Chapter 337 Naughty Yao
When Bai Lixiu saw Yao stretch out her white and tender hands that were greasy from eating meat, she involuntarily took a step back, for fear that Yao would get the greasy hands on Bai Lixiu.

Bai Lixiu said after taking a step on the hind legs and pulling some distance away from Yao:

"This is a nation I met in the mission world. They have a habit of eating with their hands instead of chopsticks and tableware. They don't use toilet paper when they go to the toilet, but use their hands and then wash with water. , and they also think that they will not get hemorrhoids, and it will be clean..."

However, before Bailixiu finished speaking, Zhong Wuyan couldn't listen anymore, and immediately interrupted Bailixiu's next words, and then directly brought the dish that Yao grabbed with her hands to Yao's body Qian said to Yao:
"Yao! This dish is yours, and you should wash your hands quickly. You must use chopsticks to eat other dishes later on!"

After hearing what Bailixiu and Zhong Wuyan said, Yao also turned pale, but she still defended herself:
"Yao can't use her hands to go to the toilet, even if she doesn't have toilet paper, she can still use leaves!"

However, just after Yao finished speaking, Bai Lixiu added leisurely from the side:

"The leaves will break!"

Sure enough, after Bailixiu finished speaking, Zhong Wuyan immediately pointed to the bathroom in the luxury car and said to Yao:
"If you still want to eat now, immediately, immediately, go wash your hands! Otherwise, you will eat this dish that you caught."

After Yao saw Zhong Wuyan's expression, she had no choice but to go to the bathroom to wash her hands. There was no way that Bailixiu's dishes tasted so delicious, just smelling it made her appetite very much.

In the end, Bailixiu cooked more than ten dishes, but Bailixiu didn't taste that one dish, and Yao ate all of it.

Because there was a caravan fleet, there was no need for Bai Lixiu and the others to keep vigil at night. Naturally, the caravan drivers and weapon operators would take turns to keep vigil.

Of course, it is mainly the weapon operator who keeps watch at night. In addition to a driver for each tracked transport vehicle, the caravan also has a weapon operator to control the [-]mm cannon on the top of the tracked transport vehicle cab.

Of course, the weapon operator can actually drive the crawler transport vehicle, and the driver can also control the cannon to shoot, although the caravan basically drives during the day and stops to rest at night.

However, sometimes when urgent transportation needs or other situations are encountered, the weapon operator will cooperate with the driver to drive in two shifts.

It's just that this kind of situation is rare, because most of the ferocious demonized creatures come out to prey at night, and the driving light at night is not so good. After all, the range of the vehicle's searchlights is also limited. It is also very possible to bring the entire convoy into the cliff.

At night, Bailixiu still fell asleep on the sofa in the living room of Zhong Wuyan's luxury armored car, but this time Bailixiu also made a thin blanket to cover herself.

It may be that she was thinking about it every day. When she was sleeping at night, Bailixiu had a dream. In the dream, Bailixiu dreamed that she had worked so hard to hunt and kill demonized creatures, and finally saved enough to revive Tian Yu. soul points needed.

Then I got up with the resurrected Tian Yu Qingqing, but when Bai Lixiu was about to go into the bridal chamber and do the things that Tian Yu should do, Tian Yu suddenly turned over and pressed on Bai Lixiu's body, and then held one of her own Strands of hair scratched Bai Lixiu's face.

And while rowing back, he showed a teasing smile and asked Bailixiu:

"Does it itch, does it itch, do you still dare to say that I don't wash my hands after eating, and I hate eating vegetables with my hands!"

However, Bailixiu was completely stunned by Tian Yu's appearance. After all, Tian Yu in Bailixiu's memory was a lady from a scholarly family!
How could such a thing be done!Don't wash your hands when eating, and eat vegetables with your hands, this!How is this possible!Could it be an illusion.

So Bai Lixiu, who shook her head, closed her eyes and opened them again, only to find that Tian Yu, who was in front of her, suddenly turned into Yao with a pair of antlers on her head.

At this time, Yaoqi was sitting on Bailixiu's chest, holding a strand of her hair in her hands while scratching Bailixiu's face with the tip of her hair, while muttering in a low voice:

"Let you say that I don't wash my hands when eating, and let you say that I eat vegetables with my hands!"

At this time, the sky was not yet bright, and it was still pitch black outside, and only the state of the figure could be vaguely seen, so after Bai Lixiu opened her eyes, Yao didn't notice it, thinking that Bai Lixiu was still asleep!
And Bailixiu was able to see Yao clearly under such visibility, naturally thanks to the infrared night vision function that Bailixiu redeemed in the Super Play Mall.

Even if the light is bad, Bailixiu can still see Yao's face clearly, knowing that the person sitting on his chest is Yao.

Bailixiu didn't expect Yao to hold grudges like this, but she said a few words to her last night, and she came to disturb her clear dreams this early in the morning before dawn.

So Bai Lixiu also put her hands into Yao's armpit without being polite and began to tickle Yao.

After all, most people's armpits are relatively sensitive, and it will be very itchy if scratched a little.

And Yao was no exception, giggling non-stop when she was scratched by Bailixiu. Seeing that it was effective, Bailixiu increased the frequency of tickling, and while scratching, she said to Yao:

"Why are you scared! See if you dare to disturb my sleep in the future!"

When Yao heard Bailixiu's words, she giggled and replied indistinctly:

"Don't dare! Don't dare! Yao will never disturb Brother Xiu's sleep again!"

It's just that Yao suddenly bent over while talking, and put her arms around Bailixiu's neck, trying to stop Bailixiu from scratching her armpits.

However, such a move by Yao seemed very intimate, and because of this, Bailixiu's nose smelled the distinctive fragrance of Yao's body.

In fact, it's not just Yao, even Zhong Wuyan, a muscular girl who is nearly two meters tall, has a fragrance on her body.

But Zhong Wuyan's body fragrance is different from Yao's body fragrance.

In Bailixiu's own opinion, Zhong Wuyan's scent is a domineering scent, while Yao's scent is more arousing the desire to protect.

However, Yao's act of being so intimate naturally caused Bailixiu to react in her heart. There is no way, men's desires are the highest in the morning, and Yao is still doing this at this time, how can Bailixiu bear it? .

So Bailixiu took advantage of Yao's unpreparedness and pushed Yao away. Although Yao is a gold-level player, his basic strength can reach [-] points, and after adding several blood baths in the past two days, his strength There are also hundreds of points.

But Yao is not a fighter after all, so naturally she didn't learn advanced strength enhancement, so Bailixiu can still push Yao away while Yao is not paying attention.

(End of this chapter)

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