The sniper starts from the bright sword escape period

Chapter 43 Bulletproof equipment that cannot be popularized

Chapter 43 Bulletproof equipment that cannot be popularized

After Bailixiu solved the problem of protecting his head, what he had to face was protecting his torso.

Similarly, Bailixiu's protection of the body and torso is also required to be able to withstand the shooting of the center rifle within 300 meters like the helmet without being shot through.

In this way, it has to be the same as a helmet, but it is not easy to get a few steel plates to make bulletproof inserts at this time. After all, this period is not like the large and small steel factories everywhere in the past few decades.

So Bai Lixiu thought for a long time and set his target on the ten trucks seized by the little devil's transport team before.

After all, the body panels of the little devil's truck are all made of steel plates. Just a few of these panels are enough to make Bailixiu and his ten or so subordinates bulletproof panels.

Of course, the fence steel plate of the little devil's truck can't be made of five millimeters thick steel plate. Judging from the results measured by Bai Lixiu with super accurate talent, the fence steel plate is only three millimeters thick.

Therefore, two layers must be used to meet the requirements. After testing, the bulletproof plate composed of two layers of truck steel plates with a thickness of 200 mm is enough to withstand the bullets of a center-positive rifle [-] meters away.

Such bulletproof requirements can already meet Baili's security protection needs for his own snipers.

In fact, if the 200mm ordinary carbon steel plate is replaced with a titanium alloy steel plate, or a special special bulletproof steel, let alone 20 meters, even a distance of 40.00 meters will not be able to penetrate, and the weight can be reduced by [-]%. Right or left, but of course there is no way to get titanium alloy now, so I can only use the carbon steel plate of the truck to make do with it.

Of course, Balu's ordinary military uniforms naturally didn't have sockets for the bulletproof inserts to be installed, so Bai Lixiu sewed the bulletproof inserts with cloth, and left a few strips of cloth that could be fixed on the body.

When not in use, it can be put on the horse, and when it enters the sniper state, it can be tied in advance when fighting, which is very convenient.

However, its weight is naturally not light and weighs nearly five kilograms, so the helmet plus bulletproof inserts, the combined weight of this set of bulletproof is ten kilograms.

Of course, there is no need to have a shield without a gun, so you have to add the rifles and ammunition grenades in the hands of the soldiers. A soldier must carry at least [-] kilograms, [-] catties.

Therefore, when Bai Lixiu asked Kong Jie if he wanted to equip some of the fighters of their new second regiment, Kong Jie naturally refused. After all, the current Eighth Route fighters still focus on guerrilla warfare and carry such heavy bulletproof plates. But the helmet really affects the marching speed too much.

But Bailixiu and his sniper team naturally didn't have such concerns, because their team of about ten people usually rode horses, and the twenty kilograms of bulletproof equipment naturally couldn't cause too heavy a burden on the horses.

What's more, Kong Jie's new second regiment has now developed thousands of people. If they are all equipped, how many little devil's helmets will be needed, and how many car steel plates will be needed!

Now is not like decades later, even a small steel factory can casually produce tens of thousands of tons of steel.

However, just when Bai Lixiu took his bulletproof equipment and continued to deal with the little devil's bunker with confidence, he never encountered the sniper ambush in the little devil's bunker again.

This made Bai Lixiu feel as if he had punched the cotton. In fact, what Bai Lixiu didn't know was that Kazuki Yamamoto stopped fighting with Bai Lixiu after Taiichiro Yamamoto sent last time failed. thoughts.

After all, the marksmanship that can hit the target at 800 meters is rare in the whole kid, not to mention their own [-]-style sniper rifle is also modified from the [-] rifle with a scope.

Therefore, the effective range is only 500 meters, and it is really powerless to deal with targets 800 meters away.

And Kazuki Yamamoto's own marksmanship is the same. He still has a little confidence in the goal of 300 meters, but if it is changed to 600 meters, or even 800 meters, he is naturally not sure.

So at this time, Kazuki Yamamoto was actively contacting Zhu Ziming, the undercover agent of the independent regiment, and wanted to find out when Bailixiu would come back, and he happened to take Bailixiu with him when he attacked the independent regiment headquarters.

Kazuki Yamamoto believed that as long as he approached within 200 meters, even if Bai Lixiu's marksmanship was more accurate, it would not be able to withstand the concentrated fire of dozens of submachine guns.

As for Bailixiu, after pulling out the bunker building where Kong Jiexin's Second Regiment was stationed in more than ten days, they drove three trucks of the little devils, loaded with eight tons of ammunition and [-]% of the money for fighting the devil's bunker. The guns and ammunition added up to more than ten tons of guns and ammunition headed towards the regiment headquarters of the independent regiment.

Although a lot of the guns and ammunition that were taken from the bunker were taken away by Lvchang and the new second regiment, there are still a lot left, plus the ammunition of the little devil transport team captured by Kong Jie last time, a hundred Lixiu's harvest this time is definitely gratifying.

After all, more than ten tons of guns and ammunition are not easy to get. Of course, fortunately, Lvchang also kept three trucks seized last time for himself. There is really no way to transport the ten tons of ammunition back.

And if Kong Jie's New Second Regiment sent people to send people over 200 miles away, they would have to owe a lot of favors.

What's more, such a large-scale dispatch will inevitably arouse the vigilance of the little devils.

Therefore, for the safety of this batch of guns and ammunition, Bailixiu, who only had a dozen people, specially sent five soldiers to investigate along the front and left and right of the truck, trying to find the enemy's situation as early as possible in order to have time to make countermeasures.

But the fact proved that Bailixiu's caution was worth it. This was not when Bailixiu's truck team had just driven out of the station of Kong Jiexin's second regiment and entered the junction with the independent regiment's station.

The scouts sent by Bai Lixiu rode back and reported that a group of about 700 Ergui cavalrymen were coming towards them along this road, and the distance from Bai Lixiu and them was only five or six kilometers.

And the most important thing is that there is no fork in this section of the road that trucks can enter. There are endless hillsides on both sides of the road, and there is no way for trucks to enter.

As for turning around and going back, given the narrowness of this road, it is estimated that after the U-turn, the second team of devils would have spotted them.

Although the dozen or so people in Bailixiu's team are all sharpshooters who can hit every shot at a distance of 400 meters, it is almost impossible to face the cavalry of 700 people head-on.

The distance of five or six kilometers would take ten minutes at most at the normal speed of the cavalry, so there was not much time left for Bailixiu to think about a solution.

Bai Lixiu looked at the hillsides on both sides of the road that were dozens of meters high, and the width of the road that could only allow one car to pass, finally gritted his teeth and decided to ambush the team of six 700 with a force of ten or so people. The second devil cavalry team, because Bai Lixiu really didn't want to part with these three carts of more than ten tons of guns and ammunition.

(End of this chapter)

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