Chapter 384
Because demonized creatures are everywhere on the Continent of Kings, and the defense power of those demonized creatures is very high, so the guns are all powerful.

Basically, they cannot be moved by manpower, and most of them are of the same type as the [-]mm cannon on the caravan armored transport vehicle.

After all, the caliber does not reach a certain level. When encountering demonized tigers, demonized wild boars, and demonized wild bears, such large demonized creatures cannot break through their defenses at all.

This is also the main reason why ordinary people already have guns, but still cannot go deep into the forest to deal with those demonized creatures.

After all, the physical fitness of ordinary people is really too weak. The firearms that can be held are basically firearms under one centimeter. If the caliber is too large, the recoil force of the shot will not be able to withstand it at all, let alone the accuracy. up.

As for ordinary people practicing martial arts to enhance their physique, don't be kidding, martial arts are so easy to practice, if it is really so easy to practice, then there will not be only a few martial arts masters in kung fu.

The conditions for practicing good martial arts are also very harsh, and most ordinary people naturally do not have that qualification. However, after becoming a player in the super play space, the attributes of all aspects of the body have been doubled, not to mention becoming a martial arts wizard. , but practicing martial arts is not too difficult.

So most ordinary people fell into an endless loop that they couldn't get out of. They wanted to learn martial arts to become stronger, but their aptitudes didn't allow them.

But if you want to improve your aptitude, you need to become stronger to hunt demonized creatures, and even demon seeds to improve your physical attributes, but before you become stronger, going to the wild is no different from sending you to death. An ordinary demonized fox, or even a demonic fox Turning into a wild cat can kill him, and even wipe out the entire team of ordinary people.

But Bai Lixiu discovered that the guns used by ordinary people on the King's Continent are not very powerful, so they can only fight demonized wild wolves, demonized foxes, and so on. Turning into a leopard, such a large demonized creature can only wait to die.

As for weapons such as rocket launchers, in addition to the strong resistance of demonized creatures to high temperatures, the main reason is that the flying speed of weapons such as anti-tank rocket launchers is very slow, and it is easy to be dodged. Knowing the trajectory of the rocket launcher's ammunition during flight can be seen by ordinary people with the naked eye.

And in the movie, some people successfully intercepted this kind of slow-flying rocket with barbed wire!

Not to mention those agile demonized creatures!
Therefore, Bai Lixiu also understands that if ordinary people in King's Land want to deal with large demonized creatures, it is best to have a large-caliber firearm with great power, low recoil, and light weight that can be easily carried.

And Bailixiu, who met these requirements, naturally thought of a semi-automatic sniper rifle called GM6 Lynx.

Although this gun uses the same automatic principle of the barrel recoil as Barrett, and it is also [-]mm.

But the GM6 Lynx uses the long barrel recoil principle instead of Barrett's short barrel recoil principle.

The difference between the two is that Barrett's barrel recoils only two centimeters after the bullet is fired, while the barrel of the Lynx sniper rifle recoils more than 20 centimeters, completely following the recoil of the gun to the end. back to the original position.

The benefit of such a long-stroke barrel recoil is naturally that it can greatly reduce the recoil generated when firing.

Because a large amount of recoil is absorbed by the recoil spring of the barrel, this also leads to the recoil of the Bobcat sniper rifle being comparable to that of the AK.

Moreover, the gold-level star-piercing sniper rifle that Zhong Wuyan gave her back then used exactly the principle of the recoil of the long barrel. Otherwise, Bai Lixiu's physical fitness that was twice that of ordinary people at that time might not be able to resist it. The recoil of the Stargun.

So thinking of these, Bailixiu immediately decided to reproduce the Lynx sniper rifle.

So Bailixiu, who thought of it and made it, immediately took out the Xingyun carving knife, and then transformed into a humanoid high-precision machine tool in front of Master Lu Ban.

Anyway, there are naturally a lot of metal materials in Master Lu Ban's studio.

Of course, Bailixiu's operation also caught Master Lu Ban's eyes. There is no way to achieve such precision with manual carving, even if it is Master Lu Ban who relies on the six mechanical arms behind him, it is very difficult to do. !
In less than two hours, Bailixiu made the Bobcat sniper rifle. Bailixiu looked at the Bobcat sniper rifle in his hand and was very satisfied, so he spoke to the Bobcat with a very confident tone. Master Lu Ban said:
"The gun I made is a semi-automatic sniper rifle that uses the principle of a long barrel recoil. It has a caliber of [-] mm and weighs [-] kg! Although the power has not been tested, it can be used to kill creatures such as demonized wild boars. There should be no problem, of course, I also made a few matching bullets for some testing.”

That's right, Bailixiu has changed the original version of the [-]mm Bobcat sniper rifle to [-]mm this time. After all, for those magical creatures with amazing defense, [-]mm mm is not enough to see.

If it weren't for the fear that the weight of the gun would be unbearable for ordinary people after changing to [-]mm, Bailixiu might just go straight to [-]mm.

Of course, the caliber of 1000mm is equipped with a shell-piercing shell, and its power is also very amazing. It can penetrate a 100mm steel plate at a distance of [-] meters, and it can penetrate even more at a distance of [-] meters. An ordinary steel plate with a thickness of [-] centimeters.

Such a powerful penetrating ability is enough to deal with creatures like demonized tigers.

Of course, the more important thing is that such a powerful firearm can allow ordinary people to stand and shoot on their shoulders without any problem.

The specially made inverted V-shaped muzzle brake, combined with the long barrel recoil principle, makes the recoil of this gun not much different from shooting [-]K.

After the test of Bailixiu, Master Luban also took over the [-]mm caliber version of the Bobcat sniper rifle that Bailixiu just got out of his hands, and after some tests, he also nodded and praised:

"Very ingenious mechanical design, which successfully solved most of the recoil force. If such firearms are popularized, more ordinary people will have more means of self-protection when facing demonized creatures, so congratulations , your mechanical entrance exam has passed!"

Bailixiu also happily thanked Master Lu Ban:
"Thank you Master Luban!"

"You don't need to thank me, this is your talent, you just now can accurately process various firearm parts with only a small knife, which shows that you are very talented in mechanics, so when I build you a RV, you are more Learn! Don't bury your mechanical talent!"

For Master Lu Ban's suggestion, Bailixiu naturally nodded in agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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