LOL: This man is too reckless

Chapter 170 Let the bullet fly for a while until it is killed

Chapter 170 Let the bullets fly for a while until the kill
"We could hear the cheers from the scene. Even though there were no teams from the European and American divisions in the final, the fans at the scene were not stingy with their cheers." Miller said, crossing his arms.

"Yes, in the first game of Bo5, the two teams showed their desire to attack. Even if they played SKT with a conservative system in Lck for a whole season, they did not choose to restrain their spirit when facing their old opponents."

Smiling, he commented on the lineups of both sides: "EDG's system highlights the damage in the back row, but Peanut's blind monk can enter the field with a wind-up ball. If Peanut and Faker find a wave Good opportunity, it will be a devastating blow to both the policewoman and Jess."

"Actually, I think the middle lane wine barrel is really a good choice. Facing SKT's rushing lineup, in addition to providing AP damage, he can also destroy SKT's first wave of offensive rhythm."

"Anyway, the first round of Bo5 is a tentative BP on both sides. It depends on who can use this round to play the opponent's hole card."

Enter Summoner's Canyon on both sides.

On the line of Jess and Rambo, the two sides push each other to develop.

Facing Smeb's suppression, Huni failed to take advantage of Rambo's line pushing advantage.

However, Jess kept the line of soldiers stuck at the mouth of the river, and the third-level catch that the blind monk wanted was not played out.

Of course, Peanut's catching was not fruitless, at least it brought out Jess's flash.

But a flash of harvest is too little.

If the blind monk exposes his vision on the road, he will lose two river crabs.

Xiaotian's attack was more than that, he even directly invaded the blind monk's F6.

Faced with Olaf's invasion in the early stage, Peanut was helpless.

Even if he is a blind monk with full operation, it is impossible to make up the difference in the values ​​​​between the two heroes.

The fall of the wild area gave Little Peanut more time to arrest people.

If you can't eat grass, then eat people!
Little Peanut's wild plan is gone, he only has a plan to catch people.

After catching Jace's flash on the top road, the blind monk came to the bottom road again.

"The blind monk has a strong desire to attack. He went around and came to the position of the triangle grass in the bottom lane of EDG, where EDG has no eye position." Miller said nervously.

"You have to go back. If you don't go, you will be hit with skills."

With a serious smile on his face: "The situation is even worse. If the titan hook is given to the policewoman, SKT will even explode with kills in the bottom lane."

Tai Tan stepped forward on purpose, taking damage from the policewoman's basic attack and Lulu's Q skill [Flashing Spear] one after another.

Just when Lulu was about to use the E skill to continue to consume, Cui Zijian quickly stopped Tian Ye.

"The situation is not right, the Titan is taking damage on purpose."

Tian Ye was startled: "The blind monk is behind them?"

Cui Zijian didn't have time to explain, so he could only speak hastily.

"Get out!"

From God's perspective, the policewoman and Lulu retreated suddenly without the blind monk's vision.

This made Miller breathe a sigh of relief, but the actions of the blind monk made people nervous again.

He didn't face Olaf's stone man, but went on to complete this round of Gank.

Tai Tan flashed forward and hooked, and Lulu, who was behind the policewoman, quickly handed over Flash.

Cui Zijian's advance vigilance made Tian Ye put his finger on the flashing key.

Rather than saying that this wave is the reaction of professional players, it is better to say that it is the prediction brought by consciousness.

Although the titan's hook was empty, Jhin's deadly brilliance at the back sealed Lulu's retreat position.

A wall separated the fog of war, and a wave of sky sound passed through the air.

This is the position where Lulu avoids the deadly Huacai to turn back.

In other words, Lulu dodged Fatal Huacai, but failed to dodge Tianyinbo.

Without the slightest hesitation, Tian Ye pressed two keys one second in succession.

The first button is Weakness, give it to the blind monk in the air.

The second key position is to change sheep, and it is given to Titans who want to step forward to fight passive imprisonment.

After completing these two operations, Lulu still has four seconds to go before the defense tower.

Jhin had already walked over full of murderous intent, the pistol in his hand was constantly turning.

He held the critical strike of the fourth bullet in his hand, looking for the attack distance to release.

The blind monk's second stage E skill [Broken tendons and bones] is released.

Weakness reduces the damage of the blind monk's first wave a lot, but the deceleration of the bone-shattering will not be reduced.

Seeing that Jhin was about to get close, a green light flickered on Lulu's body.

The blind monk had just knocked out Lulu's blood line, and instantly pulled it back to a healthy state of blood volume.

"Give yourself a shield."

At this moment, Tian Ye was very grateful that he didn't use the E skill to consume it just now.

The white shield appeared on the health bar, which happened to offset the damage of Jhin's fourth bullet.

With the acceleration effect brought by the treatment, Lulu's movement speed has been further increased.

When Lulu walked into the defense tower, his blood volume was only [-] points.

On the edge of the defense tower, the mouse in the field kept shaking.

Lulu on the screen shook her head back and forth, as if moving to avoid the damage of the blind monk's next sky sound wave.

"Go straight, I'll help you block."

The female policeman fired the rope net and moved slightly to Lulu's side.

The blind monk outside the tower tentatively released his second sky sound wave, which hit the policewoman accurately.

On the commentary stage of Lck, the two stick commentators wailed for a while.

If the blind monk accepts a head, the situation in the wild area will not be the same as before.

At least Olaf's invasion will not be unsolvable, and the blind monk's damage can be fought back.

"Wanghu is really in a hurry, he can go around to find a more suitable time."

"This wave of Gank is not bad. The EDG bot lane duo didn't play out except for the policewoman's flash, and the other three skills were handed over."

"Three of the four skills are played, and this wave is a steady profit!"

"It doesn't matter if there are no heads. The blind monk goes up the road to catch a wave of Jess that didn't dodge, and then he can go down the road to catch another wave."

"Maybe there is no need for the blind monk to come. Junzhi's Jhin can be crushed to death by the policewoman."

SKT's bottom lane situation is very good, which is simply great news for Lck's commentators.

What they are most afraid of before the game, isn't it the bot lane pressure of EDG?

Now EDG's summoner skills are played out in a variety of ways, so the offense and defense have been exchanged.

Without the three summoner skills, EDG's bottom line is always pushed.

After all, Tai Tan held an ignition in his hand, and Lulu didn't dare to step forward to use it up.

Whether it's a policewoman or Lulu, if you get a hook, you can basically announce that your hands are off the keyboard.

The line was pushed under the tower, and Lulu had to go to the lower half of her wild area to make a vision.

In case the blind monk comes to the back, then EDG's bottom lane duo will die.

At this time, Peanut's blind monk is already stealing Olaf's F6, and his next target is EDG's bottom lane duo.

Titan turned on the scan and began to deal with the triangular grass and the ward above the small dragon pit.

Jhin pushed the pawn line under the policewoman's tower, which is an extremely delicate position.

As long as the blind monk comes to the bottom lane, Jhin can cooperate with the Titan to implement the rhythm of tower jumping.

At this time, Cui Zijian chose to take the initiative to attack, and the Messenger of Peace struck, scraping to death the little soldier in the back row.

Jhin, who was holding the fourth bullet in his hand, moved towards the mouth of the river skillfully, and did not suffer any damage from the peace messenger.

The policewoman's predictive clip was placed diagonally above Jhin, but Jhin wanted to step forward and shoot the explosive bomb.

And the headshot in the female policeman's hand took advantage of the length of her hands. In order to avoid subsequent damage, Jhin released the dancing grenade towards the blue soldier.

The dancing grenade bounced over the heads of the two melee soldiers one after another until it hit the policewoman's head.

At the same time, the next wave of troops gathered in front of the blue square tower again, and Jhin behind the minions released deadly splendor.

The female policeman moved diagonally downwards, in addition to turning away the deadly brilliance on her face, she also had to avoid the Titan who was rushing over from the triangle grass.

Above the Xiaolong Pit, the blind monk and Lulu collided, and Olaf came to support him.

Tai Tan didn't neglect in the slightest, and hurried back to assist the blind monk in the battle.

After seeing Tai Tan go to support, Cui Zijian manipulated the policewoman to run back.

Two bullets in a row dealt with the two bloody long-range soldiers, and the peace messenger in his hand shot.

Jhin looked at the pinch on his face, and could only use his body to absorb the damage from the Peacemaker.

However, Jhin didn't stand still when he was taking damage. He used the dance grenade and the bullets in his hand to deal with all the blue soldiers.

At this moment, three melee soldiers and three ranged soldiers are heading towards the blue defense tower.

This is the deterrent effect played by the coming of the Titans just now, giving Jhin the opportunity to push the line of soldiers that had just gathered into the tower.

The policewoman pulled diagonally upwards, trying to prevent the pawn line from entering the tower, and moved closer to the triangle grass.

Jhin was unforgiving, and stopped in his footsteps to support the blind monk.

The ADCs of the two sides began to point each other passionately, and each of them pointed out their respective basic attacks.

When pulling back, the two sides tacitly turned their heads again, and the damage of the second general attack was hit.

Jhin held the fourth bullet in his hand again, and just as the corners of Bang's mouth raised slightly, an incredible scene appeared.

The policewoman's E skill was released towards Jhin, and when she was short of that little distance, a yellow light appeared.

E flash!
The rope net pushes the policewoman backwards and deals slow and magic damage to Jhin.

Most importantly, the policewoman can deliver a headshot!
After the headshot damage was done, Bang saw Jhin's bloodline and quickly manipulated the hero to retreat.

But it was too late to retreat, and the policewoman shot and killed a melee soldier.

An upgraded ray of light surrounded the policewoman's body.

Policewoman, level six!

The red locked Reaper ray locks on the fleeing Jhin.

"Let the bullets fly for a while."


Jhin fell in front of the policewoman clip.

The battle between the four Nosukes on both sides has not yet been decided, but the line kill has already exploded in the bottom lane.

The deadly silence at the scene was not because they were stingy with their own applause, but because they didn't know what happened down the road.

Obviously the director was still showing the scenes of Xiaolongkeng Qianyesuke colliding, why did he suddenly get off the lane and kill him.

The director is also very savvy, and after the wild auxiliary collision ended, he immediately released the collision in the bottom lane.

"This damage calculation is too accurate, and the policewoman's actions are not superfluous."

Smiling, he couldn't help sighing: "Jhin didn't even hand in the flash. When he was locked by the policewoman's ultimate move, it was too late for him to hand in the flash."

The replay of the bottom lane is over, and the wild assistant collision on Xiaolongkeng is over.

After the blind monk killed Lulu, he had already turned into residual blood.

Without the slightest hesitation, the blind monk chose to run for his life by touching the dragon pit under his eyes.

As for the Titan, he was not so lucky, and only death awaited him.

The two sides exchanged assistance, and it seemed that no one took advantage.

But this is based on the fact that the policewoman has no line to kill Jhin.

If you count the lane kills in the top and bottom lanes, SKT is at a loss.

Not only did they fail to catch the gap in the EDG bot duo's lack of summoner skills, they even lost one of their heads.

"The tempo that SKT wants is finally here. They definitely don't want to play this canyon pioneer."

"The ADCs on both sides didn't move, but the supports all rushed towards the middle lane."

"This scene is a bit familiar." Miller joked.

Same assist roaming, same bot lane ADC push.

The last time this scene happened, the policewoman killed Jhin.

This time Jhin might be honest.

Is Bang really going to stop?
The policewoman pushed the line to Jhin's defense tower, and this time the roles of pushing the line and being pushed changed.

After pushing the line, the policewoman got into the wild area, so as to continue the passive faster.

In addition to continuing to be passive, there is also the need to quickly push the line to grind the tower.

Jhin couldn't find the location of the policewoman, but he knew that the line of soldiers must not enter the defense tower.

Otherwise, at the speed at which Jhin can deal with the line, he will definitely lose blood line by going down the road.

Jhin wanted to stick the jewelry eye in the grass, he was really annoyed by the policewoman stealing it.

No one expected that when Jin approached the bushes, the policewoman shot again.

Bang has done the details to the extreme, and he came here with the fourth bullet.

Unexpectedly, the policewoman would actually dare to confront her.

In this case, no matter how gentle Bang's temper is, he can't bear it anymore.

It's okay to bully, but you can't bully like that.

Jhin AQ tries to deal the most damage, and then releases the deadly cascade at an angle. No matter where the policewoman sticking to the wall moves, this deadly cascade will not be able to control it.

90 caliber rope net pushes the policewoman to escape the route of the deadly Huacai.

But even so, the policewoman's bloodline was much lower than Jin's.

No matter how advanced the policewoman's equipment was, he could only deal the damage of a normal attack just now, and it wasn't a headshot.

Jhin was different, the AQ he played had a critical strike, which directly knocked out half of the policewoman's bloodline.

The advantage in blood volume gave Jhin great confidence in pursuit.

The two sides once again dealt damage in tacit agreement. At this moment, the policewoman can no longer withstand the damage of Jhin's two general attacks.

However, the acceleration effect brought by Jhin's fourth bullet just now disappeared, and the policewoman turned around and ran into the next bush.

There are no ember eyes in the grass.

Forced to avenge the last shot, Bang pointed out the flashes that he hadn't handed over in the previous collision.

Entering the grass where the policewoman had just entered, I instantly had the sight of the bloody policewoman.

And when Jhin handed over the flash, the policewoman's first attack damage had already been dealt out.

Bang had a look of disbelief, how dare this person turn around and hurt him?
The sniper rifle in the policewoman's hand turned red, and his headshot damage hit Jhin's head.

The damage caused by this critical strike is still too little, and the blood volume of the policewoman and Jin are not at the same level.

"He's dead," Bang said confidently.

do you died?
of course not!

The next second after the headshot damage was hit, the Messenger of Peace canceled the back shake of the basic attack, and a series of operations were played out smoothly.

But Jhin's blood volume is really too healthy.

The policewoman also needs to make up for the next damage and resist the next wave of damage from Xia Jin.

Letting the bullets fly and locked onto Jhin's body, Bang's brows were slightly frowned on his originally confident face.

He seemed to feel a bad breath.

"Quick! Tap out the basic attack in your hand." Wolf said anxiously.

"It's too late, I can kill him when he releases his big move."

Jhin's bullets shot out flames in the pistol, as if they were going to penetrate the policewoman's body.

Let the bullets fly while still locking onto Jhin's target.

The eliciting time of one second clearly made the audience feel that time was suspended at this moment.

Just when Jhin's bullet was about to penetrate the policewoman's body, Cui Zijian's F key's healing cooldown time ended
Cui Zijian handed over the treatment calmly, and the blood line that was about to be emptied by Jin returned a big mouthful again.

Bang was startled, his pupils tightened slightly.

"I was killed by the thread again?"

(End of this chapter)

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