Chapter 257 Fire Reconnaissance
Three hundred strange faces mixed into the team of 5000 people fleeing in all directions.

Of course, they are not unfamiliar faces. In fact, most soldiers only recognize their own platoon or even their own company, let alone a battalion. Of course, this only means that they have not been soldiers for a long time.

Just like Li Yunlong, there are very few regiment leaders who can call all the names of thousands of people in their regiment.

As for soldiers, this is even more so. After all, being a soldier is training in addition to combat, and there is no extra time for you to make friends everywhere. Besides, how can ordinary soldiers let you run around? , That company is visiting!

In addition, it was night when the surprise bombing was launched, and it was too late for everyone to escape, so how could they care about whether something else was mixed into the team!

Bai Lixiu ran for most of the night with 300 people from the interspersed battalion and [-] frogman special forces among them, and traveled [-] kilometers. Seeing that the sky was already slightly bright, he ordered the team to stop and said:

"Okay! Let's all stop and rest! The sky is about to dawn, everyone quickly find a place to hide and have a rest. Nanchao Fresh is full of Mi Army planes during the day. If you find us flying around The team will definitely be suspicious, and pay attention to the concealment and the camouflage on the body, everyone checks with each other to see if there are any flaws in the camouflage on the comrades!"

Following Bailixiu's reminder, the soldiers in the interspersed battalion also adjusted their camouflage.

After three months of recovery, the mountain is not covered with deep snow like it was three months ago, but has become lush and lush, with whole patches of shrubs and jungles appearing from time to time.

At this time, the place where Bailixiu is located is on a hillside, but the trees on this hillside are very lush, and people standing under the woods can only see a little sunlight, so even if the plane passes by without looking carefully, it is impossible to see it, but for safety For the sake of it, Bai Lixiu asked the soldiers of the Interlude Battalion to take out the green camouflage nets prepared in advance and put them on themselves as camouflage.

Of course, Bai Lixiu didn't have to go through such a troublesome process. She could just use local materials and stick them on her body as a camouflage.

Even the camouflage effect is even better. The tide aid army often does this when marching during the day, but this kind of camouflage using natural leaves has a disadvantage, that is, it is not durable.

That's right, it doesn't last long. After the leaves are picked from the tree and separated from the trunk for water supply, it will take less than two or three hours for these leaves to wither in the sun.

Such a withered leaf looks particularly conspicuous, and even if it is replaced diligently, it will reveal information if it is replaced before the leaf withers. The Mi Army, which has sufficient air power, naturally does not need to camouflage like this, so it will naturally be suspicious when it finds that there are a large number of folded leaves on its chassis.

It is precisely because of these two reasons that Bailixiu got out the camouflage net and asked Interlude to bring it.

And Bailixiu's preparations are not limited to this. In addition to the clothing and camouflage clothes of the fresh soldiers in the South Chaozhou, Bailixiu also replaced all the weapons in the interspersed battalion with the weapons of the Mi Army, such as M3 submachine guns, and Garand rifle.

Even Bailixiu bought more than a dozen M2 800mm mortars. After all, this kind of mortar weighs only [-] kilograms and has a relatively long range. The maximum range has reached [-] meters. Therefore, it is also very suitable for individual soldiers.

Although it is a bit heavier than the little devil's grenade, the range is nearly three times longer, and more importantly, the power of the [-]mm grenade is more powerful than the grenade fired by the little devil. double.

While the soldiers of the Interlude Battalion were resting and eating breakfast, Bai Lixiu had already climbed to a big tree on the hillside to observe the terrain and confirm his current position so that he could adjust his direction in time.

But what Bailixiu didn't expect was that when Bailixiu was observing the terrain in the tree, an H5 helicopter flew towards them.

But what made Bailixiu stand up even more was that each of the two hundred on the H5 helicopter had a machine gun firing irregularly towards the ground.

For such five regular shootings, Bailixiu naturally thought of a term, that is, fire detection. Bailixiu is no stranger to fire detection, for example, Bailixiu who has seen more than a dozen swords. In Bright Sword, there was a segment describing fire detection.

That was when Chu Yunfei visited Li Yunlong's independent group. Li Yunlong showed off and took Chu Yunfei to ambush the little devil's observation group, but before the observation group arrived, there was a little devil riding a tricycle with a crooked handle. Firepower reconnaissance, and then a soldier of the independent regiment was shot unfortunately.

But fortunately, even though the soldier was shot, he didn't let the little devil find out.

So after Bai Lixiu saw the fire investigation of the Mi Army helicopter, he didn't have time to think about why the Mi Army came to fire investigation so suddenly, and immediately jumped off the tree, and then shouted at the interspersed battalion:
"Stay hidden, don't move, don't shoot when the Mi Army's helicopter comes, turn off the safety!"

After Bailixiu finished speaking, he took a look at the explosive packs carried by the Interlude Battalion, which were used to bomb battleships and aircraft carriers for the Frogman Special Forces, and the ammunition boxes for the mortars, and continued to order:

"Put the dynamite packs and mortar shells under your body, and don't let the bullets blow up!"

After hearing Baili Xiu's words, the soldier carrying the explosive pack immediately put the explosive pack under his body.

Not even a minute after Bailixiu's order was given, the helicopter flew over Bailixiu and the others, and a series of machine gun bullets followed naturally.

Bailixiu only heard the sound of swishing bullets drilling into the soil, but Bailixiu's luck seemed to be unlucky, just like the soldier who was injured by fire detection in Bright Sword.One of the bullets seemed to have come into close contact with his left arm, and Bai Lixiu only felt a burning pain in his left arm.

But even if it was like this, Bai Lixiu didn't dare to move and continued to lie on the ground, fearing that if she moved, she would be spotted by the machine gunner on the helicopter. After all, hearing this voice, Bai Lixiu knew that the helicopter was flying. The height is not very high, at most a height of more than [-] meters.

But fortunately, the helicopter didn't hover over Bai Lixiu and the others' heads, it just flew away after a shuttle of bullets, and it didn't seem to find them.

After the roar of the helicopter could hardly be heard, Bai Lixiu dared to get up. While checking her injuries, she asked:

"Are there any injuries? If you are injured, call the medical soldiers for treatment!"

After finishing speaking, Bai Lixiu checked her left arm to see how her arm was injured.

(End of this chapter)

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