The sniper starts from the bright sword escape period

Chapter 625 Quench of Superconductors

Chapter 625 Quench of Superconductors
So there is no need to think that it is almost a matter of time before Hawkeye loses. However, the energy storage effect of superconductors far exceeds Bailixiu's expectations.

This is not the result of Kaido's blue dragon-shaped thundercloud summoning, Charlotte Lingling's Zeus thundercloud and the thundercloud produced by the Ark's Proverbs. Under the blessing of the three thunderclouds, Bailixiu's feet were changed by it. However, the superconductor was still only charged to about one-third of its capacity after 10 minutes. It is estimated that it would take more than half an hour to fully charge it.

However, what makes Yuurixiu more happy is that except for the combination of Hawkeye and the three calamity star captains who are at a disadvantage, Kaido, Charlotte Lingling and Long are the three five old stars who can fight. There were back and forths, but no disadvantages were highlighted.

But Bailixiu also knew that as the battle lasted longer, it would be a matter of time before Hawkeye Mihawk and the division captains, Star Stars, and the Three Disasters were defeated, so Bailixiu also increased the size of the thunderclouds in the sky while fighting. The lightning output of lightning to the superconductor under your feet strives to bring the superconductor into the saturation quench state as soon as possible.

As for what is the quench state of a superconductor, we have to start with the characteristics of the superconductor. We must know that the superconductor has zero resistance characteristics, the Meissner effect and the Josephson effect.

As for what the Meissner effect is, we have to start talking about it in [-]. In [-], the Chinese physicists Meissner and Ossenfeld discovered this when they measured the magnetic field distribution of a tin single crystal sphere superconductor. , when the metal is cooled into the superconducting state in a small magnetic field, the magnetic field lines in the body are expelled at once, and the magnetic field lines cannot pass through its body. That is to say, when the superconductor is in the superconducting state, the magnetic field in the body is always equal to zero.

Once a superconductor enters the superconducting state, all the magnetic flux in the body will be discharged from the body, and the magnetic induction intensity is always zero. Regardless of whether the conductor is cooled down first and then added with a magnetic field, or first added with a magnetic field and then cooled down, as long as it enters the superconducting state, the superconductor will The magnetic flux is expelled from the body.

In addition, superconductors are also completely diamagnetic, and external magnetic fields cannot enter or strictly speaking cannot exist within the superconductor on a large scale. This is another basic characteristic of superconductors.

The reason for the Meissner effect is that when a superconductor is in a superconducting state, a lossless induced current is generated on the surface under the action of a magnetic field.The magnetic field generated by this current is exactly equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the external magnetic field, so the total resultant magnetic field is zero deep in the superconducting region.In other words, this lossless induced current shields the external magnetic field, so it is called diamagnetic shielding current.

The Josephson effect is a supercurrent phenomenon across the Josephson junction.The Josephson junction is composed of two superconductors that are weakly connected to each other, and the structure of this weak connection can be a thin insulating layer, called a superconductor-insulator-superconductor junction, a small section of non-superconducting metal, or A narrow section that weakens the superconductivity of the contact point.

The Josephson effect is a manifestation of macroscopic quantum effects.It is named after physicist Brian Josephson, who in [-] proposed the relationship between current and voltage across weak links.

The DC Josephson effect had been discovered experimentally before [-], but at that time it was considered to be a "super short circuit" or damage to the insulating layer that caused the transfer of electrons between superconductors.The first experimental paper claiming to have discovered the Josephson effect was published by Philip Anderson and John Lowell. .

Before Josephson's prediction, it was only known that electrons in a non-superconducting state could flow through an insulating layer through quantum tunneling.Josephson first predicted the tunneling phenomenon of Cooper pairs in the superconducting state, for which he won the [-] Physics Prize.Josephson junctions have many important applications in quantum circuits, such as superconducting quantum interferometers, superconducting quantum computing, fast single magnetic flux quantum, digital electronic devices, etc.

Each Josephson junction has a critical current.If the current flowing through the Josephson junction is less than this critical current, there is no voltage drop across the Josephson junction.For currents slightly larger than the critical value, multiple Andreev reflections occur.When the current is so large that the voltage difference across the junction exceeds the band gap of the superconductor, the current-voltage relationship becomes linear and the multiple Andreev reflections disappear.

Of course, to put it more simply, if a superconductor wants to maintain superconductivity, it must have these three basic characteristics, namely critical temperature, critical magnetic field, and critical current. These three are the three important parameters of a superconductor.When any parameter among temperature, magnetic field and current exceeds the critical value, the superconducting magnet will undergo a phase change and become a normal conductor, and this process is called quenching.Keeping the operating temperature of the superconductor constant, the superconductor can stably return to the superconducting state only when the current flowing through the superconductor drops below the recovery current.

The safety analysis of the magnet after quenching needs to solve the quench transition process, including the current attenuation, temperature change and voltage change of the magnet, so as to estimate the thermal shock and voltage shock of the magnet during the quenching process, so as to satisfy the requirements of the magnetic field. The magnet design of strength and magnetic field uniformity is evaluated to provide basis for the structural design and process design of the magnet.

Of course, Baili Xiu is not concerned about the production process of superconductors now. After all, the superconductor under his feet was created by the awakening of his thunder fruit. What kind of production process does he know?

The reason why Bailixiu desperately inputs a large current into the superconductor under his feet is also very simple: he wants the superconductor under his feet to enter the quench state.

Once a superconductor enters the quench state, the power is very terrifying, especially because the current is saturated and enters the quench state. The huge current originally inside the superconductor will be released instantly. The power of such a huge current being released instantly That's not covered.

Of course, the inspiration for Bailixiu's ultimate move also comes from a source, that is, it was inspired by a science fiction drama that Bailixiu watched before traveling through time. In one episode, a monster wanted to destroy a superconducting storage power station, but this Superconducting energy storage power stations cannot be destroyed, because once destroyed, the huge energy released will destroy the entire city.

Bailixiu also came up with this trick based on this inspiration. Of course, the more electrical energy a superconductor absorbs, the greater its power will be when it is destroyed. It is precisely because of this that Bailixiu decided to use thunder and lightning. Filled with the entire superconductor.

Time passed like this, and Baili Xiu also felt that the superconductor under her feet had stored saturated electricity, so she immediately sent a reminder message to the team chat group in Chaowan Space.

Serene Eye:

"Hurry up and drive away from the Ark Proverbs. I feel that the superconductor under my feet is about to reach critical value. You must retreat quickly!"

Regarding Bailixiu's words, Zhong Wuyan and the others naturally implemented it immediately, and immediately drove the Ark Proverbs out for nearly fifty kilometers, which was the edge of Bailixiu's perception range of the domineering sight.

(End of this chapter)

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