The sniper starts from the bright sword escape period

Chapter 279 The Demon Seed's Crisis Sensation

Chapter 279 The Demon Seed's Crisis Sensation

Zhong Wuyan, who was beside Bailixiu, saw that Ake had led out the demon species, the wild bear, and said to Bailixiu:

"It's my turn to play. As soon as Zhong Wuyan said that, she jumped obliquely and jumped nearly 300 meters high and more than 500 meters away."

Seeing Zhong Wuyan jump straight down like this, Bai Lixiu knew that Zhong Wuyan would definitely use her hammer technique that fell from the sky again.

The vertical distance from the top of the cliff to the bottom of the valley where Bailixiu is located is about 2000 meters. Therefore, even with the acceleration of gravity, the speed at which Zhong Wuyan's last mountain-breaking hammer hits the monster-earth savage bear is only about 200 meters. Only [-] meters per second.

Therefore, even if the weight of the mountain hammer reaches one ton, the kinetic energy it can achieve is only 2000 million joules.

Of course, considering that Zhong Wuyan's mountain hammer also has an anti-shock ability, the actual kinetic energy generated by Zhong Wuyan's hammer has reached [-] joules.

However, such a hammer is incomparable to the hammer that Zhong Wuyan used to fight the demon species Mountain Turtle in the border city. Because Zhong Wuyan had Jiang Ziya's cloud treading boots to carry it into the air, he could Can fly to an altitude of [-] meters.

Let Zhong Wuyan's final speed exceed 400 meters per second after going through the acceleration of gravity of [-] meters, and his final kinetic energy has also exceeded [-] million.

Zhong Wuyan was in the process of falling, while adjusting her body shape, so as to aim at the monster-earth wild bear, and said in the team group of Super Play Space:
"Ake, try to entangle the devil-seeded wild bear as much as possible, it's better to let it circle around in place, otherwise I might miss it, Bai Lixiu, look for the right time to take advantage of the time when I hit the devil-seeded wild bear and get stiff When you see the right moment, you shoot."

"It's easy to understand, I will try my best!"

Shi Ake was the first to answer Zhong Wuyan, but the good thing is that the team chat group in Chaowan Space does not require typing like the chat group using mobile phones. You can view information and type with a little thought, but Even so, Ake was almost photographed by the demon species, the wild bear, because he was distracted for a moment.

"Roger that!"

Bailixiu's reply was still so concise and clear.

However, what Bailixiu didn't expect was that after replying to the news of interest, in the five-person team, the other two teammates who did not participate in the siege of the demon species - Earth Wild Bear saw Zhong Wuyan's message But immediately sent a message.

The Breeze of Love:

"What's the situation! Are you guys going to hunt the devil-beast? Why don't you take me! My attack power is very strong! I heard that the devil-bear is very powerful. You can fight it. ever?"

Bai Lixiu looked at this teammate who had never met before, nicknamed Love Breeze, and knew that this was the mage of their team. He was very good at magic spells, and he was also a gold-level player. After all, he was in a team with a team group. Naturally, I also knew something about the group chat.

However, just after the team player named Wind Whisper Girl finished speaking, another player who did not participate in the hunt followed suit.

Deer spirit guards the heart:

"Although I'm not great, I can still protect you at critical moments!"

The nickname in the team group is Luling Shouxin is also a mage, but her spells are all biased towards life-saving interference, so she is defined as a support.

Of course, there was not much time between the two speeches of the two teammates, and it was only a few seconds, so at this time, Zhong Wuyan was still falling in the sky at a high speed!So there is still time for speaking.

Savage Hammer:

"Okay! Don't think about it too much. If you don't take you, the distance between you is too far. Don't worry, the blood of the demon species will be left for you. Well, don't talk now. We have to concentrate on besieging the demon species, the wild bear of the earth! "

The nickname in this team group is called Savage Hammer, which is naturally the nickname of the team leader Zhong Wuyan.

Blade of Faith:

"Sister Yan is right, don't think too much, it's because you are too far away that I didn't take you with me. If you want to hunt demons together in the future, then hurry to Datang."

This nicknamed "Blade of Faith" is naturally Ake who is entangled with the demon species, the wild bear of the earth.

To be honest, Bai Lixiu is also very impressed. A Ke can move at such a high speed and send messages to the team group with one mind.

As for why Zhong Wuyan doesn't use private chats with friends in the super play space, but uses team chats, it is naturally for the convenience of cooperation between Bailixiu and A Ke, just like when playing team games, they will send team members It's the same as pulling it into a channel.

After Ah Ke finished sending this message, Zhong Wuyan's hammer finally fell.

However, what I didn't expect was that the demon species, the wild bear, who had been irritated by Ake's phantom-like movement all the time, suddenly raised a huge beast just when Zhong Wuyan's sledgehammer was about to hit his head. The bear paw slapped Zhong Wuyan, who was hammered at extreme speed in the sky.

Zhong Wuyan's mountain hammer collided with the bear claw of the demon species, the wild bear, and made a loud noise.

However, Zhong Wuyan's huge kinetic energy of more than 2000 million joules brought by his rapid fall from a height of 2000 meters and the strength of the counter-shock of the mountain hammer failed to do anything to the demon species, the wild bear.

Although Zhong Wuyan's hammer successfully smashed a section of the claw on the Demon Seed - Earth Wild Bear Claw.

But the demon species, the wild bear of the earth, just increased his strength a little, and Zhong Wuyan was slapped flying with a hammer.

Bai Lixiu watched Zhong Wuyan being shot flying like a ball through the scope, and didn't care where Zhong Wuyan would hit, but pulled the trigger the moment Zhong Wuyan was shot flying.

At this time, the star-piercing electromagnetic gun, which has been in the Thunder Strike energy storage mode, also ejects the electromagnetic kinetic energy bullet out of the electromagnetic gun barrel at a speed of [-] meters per second.

However, although the speed of the electromagnetic cannon ejected by Thunder Clap reaches [-] meters per second, even if Bailixiu is three kilometers away from the demon species, the earth savage bear, it only takes [-] seconds to shoot. In the head of the demon species, the earth bear, give the monster species, the earth bear, a brain piercing.

However, it is only this [-] seconds, the time for an ordinary person to blink once, let the devil-earth bear take remedial measures, only to see that the other bear of the devil-earth bear quickly lifted up. , blocked the bear's head with the bear's paw.

And the reason why the demon-earth savage bear made this action is naturally because the crisis sense that all demons have makes them feel the danger of death, so they subconsciously make this action.

It's the same as when Bailixiu used the demon-killing cannon to shoot the monster mountain turtle in the border city before. When the monster tree turtle felt that his life was in danger, he would retract his head into the turtle shell to avoid danger.

And the demon species, the wild bear of the earth, does not have a hard turtle shell to resist, so it will instinctively stretch out the hard bear paws that can easily crush rocks to block its head.

With a speed of [-] meters, Bailixiu's energy bomb rubbed against the air to create a dazzling flame, just like the flames emitted by meteorites that fell from the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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