Chapter 611 Bailixiu’s space suit
As Bailixiu got closer, he discovered a shortcoming of King Uranus, that is, except for the oversized surveillance lens next to the laser cannon at the bottom, there were no other surveillance lenses around it. .

So when Bailixiu approached from above King Uranus, there was no reaction at all.

After landing the Kunpeng on King Uranus, Bailixiu began to put on his homemade space suit.

Bailixiu's self-made spacesuit is also very simple. It is a layer of one-piece sealed rubber thermal clothing, and then a transparent glass hood like that of the Celestial Dragon.

Such a space suit can still be easily manufactured in the world of One Piece.Of course, in order to breathe, you need a compressed air bottle, just like a diver.

Such a simple spacesuit is barely enough for Bailixiu's physical fitness, but the spacesuit in the world before Bailixiu traveled was much more advanced than this.

You must know that the vacuum space environment between planets is an extremely harsh environment that endangers human survival. Even if Bailixiu is now strong enough to easily destroy an island, there is no way he can survive in the universe without relying on tools.

In the interstellar universe, there are disasters such as vacuum, high and low temperatures, solar radiation, cosmic rays or meteors, and navigation between planets will also be in a state of weightlessness.

Therefore, in order to protect the safety of vulnerable astronauts during interstellar navigation, there are usually two types of protective measures:
A kind of environmental protection that protects astronauts in a closed cabin and isolates them from the outside world;

The second is personal protection, which protects astronauts in special space suits.

Therefore, space suits are essential functional equipment for humans traveling in space.
It is a life support system worn by astronauts in harsh space environments.

It involves a wide range of technological categories and is a typical high-tech product.

Of course, such high-tech space suits are also classified.

Structural classification: can be divided into soft space suits, hard space suits, soft and hard combined space suits,

Purpose classification: It can be divided into indoor space suits and extra-vehicular space suits.

Spacesuits used inside the cabin usually consist of a pressure suit, helmet, gloves and boots.

Due to the high requirements for protective performance and usability, extravehicular space suits are better than indoor suits in terms of structure and protective performance.Aerospace helmets generally have a sealed opening and closing mechanism and a spherical panoramic window.

The extravehicular spacesuit is the most important life support equipment for astronauts during extravehicular activities. The entire system has more than 2000 parts and has a very complex structure.

The basic structure of the main body of a space suit. A space suit usually requires more than a dozen layers to basically meet the basic requirements of space walking. This is another reason why the space suit looks wide and bloated on the outside. It can be divided into functions from the inside to the outside. It is five floors.The first layer is the underwear layer that is in direct contact with the skin. It is equipped with the function of monitoring cosmic solar radiation to prevent astronauts from straying into dangerous high-radiation areas. It also dynamically monitors the astronauts' living environment. It is also equipped with the function of monitoring and recording heart rate. , body temperature, respiration and other physiological data measurement equipment.

The second layer of temperature regulation layer adopts a new technology of heat pipe liquid temperature regulation and arranges a large number of polyvinyl chloride thin tubes. The liquid flow in the tubes can take away the heat generated by the body and control the temperature inside the space suit.

The third pressurized layer is sealed with rubber and filled with air equivalent to one atmosphere to ensure that the astronauts are in a normal pressure environment.

The fourth layer is the constraint layer. The main function of this layer is to control the shape of the inflated space suit and to resist the impact of tiny meteorites in space.

The fifth layer is the surface layer of the space suit, which is made of high-strength synthetic fiber to resist the impact of meteorites and ultraviolet damage.

Of course, in addition to these five layers, the spacesuit must also meet six functions before it can perform walking operations in space, such as repairing and repairing the space station.

The first function is constant air pressure.The space suit must have good sealing properties and constant internal air pressure.Human beings have lived in the blue star environment for a long time. In order to resist the atmospheric pressure in the air, there is a pressure equal to the atmospheric pressure in the human body to balance it.Space is a vacuum environment without atmospheric pressure. If a person does not take any protective measures in the space environment, the blood will boil due to the pressure in the body, and the muscle tissue will expand outward or even explode.

The second function is to block radiation.The design of space suits must provide effective protection to avoid various radiation injuries.The main components of the space ionizing radiation environment are protons and electrons. When these particles interact with the human body, they will cause ionization, atomic displacement and chemical reactions in the internal tissue cells of the human body, endangering the health of astronauts.In addition, solar ultraviolet radiation and galactic cosmic rays are also major threats to the health of astronauts.

The third function is temperature control and insulation.Space suits must have good temperature control and insulation properties to ensure that the human body's thermal balance is not destroyed.There is a huge temperature difference in space. The temperature on the side illuminated by the sun can continue to rise to 120 degrees Celsius, while the temperature on the shady side can drop to minus 100 degrees Celsius.How to maintain the body temperature of astronauts in a temperature difference of 200 degrees Celsius has always been a difficulty that space suits need to overcome.

The fourth function is to resist meteorite impact.The materials used to make space suits must have good strength and be able to withstand slight impacts from small meteorites.Micrometeoroids and space debris also threaten the safety of astronauts. Micrometeoroids and space debris move very fast. When they collide with manned spacecraft or extravehicular astronauts, they will release huge energy and may even act like stray bullets. Penetrating a spacesuit is life-threatening.

The fifth function is life-sustaining activities.The space suit must have a good life support system to provide the oxygen needed to maintain life, process waste from body metabolism, and maintain life activities.Extravehicular spacesuits worn for long periods of time should also be able to allow astronauts to drink, eat and defecate.

The sixth function is to help with space walks.Astronauts need to perform various tasks such as routine, non-routine and emergency during extravehicular activities, and they need to be equipped with independent power systems to help with space walks.In addition, the space suit is also required to be lightweight, easy to wear, fireproof, anti-expansion, anti-deformation, etc.

Of course, regarding the five layers and six functions of this space suit, Baili Xiu can only satisfy the needs of having a pressurized layer and a constrained layer, with constant air pressure and a slight warmth.

As for other things, there are basically none, but Baili Xiuxiu is not worried, because when she stepped out of the Kunpeng and entered the vacuum environment, Baili Xiu had directly attached her internal power to her spacesuit. , in order to act as a radiation isolation layer and a protective layer against meteorite impacts.

As for whether Bailixiu's internal power protection is useful, it goes without saying that it is of course useful. After all, Bailixiu has already tried it. Under the internal power protection, even the laser cannot penetrate his internal power and attack Bailixiu. arm.

(End of this chapter)

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