Chapter 489 God's Prophecy
However, after a thunderbolt knocked down the giant snake Lord of the Sky, Enilo said to Sauron, the Sandia warrior Wappa, and the old gods Gan Fore and Robin Nami who were present:
"Glorious survivors, you have worked so hard to get here, let me praise you! It's nothing, it's just a small game, let's see how many of the 81 people will be safe and sound after you step on this island for three hours There are halfway participants in the survival game, including me! But I also admit his qualifications. My prediction is that five survivors will arrive in three minutes and three hours. That is to say, if there are six survivors here Personally, I am in trouble, the temple prophecy cannot fail, because it is absolute, then, who wants to disappear! Do you do it yourself? Or do I do it myself!"

After all, Enilo looked at Sauron standing in front of him, Robin, Gan Fore and Wappa. Of course, Nami was hiding behind a wall behind them.

However, this is useless for Enil, who can cover the entire Apayado and the empty island, but Sauron and the others don't care about Enil's threats. The weapon pointed at Enil, and at the same time said that as long as Enil was killed, wouldn't it be better, would there be five people left!

However, the idea is beautiful but the reality is cruel. There is no way for everyone who is not yet armed and domineering, their attacks can't hurt Enilo at all.

The first one to be defeated was the old god Gan Fall. His knight spear was useless to Enel, but his armor was made of metal, which made it easier to conduct electricity. Therefore, Enil easily passed It’s solved, there are no wonderful moments in the whole fighting process, some of them are just Ai Nilu’s one-shot kill, there is no way for the natural devil fruit to be elementalized in the first half of the great aircraft carrier, it’s too buggy .

However, after killing Gan Fuer, Enilo was not in a hurry to do it, but instead invited Robin, Suolongwapa and Nami to follow him to the legendary infinite continent moon.

However, Robin was the first to refuse. After all, there is the historical text she wants to study here, and there is wool on the moon!

Besides, Robin at this time is still a black girl with dark skin!He wasn't as fair-skinned as he was two years later, so Enilo, an electric guy, naturally wouldn't be sympathetic to him. He simply lost his temper and made Robin pass out on the spot.

When Sauron saw his crew being beaten by Enilo, he immediately rushed to take revenge.

However, Sauron's knife is neither armed with arrogance, nor is it inlaid with sea tower stones, so even if it hits Enil, it is like a knife passing through water, and there is no way to hurt Enil.

And Enil also took the opportunity to grab the sword god of the two knives held by Sauron, and then started to discharge Sauron, and Sauron's knife handles were not insulated, so Sauron was electrified on the spot and his whole body was black. In the end, of course, Enil still felt that it was not enough at this time, and immediately stepped on Sauron's face to humiliate him.

However, Wappa took this opportunity and flew over, his legs clamped Enilo's waist, but the platoon shell in his hand was already pressed on Enilo's heart.

Just when Anilu wanted to use elementalization to escape, he found that his body was weak, and he couldn't even do elementalization. I didn't know where Vapa, the strongest warrior in Shandia, got it from. It is precisely because of this that Wappa gave up the long-range weapon in his hand and changed it to a close-up. The purpose is to stick Hailou Stone to Enilu's body with close combat.

With the launch of Wappa's pushback, Enilu was beaten so hard that he lost his heartbeat on the spot, and Wappa was also sent flying more than ten meters away by the reaction force of the pushback.

However, as Wappa left Hailoushi, the suppressing effect naturally disappeared, and although Enilo lost his heartbeat, his consciousness was still there, so immediately Enilo gave himself a heart shock to make his heart Back to work.

If Sauron went to make up the knife at the moment the tile left, maybe there would still be time, but as Enil's heart resumed work, it would be too late. With the equipment, Enil would naturally not get close to Wappa again. The only chance is that two high-power thunderbolts will directly stun Sauron and Wappa.

After doing all this, Enilu turned his eyes to Nami, the only person who is still awake now, and Enilu walked slowly to Nami, condescendingly looking at the frightened limp on the ground Nami, then asked:
"You're the only one left!"

Enilo's meaning is very clear, whether he is as stubborn as Sauron Robin, and he is subdued even if he is directly electrocuted to death by himself, or he is subdued and joins himself and goes to the moon of the infinite continent with him.

However, Nami and He are not the kind of people who are unyielding until death, what's more, Nami knows that the most powerful captain among them, Luffy, has not come yet!
So Nami immediately said submissively:
"Qing, take me away! I'll go with you! To the dream world! Can't you?"

For Nami, the only remaining person who agreed to go to the Infinite Continent by himself, Enilo naturally had no intention of disagreeing, and immediately followed Enilo to the cave where the Ark Proverb was built.

Just when Nami left, Luffy and Aisha finally came out of the belly of the giant snake Lord of the Sky.

Then Luffy immediately found Luffy who was stunned on the ground not far away, as well as Robin and others.

Aisha, who is a Sandian, naturally saw Wappa lying dead in it, and immediately cried to Luffy and affirmed that it was Enilo.

At this moment, Robin also woke up. After all, Robin is also a woman. Although her skin is a little darker, but her body is still very good, so although Enilo made a move, subconsciously, it was out of men's pity for beautiful women. His instinct still reduced the strength of his electrotherapy for Robin a lot, so Robin woke up so quickly. When Robin saw that it was the familiar Luffy, he said:

"Miss Navigator, you have been taken away!"

Seeing Robin who woke up, Luffy immediately asked anxiously:

"Where was Nami taken?"

Robin knew about this problem, so he shook his head at Luffy and said:
"I don't know, listen carefully, if this continues, the empty island of this country will be wiped out, all, he said that all humans in the sky will return to the ground!"

When Luffy heard Robin's words, he couldn't let him do this, so he said:
"So Enilo will definitely go to a place with gold in the end?"

"This is safer. If you go to the wrong place, it will be irreversible!"

Robin also nodded in agreement with Luffy's words, after all, I don't know where Enel is!If you can't find Enilu, you will be in trouble!

(End of this chapter)

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