Chapter 73 Another promotion!

However, when Li Yunlong returned to Zhaojiayu after fighting in Ping'an County, the decision-makers of the Eighth Road were also discussing what Li Yunlong had gained from launching this war and the punishment for Li Yunlong, whether it was a reward or a punishment!
Although the decision-makers of the Eighth Road had different opinions on this, they still felt that Li Yunlong's battle in Ping'an County was indeed beautiful.

Of course, for Li Yunlong's punishment or rewards, it is natural to seek the opinions of the decision-makers of the Eight Routes, so one of the decision-making staff said with a smile:

"Li Yunlong did a good job in this battle. With a team strength and local troops, he dared to directly attack the enemy's well-fortified and heavily defended county. In terms of tactical effects, this is simply a classic battle example!"

Just after the staff member of the decision-making level said this, another staff member of the eight-way decision-making level said:

"I have been to the regiment of Li Yunlong, and I feel that this army is very special. From the commander to the soldiers, there is a kind of temperament. They are rebellious and fierce. Let's put it this way! The whole army is like a lot Firewood, where it is usually piled is not obvious, but as long as there is a spark, it will explode into a sky-high fire, and the person who can light this pile of fire is Li Yunlong. The members of the regiment rushed up screaming, such troops often have strong combat effectiveness!"

However, the staff officer at the decision-making level who praised Li Yunlong for his good performance in Ping'an County just before continued after the staff officer finished talking about how powerful Li Yunlong's troops are in combat:

"As for Li Yunlong, he mobilized tens of thousands of troops to join the battle without asking for instructions. He was disorganized and undisciplined, especially when he attacked the county town for his wife and caused certain casualties. It is not too much to shoot him!"

But when the staff officer said this, he changed the subject and said:

"However, judging from the actual effect of this battle, this scuffle caused heavy losses to the little devils in Northwest Shanxi, and the troops participating in the battle gained a lot. Some small anti-Japanese base areas were all connected together. The combat effect was no less than that of the Start a big battle!"

In the end, after discussing with the decision-makers of the Eight Routes, it was decided that in the battle of Ping'an County, the merits and demerits should be balanced, and neither should be held accountable nor rewarded.

Of course, this decision is undoubtedly the biggest reward for Li Yunlong.

However, after reading the combat report submitted by Deputy Head Xing, one person entered the eyes of the decision-making staff of the Eighth Route.

Yes, this person is naturally Bailixiu, especially as mentioned in the combat report that Bailixiu successfully captured a 150mm Taisho four-year howitzer.

Then the process of helping Li Yunlong quickly take down Ping'an County through this cannon was also mentioned emphatically, and even in the final decisive battle, Bai Lixiu successfully killed Yamamoto Kazuki Dazuo was also mentioned.

So in view of Bailixiu's key role in the attack on Ping'an County, it was decided to accept Bailixiu as the deputy head of the independent regiment.

So Bai Lixiu miraculously became the deputy head of the independent group who was only half shorter than Li Yunlong.

You must know that Bai Lixiu was just a recruit of the independent regiment when he traveled to the world of bright swords last year!In just over a year, he has already been able to sit almost on an equal footing with Li Yunlong.

In fact, in the army, it is the most difficult to be promoted from the battalion level to the regiment level. I didn’t see that Zhang Dabiao in Liangjian was Li Yunlong’s battalion commander when he fought against Bantian United in [-], but until April [-] In [-], he was promoted to half a level and became the Chief of Staff of the Independent Regiment.

Of course, not only during the Anti-Japanese War, even in the modern society before Bailixiu crossed over, the battalion-level cadres had the most job changes. It is more than ten times more difficult than being promoted from platoon leader to battalion commander.

And Bai Lixiu has been promoted to the regiment level so quickly, although he is only a deputy, but this is already qualitatively different from the battalion commander.

This is mainly due to the good luck of Bailixiu, who let Bailixiu get such a Taisho four-year-style 150mm heavy gun.

However, as a person who was promoted, he was still lying in the hospital on the eighth road at this time!
Speaking of it, Bai Lixiu was unlucky enough. Not only was she shot in the arm this time, but she was told that there was no anesthetic when she came to the hospital on the Eighth Road.

There is no way that this battle is not only fought by Li Yunlong's independent regiment, other surrounding regiments are also cooperating with Li Yunlong to attack the little devils who came to increase the number of people in Ping'an County, so natural anesthetics, which are already scarce, are consumed. Even faster.

Then Bai Lixiu took the towel anesthesia method under the doctor's advice.

That is to say, let Bai Lixiu bite a towel in his mouth, and then the doctor directly lifts the knife and performs surgery to marry the bullet.

Does Bailixiu have any other options for the doctor's suggestion?
After all, with the current conditions of the Eight Routes, if you want to wait for anesthetics, you don't know how long you will have to wait.

So Bai Lixiu could only bite the towel tightly, and then watched the doctor cut open the skin on her arm with a scalpel, and then put the tweezers in, clamped the part stuck on the arm bone. A submachine gun bullet began to be pulled out, like pulling a tooth.

And since Bai Lixiu didn't use anesthesia, she was deeply touched by every movement the doctor made on her arm.

After Bai Lixiu saw the submachine gun bullet stuck on her arm bone was finally pulled out by the doctor, she felt relieved, and then passed out from the pain. Of course, Bai Lixiu couldn't help herself when she fainted thought of.

"It seems that Guan Erye's bone scraping treatment is nothing more than that! But it doesn't seem to be so painful!"

It's just that Bai Lixiu, in the last bit of consciousness before she fell into a coma, hurriedly fell backwards and faintly bumped into a soft mass with the back of her head.

Of course, even though Bai Lixiu passed out, the operation was still going on, but luckily the bullet was taken out, and in the end, he only needed to rinse the wound with alcohol, and then sewed up the wound with a needle, which was very fast.

The doctor who operated on Bai Lixiu looked at Bai Lixiu who was unconscious and sighed with admiration:

"What a man! He didn't even hum during the whole process!"

As he spoke, he said to the nurse standing behind Bai Lixiu who had been supporting Bai Lixiu:
"Xiao Yu, I will trouble you for the next work of changing the nurse's dressing! Be careful not to let his wound become infected, and be careful at all times!"

"Good Doctor Zhao, don't worry! I will always pay attention!"

The nurse supporting Bailixiu nodded and agreed very simply.

(End of this chapter)

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