Chapter 479 Enel's Childhood
Of course, like Luffy and the others, Bailixiu encountered sea monsters in the White Sea, but these sea monsters have a very low density in order to float in the low-density White Sea.

However, if the density is low, its physical strength will naturally be very low. The wind blade that Xiao Qiao fanned out with the fan can easily solve these monsters that look scary but are actually just bastards. Monsters!

I saw that the wind blade made by Xiao Qiao's fan, which can't even cut through the skin of the demon seed and celestial phenomenon, easily cut these sea monsters in Baibaihai into pieces.

Bai Lixiu looked at the bodies of these sea monsters in Baibaihai, and couldn't help touching them, and found that they were very soft and elastic, just like the cotton candy Bai Lixiu ate when she was a child.

So immediately Bailixiu started his barbecue career. He cut out some meat from these sea monsters in Baibaihai and grilled them. The sugar is so-so, and the meat, which is obviously big and fast, actually disappears after a few bites in the mouth, and there is no chewing at all.

When everyone was eating Bailixiu's roasted white sea monster meat, Xiao Qiao asked Bailixiu:

"Baili, this empty island looks so beautiful, why don't we go up and have a look!"

However, Bailixiu shook her head and said:
"Little Joe, the dangers of this world are far greater than we imagined. Do you still remember the Magic Valley Town below? It's not easy to deal with any pirates there. For example, look at it now!"

Just as Bailixiu and Xiao Qiao were talking, Bailixiu saw a flash on the empty island dozens of kilometers away for no reason, and then a thunderous sound came into the ears of Bailixiu and Xiaoqiao. .

Then Bailixiu took the scope of the star-piercing electromagnetic gun and looked in the direction of the thunder. As Bailixiu expected, in the small town on Sky Island there was a blackened sky that was struck by lightning. The islanders fell to the ground, while the air islanders with wings all around hid away with fear on their faces.

Bai Lixiu was not surprised by such a scene, because Bai Lixiu knew that this was Enilu's retaliation for the oppression and insults that the Sky Islanders had done to him.

And why is Enilo being oppressed by the Sky Islanders!This has to start with the battle between the Sandia people and the Sky Islanders.

400 years ago, Apayado on the Konghai Sea was originally a part of Gaya Island on the Qinghai Sea, but it was brought to the Baibai Sea by a huge soaring current 400 years ago.

However, before Gaya Island was washed into the sky, Montblanc Nolando, a navigator of the North Sea, had been to the complete Gaya Island, and got along very well with the local residents, and agreed to meet again.

After Montblanc Nolando returned home, Nolando claimed to have discovered Shandora, the land of gold.However, when Noland led the king to Gaya Island again, the entire island was disconnected from it, and the Golden Village was also lost.Norland was executed for deception, and he refused to deny the existence of the Golden Land until his death.

After Apayado was brought to the Baibai Sea by the soaring ocean current, the sky islanders who had never seen the land regarded it as a holy place, and invaded Apayado and renamed it "Island of the Gods".

However, when Gaya Island was washed up into the sky by the soaring ocean current, there were still many original residents of Gaya Island on it, but the people on Sky Island thought that it was God-given to them. Where is it, so they expelled the original inhabitants of Gaya Island, that is, the Sandia

However, in order to regain their homeland and ring the golden bell again to complete the agreement with Nolando, the expelled Sandia started a 400-year war with the Sky Islanders.

For more than 400 years, the local residents of Sky Island and the residents of the original Gaya Island started a long-term war for territory.

Of course, some of them were expelled from Payado, that is, the Sandiya people of the original Gaya Island were forced to exile to the empty islands on the Baibai Sea.

And Enilo is one of them. Because he doesn't have the unique wings of Sky Islanders, he has been bullied by Sky Islanders since he was a child.

However, this kind of bullying ended with the acquisition of the thunderous fruit.

Eight years before Luffy came to Sky Island, Enel, who had been able to skillfully use the Thunder Fruit, destroyed his hometown Sky Island "Bika".

Of course, the reason why Enilo wants to destroy Bika, which he grew up in, is because for Enilo, this so-called hometown is actually a place of pain for him, and the people on Sky Island above have bullied him. Therefore, it is natural to destroy and kill the residents of Sky Island on Bika.

Then Enel came to the kingdom of gods, and with his powerful strength, defeated Gan Fuer.Become the new god of the kingdom of gods and rule the country with fear.

The reason for this is naturally that Enilo wants to get back the abuse that the people of Sky Island once treated him.

Under Bailixiu's guidance, Xiao Qiao naturally also saw the winged Sky Islander who had been struck by lightning, so Xiao Qiao covered her mouth and said:
"Did this guy do something unscrupulous? Was he struck by lightning in broad daylight?"

It's just that when Xiao Qiao was speaking, another thunderbolt hit a person in the crowd, and then seven or eight thunderbolts sounded one after another in the next moment, and each thunderbolt was very precise. The chop hit a person.

He immediately dispersed the crowd of onlookers, not even daring to collect their corpses.

Seeing such a situation, Xiao Qiao patted her chest in fear and said:

"This island is really weird. It's a good thing you didn't go up Baili! Otherwise, we might all be struck by lightning!"

And Xiao Qiao's words naturally attracted the nods of Zhong Wuyan, Yao, and Ake, and Bai Lixiu said:

"Although huge sea monsters appear from time to time in the sea, they are much easier to deal with than the monsters. However, not all islands can be found on the islands in the sea. Before going to the island, we still have to observe and find out whether the island is safe before going to the island. After all, the ships on the seas of this world are still powered by sailboats, and the speed is not much faster. With the speed of our Kunpeng, it is very easy. You can get rid of it, but it’s different on the island!”

However, Zhong Wuyan frowned when she heard what Bailixiu said:

"Are we just waiting outside the island like this?"

Regarding Zhong Wuyan's words, Bai Lixiu shook her head and said:
"Of course not, I'm waiting for the pathfinders now, don't you think they're here!"

Just as Bai Lixiu was speaking, Luffy and his Golden Meri had been sent from the 7000-meter-high Baihai to the [-]-meter-high Baibaihai by the express shrimp!

And Bai Lixiu watched Lu Fei and the others enter the sky island, and naturally knew that Lu Fei and the others were about to confront the god of the sky island, Enilo.

(End of this chapter)

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