The sniper starts from the bright sword escape period

Chapter 237 Incendiary bombs are more cost-effective than bombs

Chapter 237 Incendiary bombs are more cost-effective than bombs

But Bai Lixiu looked at the approaching B-29 bomber without the slightest worry.

Because Bailixiu is not afraid of this bomber, he has a Xingyao-level sniper gun in his hand.

Both the power, range and accuracy are much better than the gold-level sniper rifle carried in the world of Changjin Lake.

With a caliber of 29mm and high-explosive bombs, Bai Lixiu believed that he could absolutely kill the B-[-] bomber that was getting closer and closer.

While the rice army sniper Jack and others were waiting for the bomber to bomb, their company commander's voice rang through their walkie-talkies.

I saw this bad-tempered company commander of the Mi Army yelling at Jack through the walkie-talkie:

"Hurry up and use signal flares to mark the position to be bombed, otherwise you will be burned into roast suckling pigs!"

That's right, what the B-29 bomber carried this time was not a bomb, but an incendiary bomb.

If you know the World War II when aircraft were used on a large scale, you will find that large-scale strategic bombing is one of the biggest features of World War II.This was basically not the case in previous wars. Of course, it was because the development of aircraft was not mature at all. For example, during World War I, although aircraft had been used in wars, such as for reconnaissance.

However, due to the immature manufacturing technology of aircraft in World War I, such as slow flight speed and light load, they could not be used as bombers at all. However, after World War I, everyone discovered the huge war potential of aircraft, so they waited until World War II. A variety of ammunition loads of several tons or even tens of tons have also appeared.

So in the late World War II, the side with a strategic advantage would dispatch thousands of bombers at every turn, carrying thousands of tons of bombs at a time, and bombing a key city or other strategic target of the opponent alone.

Because it will cause devastating damage to a single city.It is equivalent to basically erasing a city with a population of tens to millions from the surface every time, causing a large number of casualties.

Therefore, this type of strategic conventional bombing often makes opponents frightened.And leave a very deep memory in history.

However, almost all strategic bombings in the middle and late stages of World War II have a common feature, that is, among the bombs dropped on a large scale, the proportion of incendiary bombs is much greater than that of explosive bombs.

Some well-known strategic bombings in history almost all used incendiary bombs; some even added some explosive bombs, but they were also explosive incendiary bombs.

As for why this is so, the first is the large-scale use of incendiary bombs, which is to emphasize the subsequent arson effect.That is, the bombing party consciously carried out large-scale artificial arson on the bombed party.Through the follow-up arson effect to achieve a stronger destructive effect, to hit the opponent's will to fight against the whole people.

If it is a completely explosive bomb, it will only cause great damage to personnel and buildings at the moment of explosion.After the explosion shock wave passed, the harmfulness of the bomb just basically passed.

But pure incendiary bombs or explosive incendiary bombs are different.The explosion of the incendiary bomb is only the beginning of violent destruction. The main destructive power is the subsequent continuous burning and igniting other burning materials on the ground to cause a larger-scale continuous deflagration.Most cities and settlements in World War II.The proportion of concrete buildings is nowhere near as great as it was a few decades ago.

Most civilian buildings during World War II were still dominated by wooden structures or brick-wood mixed structures, so the effect of incendiary bombs was particularly obvious. A single incendiary bomb could basically ignite more than half a block.

If tens of thousands of incendiary bombs with a total weight of thousands of tons were dropped on a city at the same time, it is entirely conceivable that there would be a sea of ​​flames immediately.The incendiary bombs thrown by major powers in World War II were not Molotov cocktails.Molotov cocktails are an effective and simple invention against tanks in the early days, mainly bottled gasoline.

The aviation incendiary bombs used in large quantities in World War II are actually thermite bombs, which are different from the later napalm bombs.The main component of thermite bombs is ultra-fine aluminum powder, and magnesium powder can also be added.

It is made by mixing aluminum powder, ferric oxide, magnesium powder, potassium chlorate and other materials.Once the bomb is ignited, it will produce a violent thermite combustion effect.The temperature at the burning point will be as high as 2500 degrees Celsius, and even ferrous metal parts will be burned.Moreover, thermite combustion is counterproductive to fire with water, which will directly decompose water into oxygen and hydrogen to support combustion.

So thermite bombs are quite violent once they burn.Of course, the subsequent fire fighting of the buildings ignited by it can still use water directly.In World War II, the major countries used a large number of thermite bombs as incendiary bombs.In addition to being more destructive, there was also a reason that thermite was cheaper per unit than TNT at the time.

TNT was still an advanced explosive in World War II, and not only in World War II, but even decades later, the manufacturing cost of TNT was still higher than that of incendiary bombs.

For example, after World War II, the famous cloud bomb, known as the king of bombs, is actually an incendiary bomb in essence, because the cloud bomb is filled with a large amount of incendiary substances, but its burning method is somewhat different from that of ordinary incendiary bombs. It is different, but it uses the deflagration method of instant combustion.Its principle is somewhat similar to that of a dust explosion.

Of course, in addition to the low price and the ability to ignite other incendiary materials, the use of incendiary bombs has a third advantage, that is, the killing area and killing effect of incendiary bombs are much larger than those of bombs under the same weight.

After all, incendiary bombs are different from bombs. Bombs, especially those with large equivalents, rely on the shock wave and shrapnel of the explosion to cause damage. However, the range of damage caused by the explosion shock wave of TNT is also limited. For example, the shock wave produced by the explosion of a ton of TNT The death radius was only 38 meters, and the serious injury radius was only [-] meters.

Even if you hide in low-lying craters and trenches, you can continue to reduce the range of damage.

But the effect of a one-ton incendiary bomb explosion is different. Think about the scene where incendiary agents that cannot be extinguished by water are scattered around like raindrops. Even if you hide in a trench, you will still be taken by the incendiary bomb. The high temperature came to kill and burn, especially in winter like now, when wearing thick cotton clothes, it basically burns at one point.

Of course, from a more scientific point of view, the calorific value of one kilogram of TNT is only 420 million joules, while one kilogram of gasoline is 730 million joules. The calorific value of gasoline is even higher, so using incendiary bombs is naturally more cost-effective than using bombs.

This is why the power of cloud bombs is greater than that of bombs. Even a small gas tank explosion has the power of three thousand grenades.

So unless you encounter solid fortifications, it is still cost-effective to simply pursue the killing effect.

Jack naturally understood the power of his own incendiary bomb, it would kill him instantly!So after hearing the company commander's words, Jack looked at the bomber that was getting closer and closer, and quickly found the flare gun he brought, and then shot it towards the land requisition of the fifth squad opposite.

I am afraid that if I take a step too late, the bomber's incendiary bombs will fall in the trenches on my side.

(End of this chapter)

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