Chapter 666 Valley of Mingsha
Since both Sang Qi and Bailixiu could fly, they naturally flew behind the fireflies, although the flying Bailixiu threw the United Caravan convoy far away in a short time.

However, Bailixiu is not afraid of being lost in the United Caravan's convoy. After all, Bailixiu has enabled location sharing in the team group chat, so as long as Xiao Qiao and the others are in the convoy, they don't have to worry about being lost.

Soon, after only flying for about two hours, Bailixiu followed Sang Qi to the Valley of Mingsha. This is a valley surrounded by mountains on all sides, and the valley and the outside are two completely different places.

Outside the Shan Valley is the Gobi Desert lined with boulders. Although there is no sand anymore, the climate is still hot and dry, but the inside of the valley, surrounded by mountains on all sides, is completely different.

The interior of the valley is lined with green trees, and there is even a small but not small pond in the middle of the valley bottom. Of course, more importantly, there is also a very tall mulberry tree in the middle of the valley bottom. Although the mulberry tree looks small, only about 500 meters high, its branches and leaves cover one-fifth of the valley bottom.

While Bailixiu was observing the huge mulberry tree, Sang Qi happily pointed to the huge mulberry tree at the bottom of the valley and said:

"Uncle, look at the largest mulberry tree at the bottom of the valley. It is the sacred tree of our Mingsha clan. It is the sacred mulberry tree! All the fireflies in the Mingsha Valley will make their home on this tree, and no matter where they are taken, they will move towards the mulberry tree. Fly in the direction! According to my father, the reason why the oasis of Mingsha Valley exists is thanks to the ancestral sacred tree!"

When Bailixiu heard Sang Qi's words, she did not refute but nodded:
"What a magical mulberry tree!"

However, Bailixiu knew very well in her heart that the reason why the Mingsha Valley has this green oasis is not the protection of the ancestral mulberry tree, but the protection of the mountains surrounding the Mingsha Valley. Credit!

You must know that the main reason why a desert is a desert is because there are no rain clouds in the desert, and without rain clouds, there will naturally be no rain.

Of course, not all clouds can rain. Clouds that can rain in the sky can be roughly divided into three categories: cumulus clouds, stratiform clouds and wave clouds.Different types of clouds are at different heights from the ground and produce different rainfall intensities.

Cumulus clouds are divided into light cumulus clouds, cumulus dense clouds and cumulonimbus clouds.Only the latter two may produce rainfall.

Cumulus congestus clouds are about 2000 to [-] meters above the ground and may produce showers, but the rainfall is not large.

Cumulonimbus is the kind of dense dark cloud we usually see. The height of this kind of cloud is very low, usually less than 1000 meters from the ground. Basically, seeing this kind of cloud means that there is going to be a heavy rain.

Stratiform clouds are divided into altostratus clouds, stratocumulus clouds, nimbostratus clouds and cirrocumulus clouds.

Altostratus clouds, cirrocumulus clouds and stratocumulus clouds do not produce rainfall. The rainfall intensity of nimbostratus clouds depends on the thickness of the cloud layer, which is generally 500 meters from the ground. The thicker the cloud layer, the lower the height from the ground, and the rainfall The greater the amount.

As for wave clouds, they are also good at producing showers.

Its appearance is mainly due to the instability of high-altitude air flow, which is usually 500 to 2000 meters above the ground.

So to sum up, the distance between clouds that can produce rainfall is usually less than 500 to 2000 meters from the ground. The lower the altitude, the greater the rainfall intensity.

The peaks that form the Valley of Mingsha are all over 2000 meters high, so this means that the rain clouds formed in the Valley of Mingsha will not be carried away by wind and other things, and the formation of clouds is naturally Water evaporates.Therefore, the Mingsha Valley naturally formed a closed water circulation system. The evaporated water in the Mingsha Valley formed rain clouds above the Mingsha Valley. However, due to the obstruction of the peaks surrounding the Mingsha Valley, the rain Clouds naturally cannot float to other places, so when the rain clouds accumulate too much, they will naturally turn into rain and fall back to the Valley of Singing Sand.

As for why the Yunzhong Desert outside the Valley of Mingsha turned into a desert, we have to start with how the desert was formed. The main reason why the desert is a desert is naturally because of less rainfall. As for why there is less rainfall, it is naturally because of the atmosphere. The high-pressure belt and the low-pressure belt formed in the

The cold and warm changes at different latitudes on Blue Star are different. Generally speaking, due to the large specific heat capacity of water, the day and night temperature changes in cities living by the sea are small, and the annual temperature difference is also small.

The land is composed of rocks and soil. The temperature difference between day and night varies greatly compared to the ocean, and the annual temperature difference also varies greatly compared to the ocean.

According to Avogadro's law: at the same temperature and pressure, any gas of the same volume contains the same number of molecules. Because there are four identical molecules, this law is also called the law of four identities.

Since the temperatures between the ocean and the land are not the same, according to the Four Laws, when the temperature of the land is higher, the number of molecules contained in the same volume will be smaller than that of the ocean. At this time, low pressure will form on the land, and The ocean creates high pressure.

The same goes for gases and water flows, which will flow from high pressure to low pressure, which means that the air above the ocean will flow above the land, and at this time the southeast monsoon or southwest monsoon will be formed.

Because the air above the ocean carries a large amount of water vapor, when this water vapor condenses on the land, it will form rain. This is why there is a lot of rain in summer.

When the land temperature becomes lower in winter, due to the larger specific heat capacity of the ocean, the ocean temperature is higher than that of the land, so that a low pressure zone will be formed in the ocean, and the air above the land will flow into the ocean.

However, the air above the land carries less water vapor, so the monsoon water vapor in winter is less, making it difficult to form rainfall, which is why there is less rainfall in winter.

After understanding the process of rainfall, it is not difficult to understand why there is little rainfall in the desert.

The temperature difference between day and night in the desert is particularly large. This is because the desert is mainly made of sand, and the specific heat capacity of sand is small. As a result, the temperature of the desert will rise rapidly due to receiving too much sunlight during the day, and the temperature will drop rapidly at night.Plants and lakes on other land can adjust the temperature so that the temperature does not rise too fast or too slowly.

When the temperature in the desert rises during the day, a low pressure zone will form in the desert, and the surrounding air will flow into the surrounding desert.But the problem is that deserts are generally located in inland areas. For example, the Yunzhong Desert on the King's Continent is located inland, not close to the sea.

In other words, the air around the desert carries less water vapor, so it is difficult for rainfall to form.In addition, the temperature in the desert is so high during the day that the raindrops above the desert re-vaporize during the falling process and cannot fall in the desert area as rainfall.

At night, the desert will form a high pressure area as the temperature becomes lower, and the water vapor in the desert will blow to the surrounding areas.

The most important thing is that the higher the temperature, the greater the evaporation. Over time, the water vapor in the desert area becomes less and less, forming a super large desert.

(End of this chapter)

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