LOL: I can hear the enemy team chatting!

Chapter 507 LPL has its own Faker!

"Do you want to continue playing? It seems that IG is not very determined about this wave of team battles, and still wants to avenge his teammates! But this is IG's style!"

"It looks like the sister control's Niutou can't hold it anymore. The top laners of both sides teleported to the bottom lane almost at the same time. Now it depends on the choices of both sides in this wave!"

The Colonel's broadcast was very fast.

At the scene, Jiang Zhou had retreated between his highland tower and the second tower.

But Aphelios and Titan had already followed.

After the teleported Gwen demolished the second tower, the two sides faced off under the Highland Tower.

EDG is missing an assist.

But IG's side is fatal, missing a mid laner.

However, IG still feels that it is bound to win this wave of team battles.

Because Kasumi is not flashing now.

At this time, junglers from both sides were also arriving one after another.

Soon, the first one on EDG's side was Xiaohu's Fox.

Because if they don't fight at this time, their highland tower will be gone.

When the time comes to face several people directly, it will be difficult for them to fight.

The fox flashes charm directly.

They want to kill Aphelios instantly so that they can rely on teamfights to win and get a chance to breathe.

Ah Shui's Aphelios was obviously prepared. The strong wind from the side not only avoided the fox's charm, but also directly unleashed a big move towards the crowd.

In an instant, a large wave of fireworks bloomed among the four EDG!

Jiang Zhou: "!!!"

Ah Shui's Aphelios proficiency is also very high. The angle of this ultimate move makes it impossible for four people to avoid it.

The blood volume of 4 people dropped at the same time.


Even though IG was missing a clockwork, they didn't show any signs of deterioration and rushed forward.

Gwen even took the lead and rushed to the front of the team, just wanting to help his team get the team wiped out.

And Jiang Zhou didn't care about TheShy anymore.

At this point, I no longer care about the friendship between my former teammates.

Just kill it!
Xia directly released her ultimate move to avoid Gwen.

Directly crazy output!

At this time, Xia was shaking the feathers on her hand rapidly, without any intention of stopping for a moment.

And his teammates were also frantically looking for opportunities.

This time Jiejie's male gun also started to show its effect. Smoke bombs were thrown under the defense tower, which seriously interfered with the opponent's output rhythm.

This also created a good output opportunity for Jiang Zhou.

Xayah's output in the later period has exploded.

After killing Gwen in a few clicks, he immediately started to attack Foego who was coming with his ultimate move.

If you look at the lineup, IG has a huge advantage.

There is output and there is harvest. As long as you cooperate, you can definitely destroy EDG.

However, Jiangzhou's Xia Ke was not a vegetarian, and was doing crazy output behind the defense tower. From the perspective of God, everyone only saw the blood volume of IG's people dropping crazily.

And soon, I saw the male gun cooperate with Xia to kill several IG people!
Xia's barb directly caught three of them!

Without Clockwork's ultimate move, Xayah's output environment is really great!

Despite the lack of auxiliary protection, no one can stop his output.

In an instant, IG was wiped out.

And there are only two people left on EDG, Xia and the male gun!
The two men immediately ran towards Xiaolong Pit.

Even though they are just a drawing dragon, they are still very important to them.

With the bonus of the Water Dragon Soul buff, they can pull even more easily.

"This wave of team battles is really thrilling! Who would have thought that God J's Xayah instantly killed Rookie's Clockwork!"

"It can be seen that he knows his old teammate very well and must have made predictions in his heart. Otherwise, his reaction would not have been so fast. Rookie obviously did not expect that he would be killed instantly..."

"This wave of IG doesn't dare to be forced to join, but if you don't do it, it won't be IG. It's very reasonable."

The three commentators said nervously.

Fortunately, this wave was very brutal for both sides, otherwise it would probably be the winner of this round.

After this wave of team battles, the excitement of this round also increased crazily.

It was too intense.

The two sides are really going back and forth, and they will never let go as long as they get the opportunity.

This is the competition between top teams.

IG is also helpless.

Rookie smiled bitterly and said: "It's my fault. I was too careless. I should have broken through head-on. I thought too much and he reacted and killed me. This guy really doesn't know what the structure of his brain is. How did he know about me?" Here? They can’t possibly have time to do it there!”

Ah Shui said: "This is his style. While laning, he also focuses on other places. I understand him now."

Baolan said: "The cooperation of the opponent's bottom lane is also very good. The bull head stopped us immediately. If it weren't for the bull head, we would have been able to support him."

"This guy's competition experience is also a killer move. We have to work hard. Are they leading the competition again?"

Several people talked, but there was not much pressure.

After such a long period of fighting, EDG's strength has been recognized by them, so it is normal for their side to be defeated in this wave of team battles.

The key depends on how they play next.

After this wave of team battles, both sides became very cautious.

IG has five people working together, and they will never give EDG a chance to defeat them separately.

But this also makes them easy to be double-teamed.

Of course they know this.

But IG can also do it.

If it's too spread out, if the opponent is given a chance, they'll be doomed.

A lineup like theirs can't have a perfect teamfight without one person.

After three or four minutes of development, the two sides once again returned to the situation of choosing between the big dragon or the small dragon.

EDG took advantage of the situation and came to Xiaolong.

Neither side dared to take action easily, so they just went with the flow.

IG got the Baron, and EDG got the Dragon Soul.

It has been more than thirty minutes now, and EDG, who finally got the Dragon Soul, breathed a sigh of relief.

But the pressure came quickly.

The opponent took the Baron buff and broke through directly to the middle. By the time they chased through the jungle, the highland tower was gone.

But now, the people on IG are on the high ground of EDG.

EDG's people blocked their retreat online. At this time, if IG directly pushes over, there is actually a chance. After all, the line of troops is right in front of their face.

Brother Holy Spear's weapons can only go back to the city to clear the two waves of troops first.

Others are out there pulling!

IG knows very well that they need to find opportunities to counterattack. If the weapon master comes to support after handling the army line, five against five, their chances of winning are actually not high.

So now we can only look for opportunities first.

It's just that Jiang Zhou also thought the same way at this time.

His Xayah output has now fully increased.

In the current situation, it depends on who can find the opportunity.

At this time, Xiaohu's Q skill directly forced Aphelios to the base of the tower.

Jiang Zhou saw the opportunity and rushed forward!

Directly open W and A!

Because the five members of IG wanted to be in the minion state at this time, they took a step deeper and couldn't control themselves at the first moment.

Jiang Zhou's ability to seize opportunities has long been perfected.

The amount of blood lost in just a moment was almost half beaten!

Ah Shui was shocked!
This scene seems so familiar, it's so similar to his flash forward in the middle back then!

It's just that this time Xia only hit two critical hits, but half of his life was indeed gone.

Ah Shui subconsciously released his ultimate move.

But Jiang Zhou had already been prepared, and he flew into the sky to avoid this concentrated moonlight!

Ah Shui's eyes darkened, empty?

At this time, the people on IG also reacted, and Titan and Gwen turned around!
At the same time, Jiang Zhou pulled a barb!

Although he only held down one Gwen, at least his life was not in danger, and Gwen's blood volume also dropped very quickly.

Let Gwen fire her own W!

It was Xia who made the first move!
After this wave, other people also reacted one after another, and a wave of team battles started directly, but this is EDG's high ground.

The weapon master at the back ignored the line of troops and rushed forward with a flash skill, directly controlling Aphelios and Clockwork!
IG was directly attacked from both sides. The team battle ultimate move that was interfered by the weapon master did not have the desired effect at all. EDG directly hit a wave of perfect team annihilation!

This surprised many viewers. The IG team was defeated in a head-on battle. This really surprised everyone.

The EDG team didn't even make it to the playoffs last year.

And now, after the exchange of personnel, we have gone all the way to the summer finals, and defeated IG in a head-on battle! ?
There isn't much time left for everyone to react.

Because this wave was a perfect team wipeout, no one on EDG died!
The five EDG men instantly turned their guns and ran behind them!

"One wave!? Can this be one wave?"

"It should be possible! The resurrection time on IG is 40 seconds. If you do a wave at this time, you can definitely do it!"

"Teleported! Brother Holy Spear's weapon master has already started teleporting. As long as EDG seizes the opportunity, this year's World Championship tickets will appear in their hands!"

All three commentators were excited.
Who could have imagined that there would be such a perfect comeback in the end.

And the audience has long been unable to suppress their excitement.

"Did you show up? Huh? We captured it in one wave!?"

"IG has a big problem. It should have dispersed as soon as it was double-teamed. Now it's better and it's been wiped out by the team! Whether it can win or not depends on the opponent's face."

"Actually, if they had just followed their own soldiers to demolish the incisor tower, they would have won long ago. Their handling of the situation was too indecisive!"

"Not decisive? If they just forcefully demolish the tower, do you think God J's Xia Da will agree?"

"Ah Shui! As expected, he died suddenly again!"

"How can we blame Ah Shui? In that position, he was cornered by the fox and had no choice but to go there!"

"I can only say that God J's ability to seize opportunities is really powerful!"

Amidst the cheers and shouts of the audience.

The five people on EDG's side were overwhelming, and in the end they only had three soldiers around them.

But several other people also took turns carrying the tower for the minions, just to protect the damage from pushing the tower.

Highland Tower!
Highland Crystal!

The incisor tower!
After demolishing the two incisor towers on the opposite side, they were left with only the male gun, Xia, and the fox!

At this time, Aphelios, who died first, had been resurrected.

Flash forward directly to block their tower push action.

Aphelios instantly killed Clockwork, but just as he was chasing Xia, Xia raised his arm and pushed IG's main crystal away without emotion.


The moment the Victory Girl's voice sounded in the headsets of EDG5, several people suddenly felt as if they were in a dream, it was so psychedelic!

They actually won the summer championship?

I got tickets to the World Table Tennis Championships through the competition!
Especially the Holy Gun brother, Jiejie, and the sister-in-law.

These three people didn't even make it to the playoffs in the Spring Split, and they were useless with all the hate. They didn't have much hope for this year's Summer Split, and they just wanted to practice cooperation between the teams.

But I didn't expect that they could come forward step by step, defeat their powerful enemies step by step, and finally win this hard-won championship!

"Congratulations to EDG! Winning the championship this summer!"

"This last game proves that this is a game for the brave! Without Xia's forward wind and two critical hits, there might not be a final victory!"

"Just because we seemed familiar, Ah Shui fell to Xia's critical attack after all..."

"Let us congratulate EDG! He has washed away all his glory and finally became a knight!"

"Congratulations to JzZ for successfully winning the third LPL championship in his career! Along the way, it seems that he is not chasing the championship, but the championship is chasing him..."

The three casters have already started to congratulate EDG crazily.

The audience couldn't help but sigh.

"A team that didn't make it to the playoffs in the spring split unexpectedly won the summer split? It's a huge improvement."

"Is this the energy of God J? Even if his four teammates are rookies, he can still take them off. Such a player is worthy of being worth tens of millions!"

"What was EDG like before? It was half-dead. After God J came back, he injected capital into them and became their team member. He was like a father and a mother. In the end, he succeeded in reviving the team. Really It’s not easy.”

"IG was one step behind in the end. The last wave really underestimated the enemy."

"Congratulations to EDG! Let's hold the cup!"

"This seems to be God J's fourth league championship! Three from the LPL and one from the LCK. His legendary pace has not stopped yet! This is simply a championship harvester!"

Just like the audience said.

Jiang Zhou’s myth continues to be written.

This year, he entered the LCK without hesitation, which shocked many people. They thought he was going to the LCK to make money, but now it seems that his goal is very clear, just to hone himself.

And today's final also proved that his choice was right.

Whether it is in terms of operation or team fighting, he has retained his own style and gone one step further.

The key is to have more responsibility in the team's critical moments.

The decisive flash kills the clockwork in an instant, and the decisive strong wind moves forward to cripple Aphelios. These are the qualities of a world-class player.

Jiang Zhou also has it!
Our LPL has its own Faker! (End of chapter)

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