LOL: This man is too reckless

Chapter 132 The last piece of the puzzle for EDG to win the championship

Chapter 132 The last piece of the puzzle for EDG to win the championship

EDG is still accepting official awards from Riot, but the computer is on the table, and the people watching the live broadcast have disappeared.

Countless students rushed to various parts of the campus, and finally gathered into a stream of people.

Waving the team flag, celebrating the first LPL championship.

The liveliness and hustle and bustle spread from across the ocean to China.

Countless video clip bloggers started working overtime.

In front of a huge traffic cake, ordinary people want to share a bite, let alone some professionals.

The headlines of major social software are dominated by the three letters EDG.

On this day, EDG has become the only essence of traffic.

And the scene where Cui Zijian walked off the stage carrying the trophy was also eternally frozen by the photographer.

"Brother Jian, just now Taitamir said that next season will weaken the top laner and enhance the ability of the bottom laner to output in team battles." Tianye said excitedly.

When he saw Cui Zijian enjoying the most applause for getting the Fmvp, Tian Ye secretly made up his mind that next season he will rely on the strength of the bottom lane to reserve a Fmvp.

Cui Zijian recalled that S7 called the version of the Incense Burner Monster, and it seems that his choice also has the answer.

[Currently selected position ADC, is it sure? 】


[Summary of S6 professional competition results, two league championships, one MSI championship, and one global finals championship. 】

[Data initialization is complete. 】

[Initial score of training position: A+]

[Initialization of various data indexes is complete. 】

Name: Cui Zijian

Current training position: ADC
Survival Index: 80
Output index: 80
Alignment index: 80
Synergy index: 80
Growth index: 80
Consciousness Index: 80
A series of ADC play operations instantly flooded into Cui Zijian's mind.

Originally, there was a lot of confusion about the bot lane and the lane, but in an instant, I had a clearer understanding.

Even thinking of some Rank rounds where the AD position was filled, Cui Zijian felt that his suppression power would be improved more.

Compared with the awareness and laning of the upper unit, the awareness of the ADC is biased towards the rhythm of the dragons in the bottom lane, and it is no longer too much awareness of preventing Gank.

In terms of laning, individuals use the range of the ADC to play different suppressions, or to resist pressure.

EDG's S6 is also over.

After a while of celebration, everyone passed out drunk in the hotel.

The winning team is asleep, but a group of designers at Riot HQ are starting to have a headache.

Whether it is the official social software of Riot Games or the personal social software of designers, they have all been blasted by fans in various major competitions.

[Don't you guys think that the position of the top laner is too outrageous? 】

[Is there anyone still in charge of the top laner? EDG won the world championship with only one player. 】

[I beg you to check the game balance, the top laner must be cut! 】

[S6 is the weakest version of the ADC. Tanks can't move in singles, and fighters can't move in seconds. 】

[AD?Dogs don't play well. 】

[From S5 to S6, the Fmvp of the two World Championships is the top laner, has the League of Legends designer not realized the problem? 】

[I think the hero Titan is still too weak, he should be kicked out of the ranks of top lane phantom gods! 】

The chief League of Legends designer Ghostcrab sat on the corner of the table, blowing the heat of the coffee in his hand.

"Is there anything else to say?" Ghost Crab asked again.

Brother Sanhuan was silent for a long time, and finally spoke.

"The top laner can no longer be weakened. If it is weakened any more, then our game will become a collision of two paths, and occasionally the top laner will be able to touch each other."

"I watched most of the top laners' matchups in this year's World Championship. Except for the top laners of EDG and Tigers, they are still more tank-oriented. It is obviously a stupid idea to weaken the whole because of a single case. "

Brother Jason interrupted Brother Sanhuan's speech.

"Because of the existence of Czijian, the ecology of the top laner has become unbalanced. According to the statistics of the game data, the selection rate of the top laner for meat tanks such as Dashu and Titan has dropped significantly, and the offensive top laner is dominating the top lane."

"Even if we don't weaken the top laner, we still need to fine-tune some specific hero statistics."

CertainlyT suddenly had a daring idea, but he folded his arms and didn't want to speak.

After all, rather than adjusting the general direction of the entire League of Legends, he prefers to design some weird heroes.

But Ghost Crab interrupted the quarrel between Brother Jason and Brother Sanhuan, he wanted to ask another CertainlyT who likes to run wild.

The boss has let himself speak, and CertainlyT no longer hides it.

"You said, we make the canyon pioneer more strategic, and let the dragon do the same, will it be better, and the game will be more enjoyable."

"Hey, CertainlyT, we are discussing the ecology of the top lane, what are you talking about, the ecology of the top lane has already had problems, and you need to strengthen the strategic significance of the canyon vanguard, damn it, I feel that the canyon vanguard should be deleted!" Three Brother Huan said impatiently.

"August, you let him continue."

Ghost Crab also knows that CertainlyT's communication always fails to grasp the key to the problem, but his ideas can provide everyone with a lot of ideas.

CertainlyT continued: "So what I mean is very simple, let the game continue to fight, let the players continue to perform wonderful team battle operations, that kind of game is enjoyable."

"Since we have to fight in the early game, the ADC can't always hold the three-piece suit in the late game, so why don't we start with the support?"

"That's right!" Ghost Crab frowned and applauded: "CertainlyT, your idea is very good."

"Listen everyone, the version of S7 is the bottom lane. Whether it is ADC or support, it must be strengthened in terms of equipment. Guys, let's start your creation."

Cui Zijian didn't know what happened in the League of Legends meeting room.

After waking up in bed early the next morning, they had to take the noon flight back home.

Everyone ushered in the long-lost vacation, and the three of Deft did not go back with the rest of EDG, but boarded the plane back to Korea.

Tian Ye was depressed at the airport, as if he had something on his mind.

"You boy, you are not happy to win the world championship." Cui Zijian put his arm on Tianye's back.

"He Kui said that he has fulfilled his dream of becoming a world champion, and he wants to go back to Lck to compete for a ticket to the Asian Games." Tian Ye said disappointedly.

Cui Zijian already knew this, but when Deft really wanted to leave, he still felt a little bit reluctant.

Before leaving, Deft also explained to Abramovich that he will come back after staying in China for a week.

The League of Legends S6 schedule is over, but there is still the domestic Demacia Cup behind.

Even though the contract has expired, Deft also promised that he will help the team play the last league.

But Abramovich rejected Deft and helped him start contacting Lck's team.

Of course, as a world champion, Deft has no shortage of teams.

As his old club for two years, Abramovich also wants to help Deft find a better team.

Although the next time we meet is the opponent, I still want Deft to achieve better results and be able to compete for the list of the Asian Games.

"Go back to the club, I have a big surprise for you."

"What surprise?" Tian Ye asked.

Qijiang and Cui Zijian smiled at each other, neither of them wanted to say what the surprise was.

While Tianye was sitting in front of the plane, Qijiang quietly sat next to Cui Zijian.

"How did you get Smeb here, kid?"

"That kid wanted to put SKT under his feet, so I said we can help him fulfill his wish, so he directly booked a ticket to Shanghai."

Qijiang muttered to herself: "Is SKT so hated?"

"For the two championship teams, the teenagers must have the ambition to slay the dragon."

Qijiang wondered: "Hahaha, then we will win another championship at that time, won't he, Smeb, turn from a dragon-slaying boy into a dragon?"

"Fuck, what you said makes sense!"

"But when the time comes, you two will rotate, and the top laner of our team will be the lineup of S7 again!"

"Who told you that I will be the top laner next season?"

"Are you fucking going to take over Deft's place?"

"Hey." Cui Zijian smiled meaningfully.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, after a connecting flight, the plane arrived in Shanghai on time.

By bus, the champion team returned to the club.

"It's been a month, so it's time to go home."

"I want to eat big plate chicken! I want to eat barbecue! American steak or something is making me sick."

Cui Zijian pushed open the door of the training room, and Smeb was playing Rank with his earphones.

Abu followed closely behind.

When Deft proposed to him to leave the team last night, this unexpected but reasonable thing made Abu feel depressed for a while.

But now the problem seems to be solved.

The former champion top laner transitioned to the bottom lane. After seeing Cui Zijian's bottom lane strength, Abramovich found that this is a suppressive force that is not inferior to Deft.

The vacancy in the top lane was also filled by another strong top laner.

And the back sitting inside is the last piece of the puzzle for EDG to win the championship next season.

 In fact, what I thought was that S7 is a mid laner, and many big suggestions are for bot lane, so I also revised the outline.

(End of this chapter)

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