The sniper starts from the bright sword escape period

Chapter 434 The Story of Sword Rain Begins

Chapter 434 The Story of Sword Rain Begins
Afterwards, Bailixiu entered into a leisurely teaching career. Of course, Bailixiu's Mohist school was opened, and the fact that the Ministry of Industry and the Second Ministry of the Ministry of War in the imperial court only recruited bullets from the Mohist School naturally aroused the attention of most of the court. Objection of Confucian students.

However, the opposition of Confucian students was nothing in front of Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of Ming Dynasty.

After all, Zhu Yuanzhang was an emperor who could even abolish the position of prime minister, and the most important thing is that the authority of the founding emperor of each dynasty is unquestionable, such as the Qin and Sui dynasties that died of the second generation. Only after the founding emperor died did he dare to rebel.

What's more, Zhu Yuanzhang at this time has also won the absolute support of the Ming military general Xungui.

No way, when Zhu Yuanzhang gave the bolt-action rifles to the generals of Ming Dynasty for trial use, these generals of Ming Dynasty naturally turned their heads to support Zhu Yuanzhang's implementation of Mohism in Daming.

After all, in the eyes of these generals, they don't care whether Mohism or Confucianism governs the world. What they care about is whether they can win the battle. You must know that the rewards of the honorary titles of the Ming Dynasty all require military merit. And the acquisition of military merit is a big victory. With the firecrackers provided by the Mohists, are they afraid that they will not be able to win the battle!
Seeing this, Confucianists naturally have nothing to do. They are Confucianists, and they have a way of practicing etiquette, monarchs and ministers to please the emperor, but if they are required to engage in technology and blacksmithing, that will not work.

Fortunately, although the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of War are no longer in the hands of the six parts, the other four are still in the hands!
Of course, Bai Lixiu didn't understand the fight in the court. He was still teaching his hundred or so Mohist students in his Mohist school.

In the Mohist school run by Bailixi, in addition to classrooms for theoretical classes, there are also carpentry workshops and blacksmith workshops.

Bai Lixiu's requirement for these Mohist students is not only to master theoretical knowledge, but also to master hands-on ability.

Of course, in order to let the students have physical strength and spirit for learning and manual work, Bailixiu also passed on to these students his improved Nine Suns Divine Kungfu. name.

After all, Bai Lixiu didn't want the students of Mohism and Confucianism to become powerless, and Mo Xia didn't just scream for nothing.

The improved technique of Bailixiu is based on the Nine Suns Divine Kungfu, and then combined with the internal energy movement route of the Yiyang Finger, and finally improved.

One of the biggest advantages of this technique is the scorching internal force. This kind of internal force is naturally perfect for forging iron. For example, Bai Lixiu directly melted the tungsten metal ore he obtained through such a scorching internal force. refined.

You must know that even in modern times, the smelting of metal tungsten is very troublesome and difficult. In ancient times, when smelting iron was very laborious, it was naturally even more difficult to smelt tungsten.

But the good thing is that even though Bailixiu doesn't know how to make powdered gold or make arc furnaces, Bailixiu still has miraculous internal power!

Under Bai Lixiu's improvement, the biggest characteristic of the internal force attribute of Zhiyang Shengong is that it can generate high temperature.

It was under this high temperature that Bailixiu melted the tungsten, and the biggest reason why Bailixiu wanted to get tungsten was because of the lathe tool.

There is no way. The machine tools made of ordinary high-carbon steel are really not durable. Although it is easy to cut copper, it is not easy to cut the barrel. It is often blunted after only a few uses.

Besides, Bai Lixiu's acquisition of tungsten metal is actually to get a black iron epee. That's right, when I saw Yang Guo's black iron heavy armor in the previous life, in many discussion forums, Yang Guo's black iron heavy sword The black iron in the heavy sword is considered to be tungsten metal, or an alloy containing tungsten.

Naturally, tungsten metal also meets the requirements, its density is about [-] times that of iron, so even though it is small in size, it is very heavy, and the second point is that it is indestructible.

You must know that the Yitian Sword and Dragon Slaying Saber made of black iron heavy armor later are almost like gods in front of other weapons made of steel.

Of course, the modern tungsten is even more so. The tungsten alloy shell-piercing armor-piercing projectile made of tungsten is just like cutting tofu. The thickness of the armor is more than half a meter, and some can even reach one meter. Penetration thickness.

Time rushed by like this for half a year, and that night, Bailixiu was still sitting on the roof and staring at Zeng Jing's residence across the street under the cover of the night, and then saw a masked person coming from Zeng Jing The family flew out.

And Bai Lixiu looked at this person's figure and naturally understood that this was Jiang Asheng.

Jiang Asheng came and walked quickly, and Bailixiu looked at Fatty Chen who was dealt with by Jiang Asheng in two or three moves, and naturally understood that this was the rhythm of the plot.

From this point of view, what Bai Lixiu did in the Daming Dynasty Hall did not affect Daming's arena at all, nor did it affect Jian Yu's plot line.

As the chief steward of Blackstone, Feiyou Chen, his death alarmed the leader of Blackstone, King Zhuanlun. The next day, after Feiyouchen's body was found and the scene was sealed off, the next night, Zhuanlun Wang came to the crime scene to observe.

Of course, Bailixiu doesn't care about Fatty Chen's life. After all, the task given to him by Chaowan Space is to save Ye Zhanqing, not Feiyouchen. As long as he saves Ye Zhanqing and finds out about Rama's body, then Bai Lixiu's mission in this sword rain world can naturally be completed and returned.

And such a task is naturally a breeze for Bailixiu today.

You must know that now Bailixiu is not only a congenital master, but also created the Zhiyang magic skill by himself. As for the martial arts cheats he got in the world of kung fu, he has also practiced it at a high level, such as Dugu Nine Swords, Subduing Dragon Ten Eight Palms, even Tai Chi and Lion Roar Kung Fu, Spring Legs, Wulang Bagua Stick, and Tiexianquan have also been practiced.

Only Tathagata Divine Palm and Thousand Hands Divine Fist were not practiced. As for why they were not practiced, this is mainly because these are the martial arts of Buddhas, and they must have Buddha nature to exert their greatest power. One Yang Finger, Dugu Nine Swords, etc. are all derived from Taoist martial arts, so naturally there is no practice.

Of course, because the sword rain plot was about to start, Bailixiu naturally didn't have the heart to teach these Mohist students, and gave this group of students a graduation assessment.

In fact, in the past six months, Bailixiu has taught everything that can be taught, such as steam engines, generators, Zengni spinning machines, propellers, and so on. The strength of science and technology has been pulled to the time when the West's industry was in danger.

Moreover, Mohism was left to Daming, which is the Mohist thought based on science and technology, so if Daming is still copied by the West, then Bailixiu can only recognize it.

(End of this chapter)

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