The sniper starts from the bright sword escape period

Chapter 58 When the wedding is going on

Chapter 58 When the wedding is going on

Of course, under the oppression of the little devils in this era, you can't eat anything good even if you have a feast, that is, the canned food that was seized and the wild stew of cabbage.

Although this banquet is the marriage of Li Yunlong and Yang Xiuqin, on the surface it is considered a happy banquet, but Liangjian knows it after watching more than a dozen Bailixiu. They killed Zhao Gang, captured Li Yunlong's new wife Yang Xiuqin, and killed more than 300 innocent people in Zhao Jiayu.

Although Bailixiu knew about this plot and this tragedy, but because he didn't know the specific time period when it happened, because in the original plot of Liangjian, it didn't say what month and date Li Yunlong got married.

And Bai Lixiu couldn't always guard the regiment headquarters because of the missions sent by Li Yunlong, so Bai Lixiu wanted to help, but couldn't do it.

"Riding a white horse, carrying a steel gun, the third brother eats eight-way food, and if he wants to go home to see the girl, he can't take care of hitting devils...!"

Amidst a group of children laughing and singing, Yang Xiuqin, who was wearing a brand new red padded jacket, was escorted by Zhao Jiayu's women to the place where the wedding ceremony was held, which is the courtyard of the regiment headquarters of the Independence Regiment. .

In this big courtyard, five tables have been set up at this time, among them, besides four tables are people from the independent regiment department, there is also a table from Zhao Jiayu's folks.

Of course, there are more than 300 people in Zhao Jiayu, and it is impossible for them all to come to the banquet. The regiment headquarters of his independent group does not have such a big family background, so considering this situation, it is natural to invite those who are relatively senior in Zhao Jiayu. Formed a table, be regarded as meaning.

At this time, Yang Xiuqin and Li Yunlong were sitting in front of a small long table made separately, and then Zhao Gang next to him was presiding over Li Yunlong's wedding like a modern wedding host. The person sitting at the dining table said:
"Let's invite the newlyweds first to introduce the love process, so that we bachelors can also study hard and gain some experience. Anyway, we will need it sooner or later, right!"

Sure enough, although Zhao Gang said it was the first time to preside over someone else's wedding, he did not miss the scene at all and was very good at enhancing the atmosphere. After Zhao Gang's words, the atmosphere of the scene immediately became lively. Everyone followed Zhao Gang's words and said loudly "Yes!" They asked Li Yunlong and Yang Xiuqin to introduce their love history.

Li Yunlong stood up and said with a fit smile:

"Now, as a person who has experienced it, I will talk about my love experience!"

However, just halfway through Li Yunlong's words, Zhao Gang interrupted with a smile:
"Hey! What do you call someone who has come here! Have you passed?"

"That's right! The leader has to enter the bridal chamber before it's over!"

Duan Peng, a recruit who had just joined the independent regiment for a few days, was cooperating with Zhao Gang and making noises.

However, Li Yunlong was not angry about Zhao Gang's stealing behavior, but said in a kind tone:
"Okay! Okay! Then it's half over, let's go on, based on my love experience! There's nothing complicated about falling in love. To put it bluntly, it's just that the bastard sees mung beans right!"

Sure enough, as soon as Li Yunlong's words came out, the comrades and people present at the banquet immediately laughed, and Yang Xiuqin, who was sitting on the side, gave Li Yunlong a speechless look, but Li Yunlong continued without paying attention:

"This kind of thing is usually first opened by gay men. Lesbians are thin-skinned and embarrassed. For example, I will take the initiative with you. If you agree, you will get married. If you don't agree, you will pull it down. Of course. You also have to master the heat, you have to estimate whether the other party is pleasing to your eyes, you know yourself and the enemy!"

"Captain, how do you guess?"

Duan Peng stood up very appropriately and asked, while Li Yunlong continued to respond to Duan Peng's question:

"What, how to estimate, it depends on ability, think about it! There are more than 1000 people in our group, why did Lao Li get married first! You have to say that Lao Li is capable, so if anyone reaches the stipulated time , This is also the case, if you have no idea, then you all come to me and report to me, and I will give you a single coach!"

However, Zhao Gang finally couldn't stand Li Yunlong's bragging, so he stood up and stopped:

"Okay, Lao Li, stop bragging, take care of your prestige, and I won't expose you!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Gang picked up a bowl of wine and said to the people sitting at the table:

"Comrades, this first bowl of wine is to be toasted to the newlyweds first, and I wish them happiness and prosperity, so come and do it!"

Following Zhao Gang's proposal, everyone picked up their wine bowls and did it.

However, when everyone was eating and eating, Kazuki Yamamoto had already led his special team to Zhao Jiayu's side and was waiting for the right time to launch a beheading operation towards Li Yunlong's regiment headquarters.

At this time, Kazuki Yamamoto was in a hidden place a few hundred meters away from Zhao Jiayu, while observing Zhao Jiayu's terrain with a telescope, he told his adjutant:

"Did you see that? That's Zhaojiayu Village. We have repeatedly studied this village on the sand table. This village is built on the mountain. You can only enter from the front village entrance, and the back village entrance leads to the mountain. You can only block the back village entrance by climbing the cliff. Let's make a distribution. The first battle team and I will climb up the rock and seal the road at the back of the village. The second and third battle teams will raid the front village entrance. Be careful, the tactics must be sudden, and the enemy should not be alarmed too early. Everyone understands Yet?"


The adjutant under him quickly nodded to express his understanding.

Kazuki Yamamoto saw that his adjutant expressed his understanding, he raised the watch on his wrist and began to check the time:

"It's 38:[-] p.m., act on time at [-] p.m.!"

, After finishing speaking, he and the deputy officers and soldiers divided into two groups to ambush at the intersection of Qiancun and the other at the intersection of Houcun, planning to wait until eight o'clock in the evening according to the plan, and launch a surprise attack on time.

However, Li Yunlong and others still didn't know about the arrival of Zhao Gang, the Yamamoto special team that almost wiped out the independent regiment in Kong Jie's time. Then continued:
"Miss Xiuqin doesn't dislike us being poor. Marrying a poor man like you, you have burned high incense in your previous life. What do you have? If you want money or not, you say you want looks. It's not much, except for a louder voice. Nothing special, is it!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The soldiers below could see that Zhao Gang was joking and naturally echoed, but Li Yunlong also said unambiguously:
"It's because of our loud voice that she fell in love with us, isn't it! Xiuqin!"

As Li Yunlong spoke, he asked Xiuqin a question, which made Xiuqin bow her head in embarrassment.


(End of this chapter)

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