Chapter 654 A Difficult Lifestyle

In fact, in the King's Continent, in addition to the extraordinary players, there are also martial arts.

However, it is still very difficult for ordinary people to master martial arts, or to have twice the physical fitness of ordinary people and the same level as bronze-level players.

Moreover, people with top martial arts talents are basically super players. With the enhancement of super players, it becomes much easier to go back to practice martial arts.

After all, after your physical fitness has been doubled, you will be able to practice both external and internal skills like a duck in water.

However, the fact that there are so many warriors in the city of the Protectorate shows that the martial arts taught by Kai must be very suitable for public practice. Of course, there may be another reason, that is, without hot weapons, it is not enough to just rely on cold weapons to fight. The practice of martial arts helps.

After all, slashing with a knife is much more laborious than pulling a trigger, and the more you exercise, your physical fitness will naturally increase.

This is just like a soldier who has been using muskets for a long time and a soldier from the cold weapon generation will definitely not be able to defeat a soldier from the cold weapon generation in a cold weapon battle.

So Bailixiu immediately asked Kai:

"Since these guards have reached the physical fitness of bronze-level players, they should have been bathed in the blood of the demon species!"

After hearing Bailixiu's words, Kai nodded and said:

"Yes! They have all been bathed in the medicinal blood of demon species. However, because there are very few desert demon species in the clouds, there is only one demon species, the giant lizard, so they have only bathed in it. It’s just the blood of this kind of demon species, otherwise their combat power would be even stronger, and it would be possible for them to even reach the physical fitness of a silver-level player!”

After Bailixiu heard that they had only bathed in the blood of the demon species, the monitor lizard, Bailixiu immediately said happily:

"When I first entered the desert land of Yunzhong, I encountered a middle-level demon species, Celestial Elephant. After wasting a lot of energy, I finally killed it and got a lot of the blood of the demon species Celestial Elephant, so Kaiyou Help me ask the guards if they want to be bathed in the blood of the demon species Celestial Elephant. Of course, if you don’t have money, you can still owe it back and wait until you get rich in the Tang Dynasty and then pay it back!”

Kai, who knew that demon blood was precious, said without even thinking:
"No need to ask, I agreed for them. After all, taking them away will have to wait for your caravan to come back from Jade City, and with the distance from Jade City, it will take at least more than a month for you to come back. After they become stronger, I will also Be more confident!"

An hour was neither long nor short. Just after Bailixiu and Kai agreed on the demon blood deal for the demon species Celestial Elephant, the joint caravan's convoy had already arrived at the gate of the Protectorate.

After the motorcade stopped, Zhong Wuyan saw the armor standing next to Bailixiu and asked Bailixiu:

"Baili, who is this?"

When Bailixiu heard Zhong Wuyan's question, she immediately explained:

"This is Kai, the guardian of Duhufu City. Thanks to him, ordinary people in Duhufu City can persist for such a long time!" After hearing Bailixiu's words, Zhong Wuyan naturally expressed his admiration. , then Bailixiu immediately took out the Kunpeng in order to allow his Kunpeng to bask in the sun as soon as possible to recharge its energy, and then distributed the demon blood of the demon species and celestial phenomenon contained in the Kunpeng to the guards. .

Although there are a thousand or so guards in the Duhu Mansion, the blood of Demon Seed and Celestial Elephant is still enough for them. There is no way to say that Demon Seed and Celestial Elephant is big and has a lot of blood!
After Bailixiu finished dividing the blood of the demon species Tianxiang, he breathed a sigh of relief. Now he could finally live in the Kunpeng. After all, when he commissioned Luban to build the Kunpeng, he emphasized the comfort of life.

Even after the Kunpeng was upgraded to king-level equipment four times in a row, the internal living area was not discarded. On the contrary, it was strengthened. Now the internal living facilities of the Kunpeng are all intelligent, powered by the intelligence inside the Kunpeng. control system.

As long as Bailixiu performs spoken commands, most of the life functions can be automatically turned on.

Therefore, the living comfort of the Kunpeng, a king-class vessel that has evolved to the point where it can travel in space, is much more comfortable than the command vehicle of the United Caravan.

After Bailixiu moved into the Kunpeng again, the general manager of the United Caravan also breathed a sigh of relief, because he no longer had to squeeze into the maintenance vehicle and smell the strong smell of engine oil.

Of course, Bailixiu also told the general manager of the joint caravan that he would take the 2 people from Duhufu City with him on the return trip. Of course, Bailixiu did not make it difficult for him, saying that the lost capacity of the caravan would be enough. It will be deducted from Bailixiu’s escort fee.

When the general manager of the joint caravan heard that there were only 2 people and the transport capacity of the transport vehicles they occupied was only twenty, he generously agreed.

Perhaps because after taking out the Kunpeng, Bailixiu was in a particularly good mood, so she personally cooked a barbecue dinner for Zhong Wuyan, Xiao Qiao, Yao, and A Ke. Of course, Kai was also invited to join them. .

The joint caravan did not stay too long in Duhufu City, and did not even trade any items. There was no way that Duhufu City was too poor, and the place where Duhufu City was built was not an oasis at all. The reason for choosing The Protectorate was established in this place entirely because the terrain here is relatively high, and the entire ground is not sand, but a flat rock.

Of course, the more important thing is that there is water in this place, but it is not natural water, but a well drilled into the rock.

Of course, the water seepage rate of this well drilled on the rock is relatively slow. Only half of the well's water can seep out in one night, so there is no need to count on it being used for planting.

It is already very good to be able to guarantee drinking water for 2 people in the city, and according to Kai, the water seepage rate of this well has begun to slowly decrease in recent years, perhaps because the groundwater is also used almost as much!

However, it is worth mentioning that the water seeping out of the stone tastes quite good. It has a taste like the Word of the Sea, which is sweet with a touch of salty taste.

Of course, it is precisely because of this water with a light salty taste that the people in the Duhufu City will not die from lack of salt. The food for the people in the Duhufu City is also very simple, which is to keep the demonized creatures alive. Of course, the devil's dried meat is sometimes eaten fresh.

The method of cooking it is also very simple. It does not require fire or fuel at all. It can be eaten after roasting it for a while under a condenser mirror. Even at noon when the sun is at its strongest, there is no need for a condenser and the thin slices of meat can be cut directly. Place it on a rock that has been dried to over 80 degrees and let it sit for a minute or two before you can eat it.

This method of cooking food is much more convenient than using firewood, and the people in the entire Duhu Mansion rely on this method to survive. As for vegetables, don't even think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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