Chapter 415

Of course, Bailixiu still needs to unlock a lot of prerequisites if he wants to make the Maxim machine gun.

And the first precondition is to produce modern bullets. After all, there are no modern metal fixed bullets, and the Maxim machine gun is not even a thought.

The advantage of metal top-loading bullets is that it can not only make the trajectory of each bullet more consistent, but also speed up the loading efficiency, but this function can also be achieved with paper-wrapped bullets.

Moisture-proof is also a must. Although oil-skinned paper can be waterproof, the effect is far worse than that of metal, and metal fixed packaging is also easier to transport.

But having said that, the biggest advantage of metal fixed-load ammunition is that it can close the breech, making breech loading possible.The biggest advantage of breech loading is that the loading speed and loading posture are not limited.

Therefore, there were metal fixed-loading ammunition very early on, which developed almost simultaneously with front-loading weapons. It had a metal shell similar to the Franco cannon.

But it is not so much a cartridge case as it is a metal sleeve that holds the gunpowder and the bullet.

Of course, this cover is very expensive to prepare, and only nobles can afford it, so it is not universal.Metal bullets in the true sense have to wait until the percussion powder such as mercury fulminate replaces the flintlock.

Raymercury appeared in [-] and was invented by a Westerner Howard.Subsequently, gunsmiths all over the world began to try to use this thing to ignite the propellant in the chamber. The more well-known product was a thunderbolt firing device that was later called a perfume bottle.

There is thunder mercury powder in this thing, and the hammer is used to draw the striking pin, and the firing pin hits the thunder mercury to ignite, but the mechanism is too complicated, so it has not been widely promoted, and this thing is still loaded by the front chamber, and the rear chamber relies on fire transmission Hole ignition the old way.

No way, although the key technology of the metal fixed-loading ammunition, the thunderbolt flash cap, has been developed, making it possible to launch by mechanical percussion, but the airtightness still cannot be solved, so it is natural to use the front loading.

However, in [-], Westerner Samuel Pauly began to invent a double-barreled shotgun with a flip-up breech, which used a fixed-load metal bullet with its own thunderbolt.Although it is far from modern bullets, and it can only be regarded as a metal bottom instead of a full metal shell if it is stretched to death, it still does not change that it is the grandfather of modern bullets.In other words, we can set [-] as the first year of metal fixed-loading bullets.

Obviously, the design of Samuel Pauly triggered the brains of various firearms tycoons, and the next half century was the development period of metal fixed-loading ammunition.

After several years of tossing experiments, the rear-mounted central fire hole type finally appeared in the [-]s. This is an improvement on the Samuel type bottom. To put it bluntly, it can use the popular external type The flash cap reduces the assembly cost of the bullet, and the bottom of his bullet is still recycled.

However, with the advancement of metal processing technology, the copper metal shell can be made quite thin, and the bullet will be no different from the modern bullet.

In fact, Bai Lixiu thinks that copper bullet casings that can be reused in this period may not necessarily be a good thing!

After all, the price of copper is obvious to all. If the copper shells are made slightly thicker, the number of times of reuse can be increased.

You must know that during the Anti-Japanese War, the Eight Routes who lacked ammunition had the habit of collecting shell casings. They collected all the shell casings that had been shot, and then sent them to the simple arsenal behind for repeated filling.

And since there was no technology to produce smokeless gunpowder at that time, all the fillings were filled with black gunpowder.

When Bai Lixiu was in the sword mission world, he had seen soldiers using reloading ammunition. When he fired the gun, a puff of black smoke would come out of the muzzle. Naturally, Bai Lixiu would never forget it.

However, this is not a big deal, after all, the famous Maxim machine gun used black powder bullets in the earliest days.

Although the bullets reloaded with black powder are not small compared to the bullets loaded with smokeless powder, for example, the power of the bullets is small. As for the reloaded bullets with 600 caps, the smokeless powder can make the initial velocity of the bullet reach More than 400 meters per second, but with black powder, it can only have a muzzle velocity of [-] meters per second.

But it's okay, it can kill people at a distance of two to 300 meters.

But now, Bailixiu wants Zhu Biao to get the metal fixed ammunition out, and then get out a Maxim machine gun, and then install a few more on the four-wheeled carriage, so that when it comes to the grassland battlefield, those cavalry can still run away!

So when Bai Lixiu took a look at the Bingzhan Bureau blacksmith's shop and put the firecracker into the forged firecracker, he immediately said to Prince Zhu Biao:
"It's these firearms that you can drive Bei Yuan away!"

Zhu Biao also nodded after hearing what Bailixiu said:

"That's right! The Huns in the Northern Yuan Dynasty are good at shooting, much better than our archers. It is difficult for a qualified archer to hit a target a hundred steps away without long-term training, but this firecracker But it can make up for this shortcoming, as long as you practice a little, you can shoot farther and more accurately than archers!"

After Bai Lixiu heard Zhu Biao's words, she shook her head and said with a smile:

"However, this defect is not small! For example, the speed of reloading from the firecracker is slow, and it is especially afraid of rainy days. As long as it is a little wet, your firecracker is no different from a firestick. Don't you just Have you ever thought about improving it? Although war depends on the number of people and the morale of soldiers, sometimes the quality of weapons is also very important!"

Hearing what Bailixiu said, Zhu Biao immediately understood that this Bailixiu must have some way to improve the firecracker, just like this four-wheeled carriage, so Zhu Biao immediately clasped his fist at Bailixiu Yibai said:

"Please also teach me the method of improving firearms!"

Seeing Zhu Biao like this, Bai Lixiu couldn't help sighing in his heart that although the technology of the ancients was not good, his mind was not slow, but after thinking about it, it was only the metal fixed-loading ammunition, which was only tended to after nearly a hundred years of development. Formed, and appeared under various coincidences.

But the sigh is the sigh, but Bai Lixiu said calmly on the surface:
"His Royal Highness should know that the reason why this firecracker fires slowly is because the firecracker is very cumbersome to reload every time it is fired!"

Zhu Biao also knows the steps of loading the firecrackers, and even Zhu Biao has shot them before. You must know that Zhu Biao, as the second emperor of Ming Dynasty, is naturally in charge of the logistics work of the entire Ming Dynasty, and this military battle is also attributed to Zhu Biao. manage.

Zhu Biao knew that in order for the soldiers on the front line to use qualified firecrackers, every time a firecracker was made in this war, it would have to be tested. Only the firecrackers that passed the trial shooting would be packed and delivered to the It is used by frontline soldiers and Jin Yiwei.

Therefore, when Bai Lixiu said this, Zhu Biao naturally thought of the cumbersome steps of reloading the firecracker. What was even more worrying was that the gunpowder was accidentally loaded too much, which would cause the chamber to explode.

(End of this chapter)

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