LOL: This man is too reckless

Chapter 190 The Fat General Gives EDG the Last Gift

Chapter 190 The Fat General Gives EDG the Last Gift
The summer evening brings a little bit of coolness, and the voice of the doll's commentary is constantly appearing on the bus stop.

In addition to the Haier brothers, the official also invited Sun Yalong, a former professional player.

As IG successfully pushed down the MVP's base, Sun Yalong waved his fist excitedly.

"Nice!" Sun Yalong shouted loudly: "IG defeated two generals today and contributed two points to our division."

As a former member of IG, Sun Yalong breathed a sigh of relief.

The former ancient wealthy family has gone through many personnel changes, but it has fallen to the bottom time and time again.

It has been too long since LPL has seen the strength of IG, and it has been too long since the white team uniform appeared in the World Championship.

This season, IG ushered in their last piece of the puzzle.

Except for EDG in the regular season, they showed their absolute strength to other teams.

But that's not enough.

Except for the LPL arena, there is no IG outside.

This time, IG defeated Lck's fourth seed.

Even if it is No. [-], IG is oppressive throughout.

Ning Wang even used these two games to prove himself. He is not the jungler who can only play pig girl Zac, he can also play strong junglers very well.

"Currently the LPL points have come to five bars and two. Although we have entered the finals steadily, we still have a final match against the LCK."

"Judging from the lineup, the KT team is really a perfect existence. Except for the veteran jungler, the players in the other four positions have all won the highest honor trophy in the League of Legends."

"I believe that for the audience in front of the screen, their memories of the battle between Samsung Blue and Samsung White are still fresh. Many people have assumed that if Samsung White's ADC is Deft, then that Samsung will have the same ability as SKT. dominance."

"Now, Deft and Samsung White's three big-core Looper, Mata, and General Fat are standing together, and their four Samsung remnants are bound to once again establish the dominance of Samsung."

The commentators talked about the four members of Samsung's ten sons, but they forgot KT's jungler, Score!

Counting the honors of the old captain, looking around, they are all runners-up.

Some people will compare the old captain with Uzi, wondering which of the two can win the league championship, or a team championship with a relatively high gold content.

The contestants were seated in the battle seats, and the popularity of the game live broadcast room, which was originally sluggish, suddenly increased.

KT lost to SKT in the final of the Spring Split and did not get a ticket to Brazil to participate in Msi.

But for this so-called Galaxy Battleship KT, people don't think that his strength will lose to SKT.

Msi failed to witness the duel between KT and EDG, so a dream will come true in the intercontinental competition.

At the same time, for the fans of Lck, they will also hold KT on social platforms to maintain the little decency left.

"The BP of both sides has already started. EDG on the blue side has banned the alchemist, enchantress and Qian Jue successively."

"KT on the red side locked Jhin, Jess, and Dazui to death."

"The two sides came to the first selection, and EDG took Galio down without the slightest hesitation."

"Then KT seems to be prepared for EDG's selection, and they didn't drag their feet in their selection. They directly confirmed the bottom lane duo."

Sun Yalong sighed and said: "We all know that EDG is a very strong team in the bottom lane duo, and KT is really not afraid at all."

"No team dares to release Deft's policewoman in Lck. Now that EDG has released it, the KT coaching staff will definitely do their part."

"According to the selection speed of the two teams, how can it give me the feeling of a clear BP."

Miller smiled and said, "Jinx and Titan, it looks like the bottom lane of this game will be interesting."

"When old teammates see old teammates, they must spare no effort."

"Lu Xian? Is the fat general trying to test the young general Scout who took over his EDG banner?"

"This is a collision between seniors and juniors. It seems that the collision of mid laners is also very exciting."

After the first round of selection on both sides ended, the second round of bans began immediately.

KT's mid laner has confirmed Lucian, so he will probably make up for AP damage in the upper field.

After a while of deliberation, Abu chose to kill Leopard Girl and Kenan.

KT targeted EDG's top lane.

Before the KT coaching staff introduced Looper, the first top laner they contacted was Smeb.

Now that it is decided that S7 will form a galaxy battleship, Smeb is the best choice for the top laner.

You know, Riot gave Smeb the number one existence in terms of player power rating back then.

If it weren't for Cui Zijian's reputation in the world championship, there would only be one candidate for the world's number one top laner that year.

It's a pity that when I contacted smeb, the other party had already played Rank in EDG's club.

As a last resort, KT chose to invite Looper and Mata, who performed well in RNG.

In order to limit EDG's single belt on the road, KT's two bans are top laners, and the heads of the two sisters Jianji and Qinggangying appear on the ban positions.

In the case that Leopard Girl could not get it, KT chose to let the old captain start around the top lane.

"Spider and crocodile, this is the top lane to prepare to penetrate Smeb."

"In addition to banning three top laners, there are really not many choices left for Smeb."

"Hey, EDG came to play Yasuo."

Just when the Haier brothers were puzzled, Sun Yalong spoke.

"If I'm not wrong, EDG is going to swing Galio to the top lane."

Miller suddenly realized: "It's really possible. Yasuo has something to say about beating Lucian. It's not impossible for Galio to guard against spiders and crocodiles."

After a period of time, the BP of both parties was completely determined.

Blue side EDG: top laner Galio, jungler Prince Demacia, mid laner Yasuo, bottom laner Jinx and Titan.

Red square KT: top laner Alligator, jungler Spider, mid laner Lu Xian, bottom laner policewoman + Lulu.

Both sides chose a lineup with extremely explosive damage, but EDG's one-handed Galio swaggered, and it was true for the KT coaching staff.

EDG has taken out Galio's system with the prince more than once.

In the past, most of the games were played around the bottom lane, but this time it was for the rhythm of the top and wild.

Before the start of the game, the collision of EDG's old teammates in the bottom lane is extremely interesting, but after the hero selection, the mid laner is even more attractive.

The confrontation between the new and old EDG mid laners, coupled with the heroes on both sides, depends on who can play the advantage online.

But as Miller said, neither side wants to develop, but neither side dares to do things lightly.

Especially after Li Ruican got Yasuo, judging from the performance of EDG in the summer split, Li Ruican is not the kind of player who likes to play online.

It's a pity that Miller couldn't see EDG's recent training match, otherwise, after seeing the heroes selected by Li Ruichan, his jaw would definitely drop.

In order to be able to train Li Ruican's offensive style, Abu has put in a lot of effort.

For this appearance, no matter whether he wins or loses, he needs to hone the offensive style of his rookie mid laner.

And the candidate to hone his own small mid laner is the mid laner thigh of his own EDG last season.

Even in the opponent's seat, Abramovich still played the role of a fat general.

The two sides developed steadily in the early stage. Except for the occasional collision between the junglers, everyone's summoner skills were not hit.

In view of the deterrent effect on Galio's charge and taunt, the spider's original rhythm of going up the road in the early stage was suspended.

After the old captain finished brushing his own wild area, he went straight to the prince's wild area, and fought hard to get the toad that Xiaotian was about to get.

From this moment on, the rhythm of the old captain began to fly frequently.

Invading the wild area and playing skills online, the prince's rhythm frequently made mistakes.

The rhythm of the first little dragon originally arranged by EDG at the beginning was also suppressed by the spider's wave of down lanes and successfully controlled the little dragon.

The only comfort is that the first little dragon is not a fire dragon or a water dragon, but a wind dragon.

After the spider came home after beating the dragon, the EDG bot lane duo reached level six.

The policewoman and Lulu didn't give each other any chance, and went home directly to update their equipment.

Before Jinx dealt with the minion wave, KT saw the titan coming home from the minion's perspective.

"Hey, Tian Ye canceled the return to the city, and only Jinx has returned home in this wave."

"Jinx went home and took out his big sword, and shot a rocket towards the middle."

"This wave of Titans is going to grab the middle lane, and Lucian didn't notice it."

"There is a chance, there is a chance."

"Titan didn't start with a hook, he chose the most stable big move, Yasuo kept up with the big move, Lucian will die in this wave!"

One blood broke out, but before Lucian died, he managed to push the pawn line over.

For this wave of arrests, Yasuo was also beaten to death by the soldiers.

At this time, the old captain rushed directly to the canyon vanguard's camp, while the policewoman and Lulu took advantage of the time when Tai Tan and Jinx went home to suppress the health of a tower in the bottom lane.

Changing the vanguard with one blood, it is hard for EDG to say whether this wave of rhythm will make a profit or a loss.

Fortunately, Yasuo has a first-blood account, and he will no longer be unilaterally suppressed by Lucian.

In order to suppress the middle lane and fight back, the spider came to the middle lane after beating the vanguard. A cocoon hit Yasuo's wind wall, and then Lucian opened the holy gun baptism to suppress Yasuo's bloodline.

Yasuo, who had just returned to the line, was beaten back home again, and Li Ruican couldn't help scratching his hair in front of the camera.

He used to play too much rhythm of letting the bottom lane lead the fly, and now he has to let himself be the thigh for a while, and he is more or less uncomfortable.

"My Titan ult is good again, Yasuo looks at my position."

"Huh? I think I will support the bottom lane later, or should we play a team in the bottom lane?"

"No, there are two ADs on the opposite side, Yasuo can play well in this round." Cui Zijian said.

Titan had finished dealing with the vision of the river long before this wave of wandering away, and Lulu was a step too late in trying to replenish her vision.

But just as the Titans showed up in the middle, the spider hurried down the road.

"Yue!" The old captain commanded.

"Lulu is a sheep, don't give Jinx a chance to manipulate it."

Wawa saw the spider coming down the road, and said in her heart that something was wrong.

Now the prince is still in the upper half of the field, and Jinx is alone and helpless in the bottom lane.

But just before the spider rushed to the bottom lane, the Titan in the middle lane had already made a move.

I saw the cannon shot out of Jinx's hand under the tower.

Chanyeol's fireworks bloomed in the middle, and after getting the assist, Jinx ran up.

Jinx pulled the extreme position and sealed Lulu's movement with a clip.

But a spider came out of the grass in front of the Golem camp, and KT didn't want to give up just because Lulu was caught.

The three of them are in the bottom lane, even if they can't catch Jinx, they will have to suppress the opponent so much that they can't eat the pawn line.

Just as the policewoman's trap and the spider's cocoon were shot, Jinx who was running flashed.

The location of the flash was not to escape towards the second tower, but to return to the first tower again.

"What does he want to do?" the old captain asked puzzled.

As Cui Zijian's old teammate, Deft quickly guessed the opponent's thoughts.

"He wants to manipulate us."

"Then kill him!"

The Firechewer grenade is right in front of Jinx, making it difficult to get close to the opponent after the Spider Cocoon is empty.

The guilty pleasure is constantly shrinking, but the shells in Jinx's hands have already dealt with the line of soldiers under the tower.

The damage from the defense tower hit the spider, and at this time Lulu's transformation into a sheep finally made a move.

Before turning into a sheep, Jinx and the spider pulled far enough away that its damage couldn't keep up in the first place.

Seeing that the defense tower was about to kill him, the spider had to hand over the coiled silk.

As soon as this wave was turned, the target of the defense tower became Lulu.

Both the defense tower and Jinx's artillery damage began to shift their targets, knocking out nearly half of Lulu's remaining HP in an instant.

Just when everyone thought Jinx was certain to die, Galio's hero appeared.

"Kill quickly, and leave immediately after killing."

"No, Jinx still has treatment." Deft panicked instantly.

Originally, Jinx's blood volume was about to bottom out, but he never thought that the opponent's healing cooldown time was over.

Seeing that Galio was about to land, KT had to choose to cancel the tower jump plan this time.

"Did Galio flash?" Cui Zijian asked anxiously.

"I can chase, don't let them go."

The hero Galio landed on the stage, taunted and walked forward.

The flash of yellow light was handed over, and the ultra-long-distance ridicule directly left Spider and Lulu in place.

Deft's clamp wanted to seal Jinx's movement, but unexpectedly the opponent turned around and walked over.

"Jinx is disabled, kill Jinx first!"

"No vision, he's in the grass."

"Give me Lulu."

"I have no eyes, I go into the grass to give sight."

"do not!"

Deft's stop came too late. After Lulu walked into the grass, he could resist the damage of Jinx's basic attack, but unexpectedly, the opponent's second oscillating electromagnetic wave had already cooled down.

AW hit the maximum damage, and Lulu fell to the ground instantly.

The vision of the grass was lost again, but at this time Jinx had already started running.

When the policewoman couldn't hit Jinx, she could only output Galio in front of her with all her strength.

However, Jinx took advantage of the policewoman's general attack and swayed back, using the acceleration effect to step forward and point out the damage of the shell.

"Jinx is still pulling, the spider is about to fall!"

"As soon as the spider falls, the next target of EDG swinging the knife is the policewoman."

"At the moment of death, Deft chose to hand over Flash, KT's wave is a big rhythm."

(End of this chapter)

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