The sniper starts from the bright sword escape period

Chapter 664 Meeting Sang Qi for the first time

Chapter 664 Meeting Sang Qi for the first time
So Bailixiu naturally understood that there was definitely something weird about this stone forest, and Bailixiu immediately began to recall the background information about the Mingsha Ruins on the King's Continent in the previous game of Kings.

Bailixiu still remembers that the introduction of the Mingsha Ruins said that in the middle of the Mingsha Ruins is the Utopia Mingsha Valley, and it is surrounded by a maze of stone forests, which not only blocks the entry of dangers from the outside, but also blocks the entrance of the Mingsha Ruins. The residents of the Valley of Singing Sands go out.

Just when Bailixiu was recalling the information about the Mingsha Ruins, she suddenly heard a voice in the air.

"Squirt! It's flying! It's finally flying! Oh! I can fly!"

Bailixiu followed the sound and saw a child flying in the sky. The appearance and dress of the child made Bailixiu instantly recognize who the child was.

Yes, this child is Sang Qi, the only hero in the Mingsha Ruins.

Of course, Sang Qi's background story is similar to that of Kai, and he is a more tragic hero, even more tragic than Kai.

Dream of Singing Sand
What woke up Sang Qi was the clear and sweet cry, the sun shone into the room from the window, and the people living in the Valley of Mingsha began another day of work.

Sang Qi dressed up and walked out. Along the way, he met Mrs. Wang who was cleaning, Uncle Zhang who was doing repairs, Sister Huaying who was arranging flowers, and Brother Fang who was carrying baskets and delivering vegetables. Everyone greeted Sang Qi with a smile.

Passing through the corridor of the royal palace, the clean courtyard, and finally walking into the camphor forest, where is the Mingsha Ancestral Tree.Today is Sang Qi's tenth birthday. He is very happy. Everyone passing by can see the cheerful smile on his face.

This is the home where he grew up. The royal palace is in the center of the valley. The tribesmen live around the royal palace. The river flows down from the mountains, passes through the valley along the east, and submerges underground.

Surrounded by a camphor tree, in front of the Mingsha Ancestral Tree, his father and mother were already waiting there, looking at him with a smile.

"Aqi, you should also have your own wooden sword." His father took out the wooden sword that he had prepared and handed it to Sang Qi. Sang Qi could even smell the fresh fragrance of trees exuding from the wooden sword. That was his father's wooden sword. It is carved by myself from the branches of the ancestral sacred tree, knife by knife.

Sang Qi held up the wooden sword and looked back and forth. He danced with joy, "Great, I also have my own wooden sword."

Mother touched Sang Qi's head and took out the cloak she had prepared long ago. She sewed it herself using silk grown from mulberry leaves.

"It's your birthday tonight, have you memorized the songs by heart?" Mother reminded gently.

"Don't worry, mother, I've recited it hundreds of times."

"As for how to communicate with Yinghuo, it's up to you tonight." Father also touched Sang Qi's head and said with a smile.

"Well, I have become very good friends with them a long time ago."


At nightfall, the tribesmen sit around the firefly ancestral tree. Today is the birthday of their favorite prince Sang Qi. They like this lively and innocent child. As Sang Qi raises his wooden sword, the tribesmen hold hands. Sing and dance slowly around the campfire.

Sang Qi was surrounded by everyone in the center of the bonfire. With his eyes closed, a crisp folk song sounded. It was a song sung by the Mingsha people for generations, symbolizing peace and beauty. Everyone hummed along with him.

When Sang Qi was very young, his mother often hummed this melody in his ears, just like a lullaby. Whenever Sang Qi heard this sound, he would fall asleep peacefully soon. Later, he began to listen to people's stories. He read all kinds of interesting stories, and his father and mother also taught him how to sing the stories by humming.

Today, they sang a song written by the late king when the Mingsha clan first came here.A traveler thousands of miles away from home
The war is burning all over our hometown
but I know
The dispute was not your intention
It was just that the wind and sand temporarily obscured my eyes

Wait until the stars rise
Everything will be peaceful again

Like this otherworldly valley
Will be reborn in laughter and laughter
The tribesmen hummed over and over again. It was their yearning for peace and beauty, their gratitude to their ancestors who traveled through the stone forest and found the Valley of Mingsha, and their gratitude to the Valley of Mingsha.

The fireflies flew around Sang Qi. After singing, Sang Qi opened his eyes, smiled and started playing with them. More and more fireflies flew out from the ancestral tree and surrounded Sang Qi. Suddenly, the fireflies engulfed him. After holding him up, the eyes of the clansmen had already been focused on him. With warm love for Sang Qi in their eyes, they were watching everything with a smile.

Sang Qi flew forward. His father and mother were standing in front waiting for him. They looked at Sang Qi lovingly, their eyes full of encouragement. Under the watchful eyes of his parents, Sang Qi stopped swaying and opened his cloak. , passed by his parents, and flew out of the crowd.

"Great, I can fly!" Sang Qi's happy laughter echoed outside the crowd.


"Ah sneeze", a young man's voice suddenly sounded in the empty stone forest where the wind echoed. Sang Qi rubbed his nose and opened his sleepy eyes. A fallen leaf was covering his face. He leaned against the stone pillars of the stone forest and stood there. Slept on the grass all night.

Last night, he dreamed about the scene on his birthday a few years ago. The smiles of his tribe and parents seemed to be still in front of him. He remembered that he left his hometown alone in search of new stories.

The book says that the Stone Forest Formation is a forbidden area that isolates the inside and outside of Mingsha. Anyone who breaks into it will be lost forever.

But for some reason, Sang Qi didn't feel lost at all. When he saw the Stone Forest Formation for the first time, he only had curiosity in his eyes. Those were the last few stories left in the story books of his ancestors, which recorded the details of the tribe's people. How he came here to escape the war, how he passed through the maze of stone forests under the guidance of fireflies, and found the Valley of Mingsha when he was on the verge of despair.

He took the storybook and compared it bit by bit, looking for the traces left by his ancestors. From time to time he would sigh: "It turns out that this is the path that the fireflies guided us."

He had no idea where he was going, nor did he know when he fell asleep on the withered grass in the stone forest. He only remembered the last moment, when he seemed to be running with the fireflies in his dream. When he was tired, he just Just fall asleep holding the leaves under a tree.

The early morning sun shone on this golden stone forest. Sang Qi patted the dust on his body, stood up and looked into the distance. He suddenly found oases and business roads appearing in front of him, with camels and caravans staggering on them. walk.

It turned out that before I knew it, I had walked out of the stone forest.

Sang Qi didn't have time to think about this problem, he just felt sincerely happy. It was the first time he saw this vast world outside Mingsha, and the stories outside that he had been thinking about.

Sang Qi picked up the storybook and ran happily outside the stone forest.

"In the desert in the clouds, I'm here, and I will definitely bring new stories back to my hometown.

Of course, this is only what Bailixiu knows about Sang Qi in the Game of Kings, but now she doesn’t know what the Sang Qi she meets is like.

However, at this moment Sang Qi also discovered Bailixiu who was standing in the air with the help of Flying Escape, so he immediately flew to Bailixiu and asked Bailixiu curiously:
"Uncle, how come you can fly in the air! Are you a super player like your father?"

(End of this chapter)

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