The sniper starts from the bright sword escape period

Chapter 325 The Surprising Discovery of the King's Continent

Chapter 325 The Surprising Discovery of the King's Continent
Its taste naturally made Ake's eyes light up, and after eating the piece in his hand, he couldn't help but took another piece and started eating.

So in this way, after Bailixiu ate only one piece of roasted wild bear meat, all the remaining roasted meat from the wild bear went into A Ke's mouth.

Bai Lixiu looked at Ah Ke's stomach which was not supported at all, and couldn't help but feel that this was unscientific.

A Ke looked at Bailixiu's gaze on his stomach, and couldn't help but blushed and said:

"What are you looking at! I took you to run for more than 200 kilometers today, and it also consumes a lot of energy. Isn't it right to eat more?"

Bailixiu quickly explained this:

"Sister Ke, I'm not blaming you for eating too much roasted bear meat, I'm just curious, is your stomach a dimensional pocket? How can you digest food so quickly?"

Ah Ke heard that Bai Lixiu would actually ask this question, so he was a little stunned and said:

"So that's what you're talking about! This is an aid to digestion that Sister Yan taught me before. It can quickly stimulate gastrointestinal peristalsis and speed up food absorption, so I can keep my stomach from becoming bloated. And doing so One advantage is that you can recover your physical strength quickly. After all, our melee fighters and assassins consume a lot of physical energy every time they fight! If you don’t do this, you won’t be able to recover at all.”

Bai Lixiu also nodded after hearing A Ke's explanation, but Bai Lixiu didn't ask A Ke to teach herself the quick digestion method to speed up gastrointestinal motility on the spot. After all, A Ke also said that this is Sister Yan, that is, Zhong Wuyan taught her, so when Zhong Wuyan comes tomorrow, just ask Zhong Wuyan directly.

Besides, now that the sky has darkened, it is time to rest, so Bai Lixiu said to A Ke:

"It's getting late now, and today you also took me to run for more than 200 kilometers, so you should rest first! After you rest, come and replace me!"

In fact, Bai Lixiu originally wanted Ake to stay up until midnight, but thinking about Ake saying that she took him to run for more than 200 kilometers today, so the words were naturally changed to let Ake rest first.

And Ake nodded unceremoniously and said:
"Okay! Then I'll leave it to you in the first half of the night. After running more than 200 kilometers today, I'm really tired!"

After Ah Ke easily climbed up to the tree house hundreds of meters high, Bai Lixiu also followed.

Of course, Bailixiu didn't enter the tree house, but found a thicker tree branch and set up the star-piercing electromagnetic gun again.

Watching the night was not a difficult task for Bailixiu. After all, before Bailixiu crossed, she was basically a night owl. It was common for her to play games until two or three o'clock in the morning.

It's just that now that I don't have a mobile phone, a computer, can't surf the Internet, and can't watch short videos, I feel different immediately.

Of course, it is different now from Bright Sword and other mission worlds. In the mission world, even if you have free time, you still have to think about how to complete the missions given by Super Play Space. There is no time to think about other things, but now a Watching the night in silence felt different again.

In this way, Bai Lixiu, who was leaning on the thick tree pole, had thoughts flying in his mind, and for some reason, he remembered the scene of watching Ake cleaning in the stream with a scope during the day.

It's just that Bai Lixiu thought about it, and she couldn't help but want to solve it by herself.

However, as soon as this idea came up, Bai Lixiu shook his head and threw it away. After all, if he was found out, he would be ashamed to face others.

So Bai Lixiu quickly diverted her attention, raised her head and looked at the sky, and then found the moon hanging high in the sky.

That's right, there is also a moon on the King's Continent, and today's moon is still full, so Bai Lixiu wanted to see how this moon is different from the moon in the previous world. Observed the moon.

You must know that Bailixiu bought an astronomical telescope for more than 100 yuan on a certain treasure to observe the stars and the moon before the time travel.

It's just a pity that the effect of the publicity is very different from the actual effect. After asking the seller, I learned that if you want the effect in the publicity, you have to buy their top-end telescope.

But when they saw that the top-of-the-line telescope they sold cost more than [-] yuan, Bai Lixiu's desire to see the stars and the moon instantly disappeared.

After that, Bailixiu also learned about it. It turned out that the high-definition moon, Mars, Jupiter and other astronomical pictures taken by those astronomy enthusiasts all used astronomical telescopes that cost no less than [-] yuan.

Moreover, the most critical factor for astronomical telescopes or telescopes to see clearly is the size of the objective lens. The larger the objective lens, the higher the clarity and the higher the magnification.

Of course, the larger the diameter of the astronomical telescope, the more expensive the price will be. The objective lens of the high-precision large-aperture telescope is not so easy to polish. If the error is a little bit worse, it will appear blurred and affect the clarity.

For example, an astronomical telescope with an objective lens diameter of [-] millimeters or [-] inches, Bailixiu saw it on a certain treasure before traveling, and its price directly reached nearly one million.

This naturally means that Bailixiu's star-piercing electromagnetic gun is worth millions of dollars just as a scope.

Of course, even if others use millions, don't even think about changing his scope.

Bai Lixiu looked at it for a while, and found that the moon in the sky of King's Continent was no different from the moon in the world before crossing.

As Bailixiu observed, he became more and more satisfied with the scope of the star-piercing electromagnetic gun in his hand.

Because in Bailixiu's eyes, Bailixiu can see the potholes on the moon clearly.

If Bailixiu had such an astronomical telescope before crossing, the photos taken would definitely attract a large number of fans in the astronomical circle!
It's just that this is the King's Land, and there is no Internet here, let alone attracting fans, no matter how good things are, they can't be posted on the Internet for people to appreciate.

It's just that when Bai Lixiu was looking at the moon with the high-power scope of the star-piercing electromagnetic shell, he suddenly found something different in the center of a large moon crater.

Because the center of the moon crater, that is, the bottom of the moon crater lies a very regular shape.

And what about this thing!It looks like a spaceship, because if it was a crater hit by a meteorite, it would not look like this.

Bailixiu maximized the magnification of the scope again, and after careful inspection, he also confirmed that the thing in the moon crater was probably a spaceship.

It's just that it may be the reason for the dust thrown out when other meteorites fell, which covered up its original appearance, leaving only a roughly visible outline.

(End of this chapter)

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