Chapter 386 Afterburner!

After Bailixiu listened to it, she suddenly thought of how she only heard Master Lu Ban say how much weight can be carried by vertical take-off! , Why didn't Master Lu Ban say how much weight can be carried when taxiing and taking off!

After all, according to Bailixiu's understanding, this taxiing takeoff should be able to provide a greater load with the help of the lift provided by the wings!
After all, the thrust-to-weight ratio of general large transport aircraft can reach about 225. For example, the thrust-to-weight ratio of the An-380 transport aircraft is [-], while the thrust-to-weight ratio of the Airbus A[-] has reached [-].

If calculated according to the thrust-to-weight ratio of 2000, the maximum load of the amphibious RV designed by Master Lu Ban can reach more than [-] tons when taxiing and taking off.

So Bai Lixiu asked with some doubts:

"That's right! Master Lu Ban, then this plane should be able to provide a greater load capacity when taxiing and taking off!"

However, after hearing Bailixiu's words, Master Lu Ban shook his head and said:
"Without taxi takeoff, the amphibious caravan you want only has vertical takeoff mode, not taxi takeoff mode!"

Speaking of which, Master Lu Ban pointed to the design drawing of the amphibious RV and said:
"After all, there are no roads on our King's Continent, and the vehicles that walk are all crawlers, and your amphibious caravan is also crawler-type, without tires at all, so it can't be as fast as you want! The maximum speed is only about a hundred kilometers, Besides, the wing area is so large, the upper limit of the load is only a thousand tons at most, and there is no way to carry a weight of two thousand tons!"

Although Bailixiu felt sorry for this, there was no way to do it. Unless an airstrip was specially built in the city, the best solution was to take off vertically.

After Bailixiu nodded and agreed to Master Lu Ban's design plan and drawings, it naturally entered the stage of aircraft construction.

And this aircraft construction stage became the most painful time for Bailixiu.

Because after Master Luban learned about Bailixiu's super high machining accuracy, he regarded Bailixiu as a humanoid machine tool. All kinds of parts were used by Master Luban for Bailixiu to process.

Since Bailixiu has an indestructible weapon such as the Xingyun carving knife in his hand, the precision of Bailixiu's processed parts is even higher than that of Master Luban's fully automatic machine tool.

For example, the metal blades of the turbofan engine were also hand-carved by Bailixiu with a star meteor carving knife, and the processing accuracy of each blade is ridiculously high.

And with strength more than ten times higher than that of ordinary people, Bailixiu can easily process hundreds of kilograms of parts.

Therefore, with Bailixiu resting only four hours a day, working hard without sleep, and with the full cooperation of Master Lu Ban, it finally took twelve days to get the three-dwelling luxury car that Bailixiu wanted. out.

Of course, it is mainly because of Master Lu Ban's six mechanical arms that he can go so fast. He alone can outweigh the workload of several people.

Although it is unbelievable, this amphibious luxury car, which is comparable in size to the An-225, was manufactured from scratch in these twelve days.

You must know that in the world before Bailixiu crossed over, not to mention the manufacture of An-225, it would take ten months to a year to manufacture an A380 that was one size smaller than it.

Of course, such a long time also includes a long test. Unlike cars, each passenger aircraft needs a series of actual flight tests to ensure that it is qualified before being delivered to the shipping company.

The cars on the assembly line can be rolled off the assembly line in only a dozen or twenty hours.

Of course, Zhong Wuyan, Xiao Qiao, A Ke, Yao and others also participated in the manufacture of this amphibious RV.

Not only that, but some students from Jixia Academy's School of Government also helped.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to manufacture such an amphibious RV weighing hundreds of tons in twelve days.

Unless Bailixiu has the ability to create things, as long as there are blueprints, he can immediately conjure things.

With the roar of eight turbofan engines, the big guy, which was filled with fuel and weighed [-] tons, just like this slowly flew away from the ground towards the sky in the square of Jixia School of Mechanical Engineering.

After a vertical lift of about 500 meters, the eight turbofan engines under the wings of the amphibious caravan began to rotate slowly, from the original nozzle downwards to the nozzle backwards. After turning, the thrust changed from downward to backward, and the speed of its fuselage also became faster and faster.

After a while, its speed reached the subsonic speed, then broke through the sound barrier, reached the supersonic state, and finally reached Mach [-] before stopping and not continuing to accelerate.

Then Bailixiu turned off the afterburner, and the flying amphibious RV slowly decelerated until it broke away from supersonic speed and reached subsonic speed.

Then, Bai Lixiu looked at the fuel consumption, but what he didn't expect was that it was just a vertical take-off, plus an acceleration, and its fuel consumed one-tenth of the total fuel.

However, at this stage when the afterburner is turned on, its flight distance is only about a hundred kilometers. In this conversion, if the afterburner does not stop, it can only fly a thousand kilometers at most and all the fuel will be consumed.

You must know that these fuels are enough to fly [-] kilometers, so the consumption of afterburner is twenty times that of without afterburner.

In fact, Bai Lixiu was also somewhat prepared for the fuel consumption of the turbofan engine with afterburner, after all, he had some understanding of this aspect before crossing.

Aircraft afterburner is usually a way for the aircraft to pursue a short-term thrust to open the afterburner, so that the aircraft can instantly obtain a higher speed.The result of the afterburner is that the fuel consumption is extremely high, which is dozens or even hundreds of times higher than normal flight.After turning on the afterburner, a general fighter can get a power boost of 40%-70%.Of course, this comes at the expense of aircraft range and engine life.

Generally, the fuel consumption of a fighter jet is calculated in seconds when the afterburner is turned on.The afterburner fuel consumption value of most fighters is above 2.0.That is to say, the engine consumes more than 2 kilograms of fuel per hour per kilogram of thrust.The thrust of the aviation engine is often more than ten tons, and this value will be the fuel consumption of tens of tons per hour.

Take the Raptor fighter as an example. The normal fuel capacity of this aircraft can fly for more than four hours, and the total range is about 2960 kilometers.

Flying at a normal subsonic speed, the fuel consumption per hour is only about 1200 kilograms, which is just over a ton.If the Raptor's engine is turned on afterburner, the fuel consumption rate will reach more than 900 kilograms per minute.Barely under a ton.What kind of concept is this?The fuel consumption with afterburner is more than 40 times that without afterburner.Judging from the fuel carrying capacity of most fighter jets at present, almost no aircraft can fly with afterburner for more than 10 minutes.This is without considering the remaining fuel needed for the return flight.If the fuel consumed for take-off and return is taken into account, it takes only a few minutes for an aircraft to use afterburner to completely consume its own fuel.

(End of this chapter)

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