The sniper starts from the bright sword escape period

Chapter 227 The important factor of sniping ballistic

Chapter 227 The important factor of sniping ballistic

The crosshair of the gun head and the scale at the end of the gun naturally form a parallel line with the barrel.

Therefore, the slight drop of the bullet will naturally not affect it when shooting at close range. For example, taking a 100mm rifle bullet as an example, when shooting at [-] meters, the flight time of the bullet hitting the target is only [-] second, so gravity has no effect on the target. The impact of the bullet is only one tenth of a second.

So according to the free fall formula h=1/2*g*t*t, it can be concluded that within [-] second, the height of the bullet falling is only [-] meters, which is [-] centimeters. .

Therefore, such a height will not affect the shooting effect at all, but at most it will hit the nose when it should hit the center of the eyebrows.

But when the target that this bullet is going to hit is at 200 meters, the bullet is constantly decelerating due to the influence of air resistance, so the time it takes to fly in the air has reached [-] seconds instead of [-] seconds, so The height of the fall naturally becomes [-] meters, which is a distance of [-] centimeters.

In fact, such a drop will not hit the target. At most, it is clearly aimed at the center of the eyebrows, but the point of impact is only the neck.

And this is only because the bullet flies for [-] seconds longer.

Then when the target becomes 300 meters, the flight time of the bullet hitting the target has become [-] seconds, so the falling height of the bullet naturally becomes [-] meters, which is already very high. It affects the killing effect. If the target is aimed at the head, the actual point of impact will be the thigh, but if the target is aimed at the chest and stomach, then it is very likely to miss the target.

But if the target is 500 meters, the time the bullet has been flying in the air has reached [-] seconds, so the actual aiming distance and the final height of the bullet hitting the target have reached a height of [-] meters.

Therefore, the role of the ruler is very important in long-distance shooting. When the ruler on the tail of the gun is set to 500 meters, the aiming groove on the ruler on the tail of the gun will also be raised.

So at this time, the aiming line formed by the scale at the end of the gun and the crosshair of the muzzle is no longer parallel to the barrel, but will form a certain angle with the barrel. The muzzle of the barrel is actually upturned. Yes, so the bullet fired is upward.

However, this upward angle has already been set, so when the distance of the ruler is set at 500 meters, the final landing point of the bullet after a few [-] seconds of flight is exactly hitting the aimed target .

Of course, the point on the scale plate on the Bailixiu sight is also the same, but the gun that Bailixiu added the scope uses is a PTRD-41 anti-tank rifle, and the bullets used are not [-] mm. bullets, but [-]mm bullets.

Therefore, the ballistics between the two are completely different. The most notable thing is that because the warhead of the 2000mm bullet is heavy, the speed storage effect is very good. The supersonic flight distance can reach 800 meters, unlike the seven The supersonic flight distance of a .[-]mm bullet is only [-] meters.

For example, it takes 500 seconds for a 500mm bullet to fly [-] meters, but only [-] seconds for a [-]mm bullet to fly [-] meters.

But just because of this [-] second gap, the impact points of the two can be separated by one meter, because the height of the [-] mm bullet with a flight time of [-] seconds is only [-] meters.

It's just that after Bai Lixiu told Liu Wenwu about the most relevant ballistics and falling speed of sniping, Liu Wenwu was a little confused.

After all, for Liu Wenwu, who is limited to reading characters, it is still difficult to understand the acceleration of gravity and the calculation of the height of the fall based on time.

After all, for fighters like them, it is already very good to be able to adjust the ruler to any position according to the distance.

But it is more difficult for them to understand why the scale is adjusted in this way, what is the meaning and principle of such adjustment.

However, it is within the responsibility of soldiers to be able to use weapons proficiently. As for how to study firearms and how to make firearms more accurate, that is the responsibility of firearms designers and ballistic experts.

So Bailixiu could only say to Liu Wenwu:
"Did you see the vertical line in the scope? Are there many dots on the lower part of the vertical line at the intersection of the vertical line and the horizontal line? It's the same as the rifle's scale, except that the first dot The distance represented is 200 meters, if you want to aim at a target of 200 meters, use this point, and so on, no more points represent a distance of 100 meters."

After that, Bai Lixiu glanced around and saw a tall tree one kilometer away, so she said to Liu Wenwu:
"Did you see the big tree you placed one kilometer before you? The first branch of the target uncle!"

After finishing speaking, Bai Lixiu took out a [-]mm bullet and handed it to Liu Wenwu.

Because it was also a bolt-action rifle, Liu Wenwu loaded it skillfully after receiving the bullet.


With a strange gunshot, Liu Wenwu's shoulder against the butt of the gun suddenly shook backwards, and a 1000mm bullet shot at the gun [-] meters away at a speed of [-] meters per second. The trunk flew away.

I don't know if Liu Wenwu was lucky or something, anyway, after [-]:[-] seconds after the shooting, the first branch of the tree a thousand meters away snapped off.

You must know that when Bai Lixiu was testing the gun before, the spread of the impact point of this gun was 1000 centimeters away from [-] meters away!

As for the sound of puffing, it is the sound made by the muffler made by Bailixiu when it is fired.

The effort put into this silencer by Bailixiu is no worse than the effort put into the scope.

This muffler, Bailixiu, adopts a sound-absorbing method combining small-hole sound-absorbing and bowl-shaped sound-absorbing.

In addition to using the common muffler bowl structure of modern mufflers on the inner layer, another layer of Bailixiu is put on the outer layer, and many small holes are punched on the pipe wall of the inner muffler, so that the high-pressure gas passes through more The consumption of the channel, the speed of the gas when it is ejected from the muffler is not so fast, and the natural sound is also small.

call out!The sound is the sound made by the high-pressure gas ejected from the muzzle flowing out of the small hole when shooting.

Although there is no way to completely eliminate the sound, it can also make it unable to hear the source of the sound of gun shooting from 300 meters away.

After that, Liu Wenwu aimed at 500 meters and 2000 meters respectively and fired a shot. Liu Wenwu was very satisfied with the accuracy.

Liu Wenwu held the anti-material sniper rifle modified by Bailixiu and praised:

"It's such a good gun! If we can equip our entire tide aid army with such a sniper rifle, then it will be the turn of the rice army's arrogant snipers!"

But Bailixiu said with a smile:
"I'm here to let you test the gun! As long as you, the number one sharpshooter of the Tide Aid Army, think this gun is good, then mass production will naturally start immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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