LOL: This man is too reckless

Chapter 172 But I Really Can't Beat Him

Chapter 172 But I Really Can't Beat Him

"Rambo's big move was released, and Titan's lock was released immediately, and there was only one target for them." Miller swallowed and said, "That's the policewoman behind!"

"Lulu turned the blind monk who was close to her into a sheep, and the Pixar shield was given to the policewoman at the first time. In the case of locking her head, the policewoman was still behind her teammates and output without pressure."

"The policewoman was locked by robbers, and Lulu flashed to block Titan's fatal hook."

"Rambo from Hongwen killed him, and he will also give the policewoman a wave of output."

"Jess hammered Rambo away, and no one could get into the policewoman's body. Except for the Titan's ultimate move, the policewoman's teammates helped him block all the skills!" Wawan said with a blushing face.

"Can't kill the policewoman, can't even limit the output of the policewoman, SKT's team battle is going to be defeated!"

SKT's personnel fell one after another, like a sickle harvesting wheat.

The only surviving clockwork couldn't escape, and the policewoman's let the bullets fly had already locked on his body.

"The team is destroyed! EDG successfully won the first game, and the current score is [-]-[-]!" Miller said happily.

Before taking off the earphones, Cui Zijian exited the game and glanced at his output.


I don't know if it was fate, but he beat Qijiang in one round and a certain blind monk's output in ten rounds.

Tian Ye passing by took a look and couldn't help laughing out loud.

"This output makes Ming Kai see it, and his saliva is drooling."

"With an output of 28 in [-] minutes, I'm afraid this round of Mvp will miss you."

"Go back quickly, the second round will start again in a while, let's see how to deploy the tactics of the next round."

Abramovich stood in the audience early. He thought that this game could be won steadily, but he didn't expect it to end so quickly.

On the LPL commentary stage, Miller announced the Mvp personnel of the previous game.

When they saw the string of mysterious numbers, the two Haier brothers covered their mouths and smiled.

"That output is still high, if we don't pay attention to numbers other than zero."

The baby waved his hand and said, "Anyway, at this point in time, the output of more than 4 can be played, which can be regarded as the game with the highest output in this year's MSI."

Smile analyzed from a professional perspective: "The most important thing is that the two early-stage kills of the female policeman in this round are really critical. Although he doesn't have crushing Jhin in his equipment, his endlessness comes out too fast."

"We all know that EDG is the most snowballing team in the LPL, and their bottom lane is the team that likes to fight with the team the most. This has led to EDG basically mastering the resources they want in the early stage."

"We can see from a wave of team battles in the mid-term that after Jess is chased by the Titans, the barrel can only be a functional mid laner, so the pressure of output must be given to the female policeman."

Compared to the commentators in the LPL commentary booth with red faces, the LCK commentary booth can only be described as howling.

"It's understandable for Junzhi to be killed solo in the first wave, but it's really unnecessary to be killed by a line for the second time."

"It can only be said that Bang has been stable throughout the spring competition, but he can't be stable when he arrives at Msi. I hope that the coach of the deduction horse will guide the players quickly. Otherwise, in terms of Bang's personal style, it is really difficult for him to compete online. Cui Zijian took advantage of it."

"This is not psychological counseling, it's to wake up the players."

In the SKT lounge, there was a deathly silence, and the buckle stared straight at Bang's lowered head.

Losing a game may not affect the mentality of the old players like SKT, but being pressed and beaten to lose the game, the situation is different.

Kouma knew in his heart that he had to scold Bang to wake him up now, and he must not let him make the same low-level mistakes in the previous game.

An ADC with a solid composition, he hit the top on the stage of the World Championship, isn't this a joke?
"Junzhi, you are good at the top, but your scoring situation, you were killed once by the line, and you still want to fight back. Is this playing a game?"

Kouma threw the notebook hard on the table, and his voice became louder and louder: "If you like to fight, then I will get you Lucian in the next game and let you fight him enough!"

"What? Dare to take Lucian?"

Bang lowered his head and said silently: "In the next round, I will stabilize my development against pressure."

Kouma grabbed Bang's shoulders, looked him straight in the eyes, and said firmly.

"Junzhi, you are the best ADC I have ever seen, you are simply the template of ADC, do you understand?"

"But." Bang said, holding his hair angrily, "but I really can't beat him."

"Look in my eyes, look at me!"

"Junzhi, your style is different from that guy's. What an ADC needs is team battle output. He is not a top laner, and he doesn't need to resist pressure or lead the line. What you want is to stabilize your development, and then use a wave Prove yourself in team fights."

"Remember, you don't need laning to prove yourself, what you need is teamfights."

After completing the dredging of the contestants, the buckle horse let out a long sigh of relief.

He couldn't help thinking about the decision to nurture Duke last year.

In the world championship, he did give SKT a perfect shield top laner, but the final result was not satisfactory.

Duke failed to resist Cui Zijian's offensive again and again.

Kou Ma unconsciously muttered to himself: "Are we going to repeat the mistakes of last year again on the road of ADC?"

SKT's loss in the first game caused a great stir at the Korean Open.

LPL viewers always feel that the trolls in their own competition area are too harsh on the players, but they don't know that compared with the LCK audience, they are really nothing.

"I really don't know where Bang got the courage to fight against Cui Zijian. He is SKT's shortcoming. I have felt it since last year's World Championship."

"Kuoma S4 dared to change personnel boldly. Why did he get restrained in S7? Hurry up and replace Bang."

"So which ADC do you think can support this SKT team?"

"Deft, no matter how bad it is, you can buy Samsung's Ruler."

"You guys really think that SKT is still a wealthy team in the past. The loss of the S6 World Championship has already put the funds of this old team in jeopardy."

"Treasure SKT's game this year, if they lose again, they will really have a substantial renewal of personnel."

After a short break, the second game started amid the cheers of the audience.

Cui Zijian was sitting on the battle seat, and the director was very sensible, and kept putting it on the big screen.

Looking at the boy with earphones on the big screen, the cheers on the scene became louder and louder.

Last year's World Championship, that top laner left a great impression on the North American audience.

They didn't expect that the top lane monster had just established dominance, turned around and ran to the bottom lane.

What surprised them the most was that the top lane monster still dominated the bottom lane, and even broke through the defense of SKT's most stable bottom lane duo in the first game of the MSI finals.

The BP of the second game was completed very quickly, and before he buckled the horse and left, he warned again.

"Junzhi, you need to stabilize your development."

Bang nodded firmly, fingers tapping on the keys, trying to find as many states as possible before the game started.

Both BPs are completed.

Blue side SKT: top laner Little Murloc, jungler Zac, mid laner Clockwork, bottom laner Dazui + Lulu.

Red side EDG: top laner Sion, jungler Gunner, mid laner Morgana, bottom laner Ezreal + Karma.

Duan Ma still adheres to the system of letting the jungler enter the field with the ball, but this time the blind monk was replaced by Zach.

Compared with the instability of the blind monk, Zac's ultra-long-distance jump in the dark is more capable of starting a group.

In order to fight against Faker's mid-lane mage, Abramovich took out Morgana, who hadn't appeared on the field for a long time.

Abu returned to the lounge, Qijiang leaned on the sofa, her eyes were full of nostalgia for that stage.

"Hey! This young man, Xiaotian, still has some potential."

Qijiang nodded, forced a smile and said, "I know, it's good, it's good, it's really good."

Qijiang said three times in succession that they were very good, and the sadness in her heart was self-evident.

As far as Qijiang's current state is concerned, although he is not as good as a young jungler like Xiaotian, compared with the junglers of the middle and lower reaches of the LPL, he is still completely abused.

But with Qijiang's aloof personality, how could he be willing to leave EDG to find a starting position in the following teams.

What's more, EDG will probably be Qijiang's final destination.

In the past five years of his professional career, he has only experienced two teams. Perhaps when he stepped into the gate of EDG Club for the first time, he was destined to integrate with this team.

Just when Qijiang was full of thoughts, there was a scream outside the court.

In the game screen, after the male gun shot blue, he went straight to the bottom lane, and the smoke bomb combined with Karma's dog chain instantly made a big mouth flash.

And Ezreal's further pursuit forced Lulu to surrender her weakness.

Seeing the scene where the male gun was captured by the second level, the starches burst into tears.

"Director, is that you the director?"

"It's back, the jungler who caught on the second level is back."

"Hey! If Xiaotian keeps playing in this state, it may be very difficult for that jungler to come back."

"In fact, seeing EDG getting better and better, the factory manager will be very gratified. During the live broadcast late that night, the factory manager said that he won the world championship at the end of his career, and he has no regrets."

"So this Msi won't see that man again?"

"The factory manager is not bad, why didn't Abu let him come up for a fight."

The barrage discussion about the factory manager does not affect the rhythm of the game on the field.

After relying on the SKT bot duo to hand over two summoner skills, the suppression of Ezreal and Karma further expanded.

Even if Dazui put the line control in front of the defense tower, he would still receive secret shots from various angles one after another.

"Let's let this wave go." Bang said reluctantly.

When the pawn line enters the tower, the big mouth will be harassed to replenish the pawns.

Making such a decision was calculated by Bang based on the current state of Dazui.

After clearing this wave of lines, even if he loses experience, he has to go home.

Bearing in mind Kouma's teaching in the lounge, Bang went straight back to the city without the slightest hesitation.

Looking at the game screen in the bottom lane, Cuma frowned.

Rationally speaking, Dazui's decision to return to the city is correct.

But the problem is that this kind of laning continues, and Ezreal's mid-term rhythm is simply invincible.

Even if the consolation given to Bang by buckling the horse is that there is no need to play too much suppression online, as long as it can develop smoothly to play a team.

But seeing the oppressive power of EDG's bottom lane duo, the deduction is still quite greedy.

What kind of luck did EDG have to have such a bot lane duo?

The rhythm of the game progressed very quickly, and the first dragon was refreshed.

Probably because the weather in Rio de Janeiro is really hot, this time the little dragon is refreshed again by the fire dragon.

Both sides have reasons not to give up this little dragon.

The personnel began to gather in the river, but the ADCs on both sides were pushing the line.

"I was crippled by Ezreal." Bang said unwillingly.


Wolf unbelievably cut the screen to the bottom lane, and Dazui's blood line was suppressed to about a quarter. On the other hand, Ezreal, who was also fighting against each other, was still at half blood.

The most important thing is that Big Mouth's treatment has been used, and the red medicine on Ezrealke's body is still recovering blood.

"Damn it, it's time for me to push the line with you."

There is no way, in the absence of an ADC, SKT chose to give up Fire Dragon.

When EDG took down the Red Dragon, Zac found an opportunity on the top road and took down Sion's first blood in one fell swoop.

"Oh, it's a pity, the little murloc blocked Sion's car with his Q skill, otherwise Smeb would have escaped in this wave."

"Hey, look at the next lane, Morgana TPed directly, and EDG went straight to four packs and two after beating the dragon."

The rapid change of rhythm made SKT overwhelmed. After Dazui died, he used his passive to blow up the line of soldiers under the tower.

Ezreal gets two early kills, which is the last thing Bang wants to see.

He didn't dare to fight against the opponent without the equipment to lead. Now that he picked up two heads, he stopped people from playing the game.

"Let's fight around the clockwork, we still have the right to go to the center line."

Little Peanut has completely evolved into the wild king of catching people, and began to jump constantly to help his teammates find their rhythm.

Even if the wild monsters in the wild are refreshed, Zach will not bring them back into the wild, unless he helps his teammates get kills online.

The game progressed to 10 minutes, SKT got seven kills, and Zac's participation rate reached 100%.

But the strange thing is that although EDG's kills are two behind SKT, their economy is slightly ahead.

The lead of [-] does not seem to be much, but the rhythm of Xiaolong is firmly held by EDG.

In order to get the second dragon, EDG quickly organized a second wave of offense.

One minute before Xiaolong's refresh, EDG's five players took over, and Thain was firmly in the starting position.

Facing EDG's sudden offensive, SKT could only replace one tower on the top lane.

However, after this wave of rhythm, EDG did not get the economy of the first tower, and Lulu also escaped in a flash, but Xiaolong was firmly controlled by EDG.

Faker, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke.

"I can't lose the rhythm anymore, or I will collapse."

"Playing in the canyon, we directly initiate the rhythm in the middle."

Wolf, who is the leader of the team, nodded and agreed with Faker's proposal.

"I'm going to deal with the vision of the Canyon Herald. Zach has a look at my position. Don't let me be driven by Morgana."

The war in Summoner's Canyon is full of fog, and EDG's field of vision in the first half of the field is constantly lost.

(End of this chapter)

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