Chapter 648: Protector’s Past

After hearing Bailixiu's words, the general manager of the joint caravan said to Bailixiu without any surprise:

"It's normal that you don't know. After all, this happened more than 30 years ago. Although it was a big deal at the time, under His Majesty's ban, naturally not many people would talk about it. Over time, the younger generation like you will no longer understand it!"

Bailixiu naturally nodded in agreement with the words of the head of the joint caravan. After all, as time went by and the emperor issued the ban, it would naturally not be recorded in the book. In addition, this ordinary person in the King's Continent Naturally, the younger generation has no way of knowing due to the lack of information.

Then following the words of the head of the joint caravan, Bailixiu also understood what was going on with the Protectorate, which was established deep in the Yunzhong Desert and was nearly two thousand kilometers away from the border of the Tang Dynasty.

It turns out that at the beginning of the founding of the Tang Dynasty, there was a desire to seize the vast area of ​​​​Yunzhong Desert.

However, after all, most of the Yunzhong Desert is desert, and only a few places have oases. Therefore, they only dispatched the expeditionary force to establish the Protectorate in the depths of the Yunzhong Desert to express their support for the Yunzhong Desert. ownership.

However, as the demonic energy became more and more intense, it eventually naturally led to the demonized creatures and demonic species in the desert in the cloud becoming stronger.

And because the Yunzhong Desert is sparsely populated, there is no way for experts to clean up the powerful demon species in the territory from time to time like in the Tang Dynasty.

So the final result is naturally that the outbreak of demon species in Yunzhong Modi makes the connection between Chang'an of the Tang Dynasty and the Protectorate become weaker and weaker.

Every time the supplies were transported from Chang'an of the Tang Dynasty to the Protectorate, they had to cross nearly two thousand kilometers of desert to reach them.

However, as more and more caravans get into trouble, naturally fewer and fewer people are willing to take on this kind of transportation task.

This situation was not until the new emperor Wu Zetian came to power, and after some thinking, Wu Zetian finally decided to abandon the Protectorate built in Yunzhong Desert, no longer provide reinforcements and material transportation to it, and let it fend for itself.

Bailixiu was not surprised by Wu Zetian's choice. After all, they had come across such a powerful demon species along the way, especially not long after they left the border of the Tang Dynasty. Naturally, they knew it, let alone the gold level. Players are sending caravans to each other, and even star-level players may have to kneel under this demonic celestial phenomenon.

There are far fewer star-level players in the Tang Dynasty than gold-level players. There are only a few dozen star-level players in total, and they are also busy guarding important cities in the Tang Dynasty.

So where can we find so many star-level players to send each other, not to mention that in the eyes of Empress Wu Zetian, apart from its large area, this Yunzhong Desert has nothing else to offer.

And the living environment is so bad, so it is really not worth investing a lot of resources here to maintain a protective palace.

And as the demonic energy becomes stronger and stronger, the number of demonic species will naturally increase and become stronger, and the pressure on the borders and within the Tang Dynasty will naturally increase.

And it is precisely for this reason that the empress Wu Zetian did not hesitate to spend a lot of resources to build the Great Wall.

This will prevent the powerful demon species from Yunzhong Modi from escaping into the Tang Dynasty. After all, according to statistics, 70.00% of the demon species that attack the city are from Yunzhong Modi.

The use of these resources is much better than giving them to the Protectorate, which is of almost no use to the Tang Dynasty.

As the head of the joint caravan left, Bailixiu went to rest in the car. However, she still had high hopes for Bailixiu of the Protectorate, because Bailixiu naturally hoped that the Protectorate would not be destroyed. Demonic species destroyed.

Because in this way Bailixiu can sell the blood of the demon species Tianxiang in his Kunpeng.However, just when Bailixiu thought that tonight would be a smooth night, something unexpected happened. Just after five o'clock in the morning, when the sky was already dark, Bailixiu suddenly realized that something was wrong.

But before Baili Xiu could react, he had already discovered that the place where the joint caravan's convoy was stationed had been surrounded by dense desert silver ants.

Bailixiu's scalp felt numb as she looked at the dense group of silver ants. She thought she would never encounter them when she saw desert silver ants and desert scorpions fighting before!

Unexpectedly, just after dawn, they were surrounded by demonized desert silver ants.

But Baili Xiu also understood that the group of desert silver ants he encountered this time was probably not the same nest as the one he encountered before. You must know that this group of desert silver ants was already close to a thousand kilometers away from the place where he encountered the group of desert silver ants. .

The activity trajectory of ants can be centered on their own nest, and then move within a radius circle.

What Bailixiu didn't expect was that the nest of this group of desert silver ants was actually under the stationed crawler transport vehicle.

Yesterday, when the joint caravan's convoy stopped and stationed, it happened to stop at the entrance of the nest of this group of desert silver ants, which was on top of the desert silver ant's nest.

The pressure brought by thousands of hundreds of tons of crawler transport vehicles naturally collapsed all the upper nests of this group of demonized desert silver ants.

Of course, thanks to the collapse, the desert silver ants in the nest spent most of the night working hard to open the passage from the upper nest to the ground.

Otherwise, the attack must have been launched last night. Why would we wait until the morning to launch the attack?

And Bailixiu looked at the desert silver ants that had just been dug up and came out of the tunnel. More and more desert silver ants came out of the tunnel. Needless to say, Bailixiu would not wait here stupidly for the desert silver ants to complete the assembly of the army!

Although the Desert Silver Ants are currently besieging them and not attacking, it is not surprising that this may be because the Desert Silver Ants are afraid that the number of attacking Silver Ants will not be enough and the prey will run away, so they are besieging and not attacking.

Baili Xiu did not hesitate and immediately asked the head of the joint caravan to start the crawler transport vehicle and leave the place immediately.

As for not having breakfast yet, then of course there is no need to eat. Your life is at stake and you still have the time to have breakfast.

What's more, Bailixiu knew that the cabs of these thousand or so crawler transport vehicles had spare food and water that could be stored for a long time, so there was no need to worry about missing breakfast.

The reason for this is naturally to prepare for this situation. When suddenly besieged by a large-scale demonized creature, the driver and gunner who cannot get out of the car to eat can do it in their own tracked transport vehicle.

After all, although the armor of the cab of a tracked transport vehicle may not be as thick as that of a tank, there is still no problem in resisting attacks by ordinary demonized creatures.

For example, the scorpion tail rotating poisonous needle of the demonized sand scorpion encountered before may be able to pierce the cab, but it is impossible to pass through it.

Not following the movement of the crawler transport vehicle, these demonized silver ants naturally knew that the surrounded prey was about to run away, so they immediately rushed over and gnawed at the crawler transport vehicle.

(End of this chapter)

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