmation, the equipment upgrade gem suddenly emitted a dazzling light, and this light even enveloped the star-piercing sniper rifle.

Under the dazzling light, Bai Lixiu couldn't help closing her eyes, and even the star-piercing sniper rifle she held in her hand began to heat up, so hot that Bai Lixiu let go of the gun. opponent.

Then between opening and closing, releasing and releasing, Bailixiu discovered that the star-piercing sniper rifle he was familiar with before had disappeared, and it was indeed a star-piercing sniper rifle that appeared instead. , a sniper rifle with a larger body.

If the original star-piercing sniper rifle was about two meters long, then the current sniper rifle should already be over two meters long.

And just looking at the caliber of the muzzle, it should no longer be the [-]mm caliber of the original star-piercing sniper rifle, but the [-]mm caliber of an ordinary anti-aircraft machine gun.

If we simply look at the change in caliber, the power of this star-piercing sniper rifle is at least four or five times that of the previous [-]mm star-piercing sniper rifle.

Because in terms of the muzzle kinetic energy of the cannon, the muzzle kinetic energy of the 8mm cannon is about 30 to 173, while the 19mm cannon, such as the GAU-[-] ([-]*[-]mm) The kinetic energy of the muzzle of the machine gun reached [-] joules.

Holding the Xingyao-level star-piercing sniper rifle floating in mid-air that has been upgraded and turned into a brand new one, Bailixiu saw the upgraded equipment attributes.

Name: Piercing Star

Grade: Xingyao
Features: Unlimited Bullets, Thunder Clap

Equipment evaluation: The power of the upgraded star-piercing sniper rifle is no longer the original power. In addition to having unlimited battery life, Thunder Clap also greatly increases the power of this gun. dreamed up.

Of course, the text description of Thunder Strike was not very clear in the equipment evaluation, but after Bai Lixiu touched the upgraded star-piercing sniper rifle, he knew what Thunder Strike was about.

Because this thunder strike is actually the bullet that is fired will naturally increase its initial velocity after being accelerated by the electromagnetic coil on the barrel.

For example, this star-piercing sniper rifle can reach six times the speed of sound when the electromagnetic coil is not activated, that is, 2000 meters per second, but after the electromagnetic coil is activated to accelerate it, it can reach nine times the speed of sound of 3000 meters per second.

Even though the speed has only increased by 50.00%, but under the condition that the mass of the warhead remains unchanged, its kinetic energy has more than tripled.

And a higher muzzle velocity can penetrate deeper armor for armor-piercing projectiles.

For example, if electromagnetic acceleration is not activated, then a 25mm shell-piercing shell can only penetrate a 72cm homogeneous steel plate at most, and such armor-piercing ability can only deal with the second-and-a-half-generation T[-] tanks, and This still has to be done from the top like the Warthog to be effective.

As for dealing with third-generation tanks such as M1A2 tanks, there is no way at all, because unlike the T72, the third-generation tanks that were only in service in the 90s, in order to protect their top from being opened, their top armor has reached a defense capacity of more than 320 mm, while In contrast, the thickness of the top armor of the T70 tank that had been in service in the 72s was only [-] mm.

Fortunately, although the upgraded Xingyao-level star-piercing sniper rifle cannot deal with the third-generation tanks under normal conditions, once the electromagnetic acceleration is used to accelerate its armor-piercing projectiles, the original armor-piercing depth of only 250 mm can be used. Immediately increased by four times, reaching a one-meter-thick armor-piercing depth.

It's just that the electromagnetic acceleration of Thunder Strike has a disadvantage, that is, it takes one second to charge the capacitor, that is to say, the cooldown time of the Thunder Strike skill is one second.

Of course, apart from this, what made Bailixiu think that this upgrade was worthwhile was that the muzzle of the star-piercing sniper rifle was equipped with a silencer.

You must know that the muzzle of the previous gold-level star-piercing sniper rifle did not have a built-in silencer, but this time the caliber has become [-] mm, but it will have a built-in silencer. The muffler definitely didn't work that well either.

Of course, to be honest, after reading the description of Thunderclap, Bailixiu was still a little disappointed. After all, Thunderclap is already an electromagnetic weapon, but this upgraded star-piercing sniper rifle is in the normal firing state. But it still uses gunpowder ammunition.

Electromagnetic acceleration only serves as an auxiliary acceleration, rather than directly accelerating a projectile from zero speed to several times or even ten times the speed of sound.

Of course, maybe the [-]mm star-piercing sniper rifle can no longer be called a gun, it should be called a cannon, because at the time before Bailixiu crossed, it basically included [-]mm and less than [-]mm. A weapon with a caliber of more than [-] mm is called a gun, while a weapon with a caliber of more than [-] mm is called a cannon.

In fact, there is no strict division of the caliber of guns. The reason why 19mm is used to divide it is mainly because during the First World War from the 20th century to the beginning of the [-]th century, the industrial standards at that time allowed explosives to be released Into the projectile of more than [-] mm, it is difficult to make it if it is small.So at that time, countries agreed to use [-] millimeters as the dividing line.

Of course, as the industrial standard gets better and better in the future, let alone a [-] mm diameter projectile, even a [-] mm diameter projectile can be stuffed with some explosives, but it is meaningless to do so.

Of course, even in the 21st century, there are no mainstream [-]mm caliber firearms, but small-caliber [-] and [-] caliber bullets have already appeared with high-explosive bombs with explosives inside, or armor-piercing incendiary bombs. The inside is filled with explosives, or special bullets with incendiary stuff inside.

In addition, the caliber below 13.2mm can still be carried and shot by infantry, such as the 39 anti-tank rifle during World War I and the L20 20mm anti-tank rifle during World War II. However, if it is more than [-]mm, it must be fixed or thrown on the vehicle. The infantry couldn't carry it and couldn't stand the backseat.

For example, Bailixiu's upgraded Xingyao-level star-piercing sniper cannon has doubled its weight from [-] kilograms to [-] kilograms.

Even Bai Lixiu, who had doubled his physical fitness, would have a hard time holding such a weight, let alone those soldiers who only had the quality of ordinary people.

(End of this chapter)

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