LOL: I can hear the enemy team chatting!

Chapter 353 Let IG hold the cup! ! !

"I wipe it? Is this okay?"

"This is iG! Invincible iG in team battles!"

"Faker fell first! Damn it? Can iG win?"

"AD directly flashes forward with the wind? Put yourself in the opposite formation? Is this crazy?"

"The main thing is surprise. Didn't you see that the opponent didn't react at all? Faker reacted very quickly and dodged the knockback, but he still couldn't guard against Rookie's Silas!"

"Rookie really redeemed himself in this wave, really! He has been invisible for almost 30 minutes. He was killed twice in a row in the early stage. At this last moment, he finally showed his level!"

"You can always trust Rookie!"

"God J! You really dare to charge. Is this another Ah Shui in the world?"

"Ah Shui will burst into tears when he sees that he is not afraid! If this was placed in TES, no one would rush along with his ad, hehe."

"There is a Baron BUFF on the opposite side! IG really doesn't have any cowards. Under such circumstances, they still want to flash out to find opportunities. If they don't win, who can win?"

The audience was extremely excited.

This wave, one is replaced by four!

There was nothing that could be done about it. Aphelios would definitely die if he charged like that. After all, he also suffered from Clockwork's ultimate move and EZ's output. It was unreasonable to not die.

In the end, it was harvested by EZ's ultimate move.

Aphelios, who didn't dodge, had nowhere to escape.

But Jiang Zhou's death gave the opponent four lives, and the remaining teammates went straight to the Dragon Soul and captured the Fire Dragon Soul.

T1 is very uncomfortable here.

Originally, Aphelios' current output was exploding, and one big move to set off fireworks might cause all five of them to lose less than half their health.

Now with the addition of the Fire Dragon Soul, the situation becomes even more self-evident.

The key is that after this wave of team battles, IG's economy has also gotten better.

Gwen has already begun to gain strength. She is the kind of character who has output and can resist damage. T1 can only hit the output with a clockwork, but others cannot do it at all.

This is a question of lineup.

After banning five ADs, Gumayusi didn't have any AD to take advantage of. Zeus, who was on the road, might not be able to withstand the pressure in this critical life-and-death situation and took a Gnar.

The most important thing is that they did not expect that this round would come to such a late stage.

Time is no longer on their side.

Faker can feel this.

If they continue to play like this, they will never be able to compete head-on with iG.

The only way to win is to wait for the ancient dragon soul to appear, and they must win it.

But can iG give them a chance?

At this time, the scene in Incheon and the LCK live broadcast room.

LCK fans are like a roller coaster, their moods are up and down. At first, they didn't expect that Aphelios would desperately change the clockwork and deal enough damage!

"Xiba! Why can this Aphelios be so crazy!"

"This iG's AD is not normal at all! Whose AD would flash forward even when being suppressed!"

"This is the style of the iG team. Their AD is like this. He often makes some incredible moves. And did you notice that he flashed forward and avoided the double-teaming of Blind Sin and Shen? Appearing in front of Clockwork, his thinking in the team battle was so clear that Gumayusi was completely outclassed."

"Ahhh! T1! Are you going to fall short?"


Inside the LCK live broadcast room.

Even Brother Roar could only clench his fists and feel heartbroken: "Ah... Xi! Damn iG! Were we still one step behind after all? Xianghe! What a pity!"

Their commentators have clearly felt it.

The original rhythm of T1 is to retreat while fighting. If you have a chance, you can kill one. If you don't have a chance, continue to take the dragon and operate bit by bit.

However, the unreasonable iG is so crazy.

AD can win a team fight by riding face.

Moreover, the audience suddenly discovered that this guy seemed to be very skilled in Aphelios!

Not only can it deal good damage, but it can also help teammates create opportunities!

iG is such a team. As long as the other four players give them a chance, they would rather seize the opportunity and lose than not seize it.

But this time, it was Jiang Zhou who created the opportunity.

And he not only created opportunities, but also contributed a lot of output.

This is the most critical!

In this wave of team battles, Gwen actually did quite a lot of damage, a total of four thousand, which was more than Aphelios, but in terms of function, Aphelios was naturally the hero.

This is the significance of Jiang Zhou in iG.

After this wave of team battles, iG took down the Fire Dragon Soul. The four of them directly demolished T1's middle high ground, and then the opponent resurrected.

It is still difficult to compete directly at this time.

iG didn't dare to ALLIN directly. It would be a good thing to win, but the key is that if the opponent's Gnar teleports around and speeds up, the four of them will be surrounded.

Without Jiang Zhou, they even felt a little guilty, feeling that they couldn't survive without Jiang Zhou!

In a team battle, no one can be missing Jiang Zhou!

They retreated en masse.

This made T1 anxious. If the five people on IG gathered together, it would be difficult for them to win a team battle.

They had to take advantage of Jiang Zhou's absence to quickly assemble and stop one or two people from iG so that they could have the capital to continue fighting.

Faker: "Chase! Don't let them escape!"


People here at iG have long seen T1 come out of their own spring with murderous intent.

They naturally avoid its edge.

It's not like they haven't seen such a situation before.

It would obviously be irrational to continue to entangle with the opponent at this time.

But how could T1 let them go so easily? Zeus' Gnar came directly from the river.

TheShy suddenly said, "You go, I'll stop them!"

After saying that, Gwen rushed directly towards the blind monk at the front!

Everyone in iG was stunned.

This is also impossible.

Gwen is at the very back, he definitely can’t escape!

But at this time, Jiang Zhou was already on the way.

Even if Gwen dies, iG still feels that it can be accepted. With Aphelios as a guarantee, they can't lose.

But this time, TheShy also started to surprise everyone.

He turned around and killed Oner, but was caught off guard. The blind monk hit Gwen's face directly and took advantage of the first stage of his ultimate move!

After that, Gwen advanced instead of retreating, heading towards the T1 army.

This is obviously a life-threatening approach.

This is TheShy, and T1 is not surprised.

But what they didn't expect was that Gwen's output was now so powerful, and her ultimate move was released just right, hitting the blind monk, Shen, and EZ!

The blood volume of these three people dropped crazily!

The damage is simply picturesque!

"I'll go! Such high damage?"       "There is a chance!"

"Go on!"

This time, TheShy's Gwen created opportunities for his teammates.

In fact, even TheShy didn't expect this. He originally thought that he was covering his teammates, but he did a very good job in this wave of operations, and the damage was very high. Although he didn't kill anyone on the opposite side instantly, his AOE top lane was just like that year. God descends to earth!

It's just that this is the middle road.

TheShy created another famous scene.

IG did not continue to retreat according to the original decision, and several people rushed over.

Even Sapphire's Lulu gave Gwen a big move to help Gwen continue her output.

This is TheShy's personal strength.

When Jiang Zhou arrived, the two sides were already in chaos.

It's just that Faker pulled off a big move perfectly, which directly increased it by four!

This wave of damage is much better than Gwen’s ultimate move!

If the fight continues, T1 really has a chance.

But at this time, Aphelios came!

Like the God of Death, it comes with a big move!

If this ultimate move could be used in a fantasy novel, it would directly connect the galaxy!

Because of this ultimate move, Jiang Zhou got a quadruple kill!

When Gwen died in battle, he gained four remaining health points. Coupled with the output of his teammates, T1 suffered heavy casualties.

On iG's side, Gwen has been killed, and Silas is a little unable to bear it anymore, and is being guarded.

But at this moment, Aphelios appeared and used a powerful wind move to directly kill several people four times!

According to T1's normal team battles, in fact, this wave should not be directly killed by four.

However, the game has already reached this point, and these players cannot be required to react as quickly as when the game just started.

And T1 is doing well enough now, almost leaving all four iG players there.

However, it's still a bad move.

The reappearance of Aphelios gave iG the last laugh.

This time!

Jiang Zhou felt his blood boiling instantly!

Because there is no need to remind everyone now, everyone knows that after getting this quadruple kill, IG is now close to winning the cup, all it takes is to stand up and walk over!

Now, no one in T1 can stop IG!

The five people in T1 have been blinded.

Aphelios's ultimate move blinded them.

"Is it gone?" Keria's eyes filled with tears.

In the last game, his Shen was still effective in the early stage, but in the later stage, he could only follow his teammates and couldn't protect anyone with his ultimate move.

In this last wave, he was heading towards Aphelios, but there was no chance at all!

Faker looked gloomy. He knew that T1 was gone. "Are we finally here? I'm sorry, guys."

As a player who is about to turn everything into gold, he has experienced countless failures. Every time he reaches the top of the mountain and every time he falls from the mountain top, he can face the next success and failure more calmly.

The faces of Zeus, Gumayusi, and Oner were also filled with disappointment.

The output from iG has exploded.

In a frontal team battle, at this point in time, T1 is no match for iG at all.

In this last game, iG seemed to be getting more courageous as they fought!

Seeing iG's Aphelios rushing towards T1's base with three teammates, the whole crowd in Incheon was very quiet...

The on-site radio microphone could no longer pick up any sound.

The noisy stadium was finally turned into a library at this moment!

Of course, there were many domestic audiences at the scene.

It's just that all the domestic spectators nervously held up their cheering sticks. After the last wave of team battles, they didn't scream in surprise. They were all waiting for the last moment to open the champagne!

Colonel Guan: "Could it be that...iG's Grand coming!"

The three commentators didn't dare to say anything.

For fear of ruining the atmosphere of this moment.

Tens of millions of LPL players are now really dreaming of it!

The semi-finals are surrounded by three LCKs. The grand slam that is not expected by anyone, he is finally here! ?

Moreover, he relied on his own teamfighting strength to defeat the powerful T1 head-on!

JzZ even arrested the big devil during the team battle.

It’s an IG win!

Ten seconds!

The time from the center to the base only takes ten seconds.

It only takes twenty seconds to demolish the opposite base!

During these twenty seconds, none of the five people on IG said a word. Only TheShy was sitting there laughing, watching his four teammates frantically tearing apart crystals!

Such a scene is particularly difficult for TheShy.

Just like what he said in a parallel time and space.

He was at the top when he debuted and had no time to reflect on this process. After repeated failures in S9 and S10, he realized how lucky he was to enter the World Championship and win the championship.

Now that he has tasted this taste, it is indeed... hard-won.

However, in this time and space, TheShy obviously does not have the same profound understanding as in another time and space.

Because he only had two years to win the same championship again.

It's difficult, but not too difficult.

Finally, the T1 base was destroyed!

This also means that iG has accomplished an incredible feat, a grand slam throughout the year!

Made history!

And it hasn’t lost a single game since the summer split!

"Now, we can cheer with all our strength and express the words in our hearts. Congratulations IG!!!!"

"After a month of World Championships, IG won consecutive group wins and fierce competition in the knockout rounds. In the end, all the waves were wiped out, and I finally became a hero! IG finally won the S11 Global Finals championship!"

"This is also the second global championship in the history of the iG team, and while winning the S11 Summoner's Trophy, they also created a brand new Grand Slam record in the LOL game!"

"LPL Spring Championship, Mid-Season Championship, LPL Summer Championship! S Championship! Four championships in one year! This is IG!"

"Since JzZ player appeared on iG, IG has been going through many obstacles all the way. There were twists and turns along the way but in the end, it returned to the top of the world!"

"And player JzZ also won a Grand Slam in his first year of debut! He helped IG return to the top and completed his own achievements! He is well-deserved as the world's No. 1 AD!"

"Of course, we also want to thank our opponents, T1! They are also rare opponents this year who deserve our all-out efforts!"

"Especially Faker, his performance in today's BO5 still deserves the respect of all of us..."

While the three commentators were excited, the five people on iG's side, surrounded by their coaches, were already heading towards the Summoner's Trophy!

Many LCK spectators had already left the scene, but there were still many fans celebrating iG.

After all, iG is a team that has its own unique charm. There is no team in the LCK that plays as fiercely as iG.

In these five games, T1 relied more on tactics to win, while iG relied on repeated team battles to win. Many people like this team very much.

Not to mention there are two people on IG: TheShy and Rookie.

At the scene where the ‘blue rain’ fell.

The five members of iG won the Summoner's Trophy together! (End of chapter)

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