The sniper starts from the bright sword escape period

Chapter 390 The Crisis of the Kunpeng

Chapter 390 The Crisis of the Kunpeng
However, after hearing Zhong Wuyan's words, Bai Lixiu asked in disbelief:
"Sister Yan, my Kunpeng has been tested before, and it can reach a speed of Mach [-]! Even if it is a demon species that can reach Mach [-], Fengying, it can compete with its speed!"

However, Zhong Wuyan shook her head and sighed:
"The top speed of this monster bird can easily exceed six times the speed of sound, so turn off the afterburner! By the way, be ready to land at any time! After you slow down the speed, I will try to see if I can give it a boost. Run away!"

After Bailixiu heard Zhong Wuyan's words, she immediately turned off the afterburner.

With the afterburner turned off, the Kunpeng, which had entered the supersonic state, immediately reduced its speed, and finally reached the state of subsonic flight again.

At this time, Zhong Wuyan also immediately opened the window door of the cab's observation window, carried a Xingyao-level mountain hammer and ran along the flat back of the aircraft towards the tail, and then jumped away from Kunpeng with a sudden jump. Number.

Then Zhong Wuyan's Xingyao Grade Mountain Breaker sprayed out a stream of energy, took Zhong Wuyan and smashed it towards the demon seed that was about to catch up.

However, as a bird that can defeat dozens of times its own size, it is naturally impossible not to have some unique skills in its hands.

Seeing Zhong Wuyan's menacing blow, the demon species Victorious Bird easily dodged it.

And Zhong Wuyan naturally didn't know where he flew to. After all, at such a fast speed, it was too late for Zhong Wuyan to brake, and it was also very difficult to brake in the air.

Of course, the most important thing is that Zhong Wuyan's attack did not make the Demon Seed Pizza Bird give up his plan to attack the Bailixiu Kunpeng.

Still flying towards Bailixiu's Kunpeng, Xiao Qiao in the cockpit saw this situation, immediately opened the window of the observation window without saying a word, and then followed the back of the fuselage towards the ship that was about to attack. Dao Kunpeng's demon species, Victorious Bird, rushed over.

It's just that when Xiao Qiao came to the tail of the plane, she didn't jump off like Zhong Wuyan, but immediately took out the fan from the equipment space, and slammed it towards the demon-seeking Victory Bird.

Immediately, countless wind blades swirled and rushed towards the demon seed, the Victorious Bird.

Bai Lixiu looked at the countless wind blades rushing towards the demon-seed Victory Bird, and was ready to aim and shoot at any time. After all, Xiao Qiao's sky-filled wind blades had already covered the top, bottom, left, and right of the demon-species Victory Bird. There was no space, and once the demon-species Victory Bird was hit by Xiao Qiao's wind blade, then Bai Lixiu could take advantage of this short moment of stiffness to give the demon-species Victory-bird a fatal blow.

Bailixiu didn't believe that such a small demon species, Victory Bird, could withstand the thunderous blow of the star-piercing electromagnetic gun.

However, the actions of the demon-killing bird surprised Bailixiu and the others. Facing the overwhelming wind blade launched by Xiao Qiao, the demon-killing bird suddenly retracted its spread wings. up.

And the demon species Pizza Bird with its wings folded has changed from its original wingspan of more than ten meters to a width of less than one meter.

Then the demon seed Pizza Bird with its wings retracted could adjust the angle of its body, allowing it to pass through the gap of the wind blade shot by Xiao Qiao.

After all, Xiao Qiao has seen the scene of the demon species of victory bird dodging Zhong Wuyan's slam before, and knows that this monster species of victory bird is very flexible, so he made the range of the wind blade very large. It is not more than two meters.

But he never expected that this demon species, the Victorious Bird, would make such a move.

Bai Lixiu saw the way the demon seed Victorious bird retracted its wings to avoid the wind blade, and immediately pulled the trigger without hesitation.

In this way, a [-]kg kinetic energy bullet was launched at a speed of [-] meters per second, and shot towards the demon species, the Victorious Bird, which was avoiding the wind blade.

Bailixiu is now only 500 meters away from the monster-killing bird. With the electromagnetic kinetic energy bullet at a speed of [-] meters per second, the time required from launching to hitting the monster-killing bird is only [-] Only seconds.

However, what Bailixiu didn't expect was that it was this time of [-] seconds that allowed the demon species Pizza Victory to successfully escape the attack of Bailixiu's star-piercing electromagnetic gun.

I saw that when Bailixiu pulled the trigger, the long tail feathers of the monster bird moved again, and it was this moment that made the monster bird's posture in the air so abruptly upward Translating the body shape by half a meter, the kinetic energy bullet of the electromagnetic cannon fired by Bailixiu just flew over from the place less than ten centimeters below the belly of the demon seed Victor Bird.

The powerful electromagnetic kinetic energy projectile that can sink a battleship with one shot did not cause any damage to the demon species, the Victorious Bird.

After dodging Xiao Qiao's wind blade and Bailixiu's electromagnetic shells one after another, the demon species Victory Bird spread its wings again, and after a few vigorous and high-frequency flaps, it successfully caught up with the Kunpeng, and then went Stretched out two paws and grabbed the Kunpeng's tail fin.

Although the fuselage of the Kunpeng is made of high-strength titanium alloy, ordinary bullets cannot damage it.

But the claws of the demon species, the winning bird, were extremely sharp, and it was as easy as grabbing tofu, and the claws pierced into the tail of the Kunpeng.

Seeing this situation, Bailixiu naturally raised his gun to aim again, but when Bailixiu raised his gun to aim at it, its body fell backwards.

By the way, the bird's claws pulled hard, and a large piece of the tail of the Kunpeng was torn off by the demon-killing bird.

However, the piece of tail wing torn off by the Demon Seed Victory Bird was the horizontal tail elevator of the Kunpeng.

Although the area of ​​the tail of the horizontal plane that was torn off by the demon-killing bird is not very large.

However, this small tail fin, which is only a few square meters in size, is an important part of the entire Kunpeng aircraft to control its attitude in the air.

Losing it is like losing a rudder to a ship or a steering wheel to a car.

However, the ship has lost its rudder, and the car has lost its steering wheel and can still use the brakes to stop in place.

However, the plane at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters has no way to stop in place by braking.

Fortunately, the Kunpeng is not an ordinary plane, but an airplane with hammer takeoff and landing functions. Therefore, after discovering that the Kunpeng had lost its horizontal tail elevator, Bai Lixiu immediately returned to the cockpit and immediately took measures to land vertically.

Under the control of Bai Lixiu, the six turbofan engines on the main wing and the two turbofan engines on the tail wing began to rotate the fuselage so that the nozzles of the turbofan engines were downward.

The purpose of doing this is naturally to use the thrust of the turbofan engine to replace the lift of the wings, and then control the thrust of the turbofan engine to choose whether to land or take off.

However, Bailixiu's idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. I saw the demon species Pizza Bird caught up with the Kunpeng again, and its sharp beak cut the turbofan engine at the tail of the aircraft with one bite. Black smoke came out, and [-]% of its thrust was lost immediately!
The Kunpeng, which lacked a turbofan engine, naturally began to vibrate!

(End of this chapter)

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