The sniper starts from the bright sword escape period

Chapter 225 Can a Bullet Explode a Grenade?

Chapter 225 Can a Bullet Explode a Grenade?
Of course, this time Bailixiu has the conditions, so naturally she doesn't need to use a piece of wood to make a muffler to fool her like she did in Liangjian.

This time, Bailixiu was naturally made of steel pipes, and a rotating thread was also turned to make it easier to follow at the muzzle, so there was no need to wrap it with cloth strips to fix it.

After adjusting the scope and silencer, Baili Xiu also carried the gun to the shooting range in the suburbs to test the gun and calibrate it.

Bai Lixiu was also very satisfied with the results of the gun test. With a target of one meter by one meter at a distance of 1000 meters, the impact points of the five bullets were all concentrated within an area of ​​[-] centimeters by [-] centimeters.

And when the target is placed at a distance of 500 meters, the impact point has spread to [-] centimeters times [-] centimeters.

In the end, Bai Lixiu put the target at a distance of 2000 meters to shoot and found that one of the five bullets fell off the target.

Bailixiu can only reluctantly accept such accuracy, but today's test is still very helpful for Bailixiu to write the manual for this anti-material sniper rifle in the future.

For example, in the manual, Bailixiu can suggest snipers who use this gun. This sniper gun can try to shoot the head at a distance of 1000 meters, and can only aim at a distance of 500 meters to ensure a hit. The torso was shot.

As for the distance of 2000 meters, Bailixiu can only recommend it for shooting vehicles or ammunition piles.

With the power of the PTRD-41 anti-tank rifle, even if it flies a distance of two shots, the remaining kinetic energy of the bullet is still greater than the muzzle kinetic energy of an ordinary [-]mm rifle bullet.

Therefore, it is very easy to shoot ammunition piles to detonate ammunition. Of course, before Bailixiu crossed, I often saw people on the Internet saying that using rifle bullets to detonate shells is unreasonable. It is false. TNT explosives must be detonated with a detonator. Bailixiu can only express her ignorance with such an idea.

There are even a lot of people on the Internet who say that as long as there is a scene where bullets are used to explode grenade shells, it is an anti-war drama, but is this really the case?Can shell grenades really not be detonated by bullets?As long as there are movies where bullets are used to explode grenade shells, is the TV series an anti-war drama?

This kind of statement has been very popular on the Internet for a long time, but fortunately, in order to verify the truth of this statement, the rumorbusters also made a special video, which is to shoot grenades with bullets to see if it can Blow up the grenade.

In the video, MythBusters testers used [-]mm rifle bullets, .[-] caliber pistol bullets, and finally [-]mm shotgun bullets to test hand grenades.

The test results are somewhat surprising. The bullets from pistols and shotguns only shattered the casing of the grenade, but did not detonate the TNT inside the grenade. However, the rifle bullets not only shattered the casing of the grenade, And also detonated a grenade.

The reason for such a result is largely due to the insufficient penetration and muzzle velocity of pistol bullets and shotgun bullets.

But this also positively proves that you must not believe the so-called public knowledge on the Internet, and in those anti-Japanese dramas, the method of using gun masters to explode grenades to hurt the enemy is not nonsense, but a real and achievable one way.

It's just that unless you're an expert with a gun, a headshot the size of a grenade is easier than a grenade.

However, it is not easy to hit a single grenade, but what if you hit a pile of grenades!
For example, it is very easy to hit a grenade stored in a wooden ammunition box, and it is the same not only for grenades, but also for shells. After all, the shell of a shell cannot be much thicker than a grenade.

Therefore, in many cases, the ammunition boxes of the artillery shells on the position will be scattered and stored separately, naturally for fear of being killed.

Of course, the shooting range test is still an idea on paper after all. Whether a gun is good or not depends on being on the battlefield before it can produce results and get the approval of other fighters.

However, Bailixiu’s PTRD-41 anti-tank rifle with scope and silencer has become an anti-equipment sniper rifle, so it is naturally impossible to distribute it to ordinary soldiers, but it will be distributed to sharpshooters alone. Take a look. They all use their senses before deciding whether large-scale manufacturing production is needed.

So Bailixiu brought two newly modified PTRD-41 anti-tank rifles. Of course, they should be called anti-equipment sniper rifles instead of anti-tank rifles. After all, anything with a scope can be called a sniper The gunman came to the Chaoxian battlefield and found the old green chief who had been appointed as the highest commander on the front line.

The old green leader held the modified PTRD-41 anti-tank rifle in Bailixiu's hand and asked Bailixiu:

"This is the anti-material sniper rifle you modified? How is the accuracy? Is it farther than the sniper rifle of the Mi Army?"

When Bailixiu heard Lao Luchang's question, she also nodded and said:

"The accuracy is not bad. I have tested it. It can hit a headshot at 1000 meters, hit a person at 500 meters, and hit a car within 2000 meters. If you want to improve the accuracy, you have to use specially made sniper bullets. !"

In fact, Bai Lixiu also knows that such a result is not the limit of this gun. Sometimes it is not just the gun that affects the accuracy of a sniper rifle. The bullet is also very important.

Just like the most accurate sniper rifle, the M200 sniper rifle, the bullet it uses is a special .[-] bullet, and its bullet warhead is made of pure copper and processed on a high-precision lathe.

Of course, this also allows the M200 sniper rifle to keep its impact point within 2000 centimeters at a distance of [-] meters.

Although the accuracy of the anti-material sniper rifle remodeled by Bailixiu is incomparable with the famous M200 sniper rifle decades later, Old Oasis is already very satisfied with such accuracy.

So he said to Bailixiu:

"Then what are you going to do now? Are you going to take it to the frontier to test it?"

Bai Lixiu shook her head after hearing Lao Luchang's words and said:

"This gun is not just for me. Of course, it needs to be used by other snipers. I will increase the scale of transformation after I think it is feasible! If other snipers think this gun is not good, then mass production will not work. It's useless!"

After hearing Bailixiu's words, the old Luchang also nodded, and then asked Bailixiu:

"Then have you found the object of your gun test?"

After Bailixiu heard what Old Luchang said, she smiled and said:

"I read our newspaper a few days ago, and there was a report that there was a sharpshooter named Liu Wenwu in our tide aid army. Class [-], so I think it would be nice to have Liu Wenwu as the first gun tester!"

That's right, Bai Lixiu still remembers that his first mission was to save Liu Wenwu's class!
(End of this chapter)

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