LOL: I can hear the enemy team chatting!

Chapter 165 Crazy Little P: Isn't he a very low rank? !

Chapter 165 Crazy Little P: Isn't he a very low rank? !

If the MSI competition is compared to the group stage, the intensity will naturally increase.

However, the strength of these six teams is still very different.

In a word, watch C9 for the whole life, and watch IG and DK for confrontation.

The competition lasts for five days.

Each team has to play two BO1 games with the other five teams, and the top four in the final points will enter the final knockout round.

On IG's side, there were two opponents in two games on the first day, and the first one was DFM.

This team can be said to be the king in the LJL division, even before the game, they even boasted that their goal this time is the semi-finals!
That's right, the semi-finals are the ultimate goal for them to come to Iceland this year.

And the first game is to face IG.

They are very confident and know that IG's other lanes are not easy to target, so they will target IG's bot lane during the game. After all, IG's bot lane is too low in the European server.

There are not many players watching IG vs. DFM in China.

There is no suspense.

On the contrary, the audience in the island country is confident and believes that DFM can beat LPL and IG.

The game begins.

DFM is quite confident, with Akali as the top laner and Crocodile as the mid laner, you can play online if you want.

But in 5 minutes, he was taught to be a man by TheShy's skateboard shoes.

When did DFM, who is in the LJL league, see the top single skateboard shoes?

Was single-killed twice in 10 minutes.

Moreover, it is Evi who is the strongest in the team, and now they clearly recognize their level of strength in these six teams.

They were blasted online in the early stage, and when they were in the team, they found Jiang Zhou, the ADC, but every time they didn't touch Jiang Zhou, the five of them were cleared by TheShy, Rookie, and XUN.

The LPL fans watching the game all laughed.

"Hahaha, does this DFM really not watch LPL games? I don't know that Jiang Zhou is the most difficult ADC in LPL?"

"This little Baga is still a vegetable, and it will break if touched in a team battle."

"Don't come here, little Baga."

"Hahaha, funny, want to target Jiang Zhou? Are you thinking too much?"

The result is that DFM is getting more and more anxious after being suppressed online, and wants to play a team.

However, the team battle was broken at the first touch, and the team was killed in three waves of team battles. If Jiang Zhou hadn't made a timely move, TheShy's Spear of Revenge would have almost gotten the first pentakill of this MSI.

IG will never kill five!

The first game of the competition ended quickly in 19 minutes, making it the shortest game so far.

At present, the most kills and the shortest game time in MSI are maintained by IG.

This made DK a little unhappy.

Why can you do IG but I can't do DK?

So the depressed one is DK's first opponent, MAD.

DK secretly wanted to compete with IG, speed pass MAD, and get the shortest game record, so MAD was beaten...

On the first day, IG's second opponent was C9.

The strength of this team is below average among the six teams.

But it also has dark horse potential.

Because you never know what kind of lineup this team will come out with.

Icelandic nights are a million points colder.

Fortunately, the heating inside the venue is fully turned on.

IG came out, and there was a burst of cheers in the venue.

IG still has popularity overseas.

Both players sit down.

Nofe said: "Tomorrow is our first match against DK. Today is considered as practice, but don't be careless, C9 is still very strong."

Jiang Zhou nodded, finally getting some intensity.

The main goal of this year's MSI is DK, which can be regarded as a test of the strength of LCK before the World Championship.

And C9 is the whetstone for them to regain their status.

After all, the time in Iceland is really not as tense as the LPL playoffs.

Today's game is even a preview.

IG took a very regular lineup today, top lane Luxian, mid lane clockwork, jungler Udyr, bottom lane Kai'Sa+Wine Barrel.

But C9 started to work on it.

The stone man on the top road, Morgana the jungler, the crazy little P in the middle road played the blind monk, and Xiaopao + Ruier in the bottom road.

Because the cooldown of the Lee Sin's E skill was reduced in the April version, the designer wanted to make the jungler Lee Sin more efficient in clearing the jungle.

So in the mid-season game in May, these professional players successfully developed top laner and mid laner routines, except that there was no jungler...

So in the later versions, the blind monk was cut down again.

In fact, the two teams also had a few training matches before, and there were back and forth, just like Smash Bros.

But the stone man, blind monk, and Morgana jungler were pulled out from the opposite side, and they were obviously planning to take the lead.

After all, if you can't beat IG in this year's MSI, you will basically be the top four.

DFM's goal is the semi-finals, but C9 is not.

At the beginning of the game, the stone man resisted the pressure on the road.

Not to mention TheShy's Lu Xian, even if any LPL top laner Lu Xian came, he would be a stone man who could be overwhelmed and couldn't hold his head up.

Obviously the stone man is an inferior horse, and he has never set up his own defense tower before the sixth level.

And Morgana has never been on the road at all.

There is no need for that. If you Morgana cooperates with the Golem who has no ultimate move, it will be very difficult to gather the brains of the Golems from all over the world.

Morgana's main focus is a bot lane.

Because the middle lane is not good, and the blind monk has no hard control, how to catch Rookie's flexible position and stable state?

Difficult and easy to counter-squat by Udyr.

It can only be off the road.

Morgana went to the bottom lane six times in 15 minutes.

There were also three or four rounds of team battles, but Jiang Zhou's Kai'Sa was not caught once, but Baolan died quite a few times, but basically it was one for two.

15 minutes.

Number of kills [6:2]

Jiang Zhou's Kai'Sa got four kills, Udyr got one, Keg got one, and Keg died twice.

The jungler Blaber called it impossible, "Why is Kai'Sa's positioning so weird? None of my Qs hit him! Could it be a script?"

Crazy Little P: "..."

The referee behind: "..."

This kind of doubt is a bit underestimating the search capabilities of the fist site.

How can you insert a USB flash drive in this place?

Crazy little P said: "Don't worry, look at my blind monk, it's fine when you're in a group."

As a result, at 17 minutes, the bottom lane broke the team battle, and IG played two against four. Jiang Zhou beautifully predicted the action of the blind monk's flash R, and he flashed first, so that the blind monk's big move became a life-saving leg. Escape safely.

After XUN arrived, Kai'Sa killed another three in and three out, and she was about to super god.

Crazy little P was beyond shocked: "No! It's impossible! How could he dodge my R!"

From his point of view, his raptor's tail swing was about to come out, and Kai'Sa seemed to have predicted his movement, and perfectly avoided this big move.

If this ult succeeds in kicking Kai'Sa back, they'll win the [-]v[-].

However, this crucial kick was not successful.

This surprised Kuang Xiao P very much.

Leaving aside the grades, at least I have more experience than this newcomer.

According to his understanding, this wave will kill!

But I didn't expect Kai'Sa to predict her flash R!

In the blink of an eye, Kai'Sa survived, and waiting for the support of his teammates would be a nightmare for C9.

Looking at Kai'Sa who is already super god, Kuang Xiao P is very depressed. Is this the youngest, lowest rank, and best AD in MSI?
How did you kill us so happily!

Already amazing!
A low rank does not mean a dish.

(End of this chapter)

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