Chapter 644 Quicksand is invisible
The light of the setting sun has also transformed the surrounding sand dunes into golden light. Such a sand sea scene is a sight that cannot be seen in the Tang Dynasty.

However, while Bailixiu and others were admiring the sunset in the desert, something more dangerous than the demonized creature quietly approached.

That's right, after traveling hundreds of kilometers into the Yunzhong Desert, everything here has turned into yellow sand, no longer the kind of Gobi.

And this sky full of yellow sand is most likely to form quicksand.

This does not combine with the parking place chosen by the caravan, and the quicksand phenomenon occurs.

Of course, it was not just people who were trapped by the quicksand, but also several hundred-ton crawler transport vehicles.

In response to this situation, Zhong Wuyan immediately prepared to transform into the Great Ape King Kong and go to rescue him, but was grabbed by Baili Xiu.

At the same time, Bailixiu's mind also began to recall various rescue knowledge about quicksand before traveling.

Quicksand, simply put, is sand that flows like a liquid and is a natural phenomenon.It often appears in deserts with unstable foundations. Whenever it is placed on the sand at noon, it will slowly sink to the bottom like falling into water.

Among them, the biggest damage caused by the quicksand in the world before Bailixiu traveled was the liquefaction of land caused by an earthquake in Port Royal in 2000. In the end, nearly one-third of the city disappeared, and [-] people died.

Of course, most people's impression of quicksand is usually seen in movies.In the scene created by the movie, quicksand is like a monster that can suck people into a bottomless pit.

But in reality, the movie's depiction of quicksand is simply full of holes.Experiments have found that it takes several days for sand to become sticky, but to make it lose its stickiness, you only need to apply pressure on its surface.

In other words, when you fall into quicksand, as the depth of descent increases, the sand falling from the upper layer to the lower layer will quickly aggregate with the soil to create a thick sediment layer.At this time, if you stop moving, it will stop at this point and will not continue to sink.

Although most of the situations in the film are for visual effects, there is at least one description that is correct.That is, if you fall into quicksand and struggle vigorously or kick your legs violently, you will only sink faster.

When falling into quicksand, first of all, you must not move and stay calm.Then we have to find ways to reduce the weight.If you have any brand-name watches, key chains, cell phones, etc., take them off decisively and throw them aside.This will also slow down your sinking speed.

Next, you'll want to gently move your feet to squeeze as much water and sand out of the area as possible.Doing this will not only relieve the pressure on your body in the quicksand, but also loosen the sand, giving you a chance to escape.

The third step is to spread your limbs as much as possible and keep your body flat. This can increase the contact area between your body and the sand, so that the buoyancy you get in the sand will be greater.When doing this step, try to keep your body as flat as possible. Don't be afraid that your whole body will sink when you lie down on the quicksand.

Generally, once you reach this point, your body will not sink any further.At this time, you can ask for help from friends around you, or see if there is anything you can grab, and pull your body out of the quicksand area bit by bit.

If there is no one around or nothing to hold on to, you can try rolling or crawling slowly down to a solid surface.

In addition, there is a relatively simple and feasible way.If you accidentally fall into quicksand, first, lie your body back. This will still increase the contact area between you and the quicksand.

After keeping your body flat, swing your feet slightly back and forth.Remember, do not struggle greatly, but patiently twist your ankle back and forth.Think of your feet as propellers and let the quicksand spread out as much as possible instead of clinging to you.If you still don't dare to try this step, then don't move once you lie down completely.Take out your cell phone and call for help. This is your only way now.

While waiting for rescue, all you have to do is take a deep breath and keep your mental state centered.Try meditating like you do yoga and be hopeful.

After rescuers arrive, remind them not to use too much force when pulling.In fact, very few people fall into quicksand every year. Most people have never experienced it personally. Maybe their first aid knowledge is not as rich as yours.

Quicksand is very dense, and if they pull too hard, it can dislocate bones and cause secondary damage to you.

Of course, after regaining your life, remember to go to the hospital for a physical check-up as soon as possible.The weight of the sand can cause damage to your muscles and blood vessels.Others may feel unwell for a long time after being rescued, a phenomenon known as "crush syndrome."

However, the knowledge Bailixiu gained before traveling through time to deal with quicksand was of no use!
Because people are the best to save at this time. For example, the driver and gunner of the crawler transport vehicle that was stuck in the quicksand had already been picked up by Xiao Qiao with a big fan. However, this crawler transport vehicle But he was about to fall into it.

Of course, the most anxious person at this time was not Baili Xiu, but the general manager of the caravan, because the three crawler transport vehicles caught in the quicksand happened to be the transport vehicles of his chamber of commerce.

You must know that the thousand or so crawler transport vehicles of this joint caravan are not produced by a single chamber of commerce.

It was jointly established by eight chambers of commerce in Chang'an City of the Tang Dynasty.

Among them, the chamber of commerce of the general person in charge of this caravan sent [-] crawler transport vehicles to occupy the third floor of the joint fleet.

Although the three crawler transport vehicles only account for one percent of his vehicle fleet, don't forget that this is such a long journey. The loss of one transport vehicle means the loss of hundreds of tons of transport capacity!

If this reaches Yucheng, it means that hundreds of tons of jade will be transported less!
So the general manager of the caravan immediately found Bailixiu and said to Bailixiu:

"Captain Baili, you have to think of a way! If you lose one transport truck, your profit will be reduced by one thousandth! Then your share will be reduced by one thousandth!"

Bailixiu naturally understands what the caravan chief said, because in the protection contract, in addition to the fixed payment, there is also a share. In other words, the more items the joint caravan brings back, the higher their value. So Baili Showing off their team will earn more.

But in this situation, even if Baili Xiu could fly, it would be of no use!After all, the hundred tons of cargo inside the crawler transport vehicle plus its own weight are a full one hundred twenty or thirty tons, which is simply not something Bailixiu can pull.

Of course, the 50-meter-tall King Kong Giant Ape after Zhong Wuyan's transformation should be able to pull it, but the problem now is that if the King Kong Giant Ape transformed by Zhong Wuyan walks over, it will probably be trapped like a crawler transport vehicle before it can be pulled. Inside the quicksand.

After all, Zhong Wuyan's weight will also increase after her transformation. Although she has not been weighed, it is at least a thousand tons!

(End of this chapter)

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