LOL: I can hear the enemy team chatting!

Chapter 524 The factory director shows off his power!

"It's so uncomfortable!"

"Please save the factory director's big tree!"

"It feels like this game is going to be over. The top, middle and jungle were suppressed too hard. In fact, as long as we avoid EDG's bottom lane, it will be very easy to beat them."

"The first game is going to be gone."

The audience is no longer optimistic about EDG.

The economic gap between the two sides is really quite big.

And the situation on IG is obviously very hot.

Arrived at 24 minutes.

IG used their advantage to successfully push EDG's mid-highland crystal.

Even though EDG has been fighting, they still can't stop IG.

In the end, EDG was pushed flat by IG at 29 minutes.

Originally, they wanted to take advantage of the three IG players advancing in the middle and the other two in the top lane, and then find an opportunity to counterattack.

And relying on Jinx's late output, they can still play.

But it’s still Galio.

Rookie's Galio's support speed is too fast.

Plus TheShy's Qinggang Shadow's teleportation.

The team battle only started for three or four seconds. Blind Sin's team was not instantly killed because of Lulu's ultimate move. As a result, EDG's team was still five on five. After losing their skills, Galio cooperated with Qinggang. Ying immediately rushed to pieces.

In the end, EDG was unable to resist and lost the first game.

There is really no way to crush him in terms of personal strength.

It is impossible for Jiang Zhou to have any effect in the later stage. If Qinggangying, Blind Monk, and Galio are coming towards him, he will naturally have no chance to escape.

And on their side, Xiaohu's Enchantress couldn't kill Aphelios instantly, so they also got a useless hero.

"Congratulations to IG for winning the first game. The five players on EDG's side were obviously in bad shape in the first game. I hope they can quickly regain their form!"

"IG keeps sending moves through the top jungle, they can't take the moves here! They still need to open up opportunities from the bottom lane!"

Colonel Guan is a little worried about EDG.

Although this EDG is a relatively slow team.

But now he really didn't find his form in the first game, and even God J, who has always been very stable, didn't find a chance.

So why don't you worry?

As long as a team like IG is given a chance, it will catch you off guard with a 3:0 score. By the time you react, they will have already won the game.

Therefore, in this situation, EDG must react quickly.


The audience was a little worried about EDG's status.

This first game was a bit too far from what everyone thought.

"As soon as IG enters the world championship state, it will be perfect. They are born for the competition. It is too difficult to win IG."

"EDG's ability to enter the quarterfinals is already very good. In the spring split, they didn't even enter the LPL playoffs. Now it's not easy for God J to lead a group of veterans to this point."

"I believe they will never give up so easily! At least they will fight to the death!"

"It's really a pity, director. I thought I was a secret weapon when I went on the road this year, but I didn't expect to get one point when I came up. The effect of the big tree is too low, why not do some unique skills?"

When the audience gives them advice.

In the EDG lounge, too, everyone is putting forward their own suggestions.

There is pressure.

The upper and lower limits of the IG team's strength are hard to see through, and they can get a 50-50 draw against anyone.

But the key lies in this 50-50 opening.

No matter what lineup you come up with, you can't guarantee that you can beat this team 100%.

The factory director frowned. According to the plan, he came up in the first round just to catch IG off guard. After going around and winning the round, he retired with success. The rest of the round was handed over to Jiejie and he didn't take up any position. .

But now the plans have changed.

Unexpectedly, even if he appeared in the first game, he would not get any benefits. Instead, he would be abused. This would somewhat consume his reputation among the players.

This made him doubt whether he could do it. I originally wanted to help my team win, but it directly helped my team lose the first game.

This was a huge blow.

The factory director lowered his head and said: "Let Jiejie play in the next game. I quit. I'm sorry. I didn't make any difference in the first game."

Jiejie: ​​"..."

He felt equally unconfident.

Because he felt that if he were allowed to appear, his performance would not be any better than that of the factory director.

The pressure is too great.

There is nothing anyone else can do.

And Jiejie said: "Otherwise, the factory director should do it. I... am a little stressed."

"The last time I played against them, my performance was a bit poor and I was caught by Prince Ning several times. This time... I'm not ready yet..."

Everyone looked at him.

Everyone also understands the pressure on Jiejie himself.

In the previous summer split, his ranking as a jungler was actually only fourth.

After all, Prince Ning, Brother Kanyan, and others performed better than him.

Now that we are suddenly playing in such a world competition, and it is also a crucial semi-final round, there must be pressure.

This is why the factory director came on stage in the first game, just to get off to a good start and help his teammates reduce the pressure.

Naihe messed up.

Jiang Zhou said: "Let the factory manager continue. Our rhythm in the last game was not good. There is nothing to say. Our skills are inferior to others."

"But as long as we are given another chance, the factory director will definitely be able to regain his form. I believe in him."

The others looked at each other.

I didn’t say anything. Everyone has these pressures.

If the factory director wants to go again, what about another fight?

After all, the factory director has been training with them these days, and everyone is cooperating.

Of course, the most important thing is that the most important point of their team is not the jungle, but the bottom lane.

So the next round was still the factory director's jungle position.

There was no substitution on EDG's side, which surprised IG.

Prince Ning chuckled and said, "It seems that the factory director still wants to compete with us. It's interesting."

Rookie said: "We can't underestimate the enemy. They are a slow team. As long as they are given a chance, they can definitely counterattack. I was really shocked when he suddenly appeared in the middle in the last game..."

The time for rest passed quickly.

The factory director appeared again.

The audience was also very surprised.


"Do you really want to rely on the number one legendary player?"

"It's over, what is Jiejie doing?"

"Even if he doesn't have much experience, he is a player of the younger generation after all. He is better than the factory director, right?"

"Is this factory director deliberately suppressing Jiejie? Seeing that his team has become stronger, he wants to get a higher position!"

The reappearance of the factory director really made everyone a little impatient.

This is really a bit disrespectful!
Of course, the audience does not know the internal situation of EDG and can only make various speculations.

The director also understands the audience's disbelief.

He has been in this circle for such a long time and has the deepest understanding of public opinion. After all, he once fell into the vortex of 4396. But he finally came out.

So there is no pressure from outside public opinion. The pressure on him comes from IG and himself.

He knows very well that if this last sentence cannot save his face, it means that he cannot pass the hurdle in his heart. Then his only option in the future is to completely retire where he is and not think about playing again.

Finally, the 10 players sat in their seats and started a new round of fighting.

EDG is still the blue side in this round.

As for the first choice, the factory director said silently: "Big tree!"

Still a big tree!

Several people looked at him.

In fact, the factory director also played other heroes in training matches, such as Pig Girl, Male Gun, and Qian Jue. These heroes can all produce good statistics.

But I didn’t expect to choose a safe big tree at such a critical moment.

There is nothing to say.

Although we lost the first game, as long as this hero can be used, it can still play a certain role.

So there is nothing to say.

You can still fight.

It just requires a little cooperation from other people.

And soon the lineups of both sides were selected.

Previous: Crocodile vs Sword Demon
Wild: Dashu vs. Prince
Medium: Clockwork vs Silas

AD: Jinx vs Aphelios
Assistant: Lenata vs Lulu
The overall lineup did not change much from the first game.

EDG obviously wants to try the previous one again, this is their best lineup.

Of course, the key point in the early stage is still the big tree in the jungle.

How to fight in the early stage depends on the factory director's own choice.

But this time, the factory director did not make any moves at the beginning, he was just brushing!
This makes Jiang Zhou very confused. Dashu can learn a W at level 2 to help his teammates tie up.

As long as W hits someone, it can at least force out a flash, which is very effective, but the factory director doesn't seem to have any idea at all.

Take this big tree and complete a jungle like a hunger strike.

What is this for?

Jiang Zhou was very curious.

But he soon heard Prince Ning's voice and understood immediately.

[Prince Ning: Will the big tree be in the middle? I squat for a moment. 】

[Prince Ning: He’s not there. He might be on the road. Be careful! Brother Shy! 】

This is to make King Ning have an army of grass and trees!

King Ning couldn't see the figure of the big tree, so he would definitely think that the big tree was hiding somewhere. How could the big tree not squat people?
So he is very nervous now.

You won’t be so focused on farming.

During the two reverse squats, the squats were actually made of air.

The big tree never showed up, which directly caused IG to lose the big tree's position.

In this case, the tree will not meet Xin Zhao when he appears for the first time.

After all, Prince Ning has no idea where the big tree has gone, so he can only remain suspicious.

This surprised Jiang Zhou. The factory director seemed a little nervous, but after all, he had a lot of experience, so he still had a chance to make a move casually.

Sure enough, King Ning never found the big tree. In the end, he couldn't sit still anymore and went directly to gank.

However, Brother Holy Spear's crocodile is still very cautious now and retreats directly. The E skill avoids the prince's EQ and flies away, which prevents IG from getting first blood.

Seeing that Xin Zhao's position was exposed.

The factory director slowly came to the bottom lane.

Directly flash bundled.

The big tree suddenly appeared in the bottom lane, which also surprised Ah Shui and Lulu.

The big tree had not appeared in their sight for five full minutes, and now it flashed directly behind Jinx Lenata, and they did not react at all.

But it was Baolan who was unlucky.

Because the distance was too close, he was directly stunned by the flash W.

There is no place to run.

Lienata, who was controlled by her sister, connected with Q, and cooperated with Jiang Zhou's Jinx to use the fire chewer grenade, and directly stood on the spot to win.

Jiangzhou's Jinx got first blood.

The big tree also retired after its success.

Jiang Zhou got first blood, and Jinx could take the lead.

This is a good thing.

Prince Ning regretted a little and said, "Oh, I'll go, but I didn't expect this guy to be waiting for me to make the first move! I was a little anxious and got fooled!"

But there is no use saying this now.

The prince can only go to the bottom lane to help his teammates defend the line.

After Jiang Zhou got first blood, he also began to put pressure on IG's bottom lane.

I originally thought that the factory director's idea was to maintain the bottom lane.

However, after he came this time, he returned to the city and went straight to the road without even entering his own jungle area, giving up the opportunity to upgrade to level six.

Because according to the normal pace of development, his current experience of level 5 and a half is already very good.

I didn't do anything in the early stage, I just kept brushing the jungle, just to be able to take shots continuously.

"Brother Holy Spear, you can come!"

The factory director came directly to the road.

At this time, King Ning was helping to defend the line in the bottom lane, so naturally he had no chance to go to the top lane to support.

So before Dashu took action, the crocodile directly trapped the sword demon.

At this time, both top laners have reached level 6, and the Crocodile's output is still no problem.

As for TheShy's Sword Demon, everyone knows very well that its positioning is very radical. After being directly immobilized by the crocodile, it was hugged by a big tree and hit with a Q skill. TheShy directly opened up to counterattack.

After all, this is TheShy, escape is impossible, there is no chance, we can only see if we can force another one.

However, Crocodile's output was still good, and Dashu also received an assist. He returned to the city to replenish cloth armor, so he was naturally not afraid of the Sword Demon.

Although TheShy was in hot form and hit all 3Q, he was still killed by the crocodile.

In this GANK, the factory director really showed his dominance.

The attack is really ruthless.

Colonel Guan said happily: "It seems that this veteran has found his own form. The big tree has started to work, and it seems that Prince Ning's prince suddenly lost his form. Two counter-crouching attempts were unsuccessful. EDG finally found its form! It seems that the five minutes of rest were very useful.”

The excitement of this game has increased.

When these two heads were taken down, several people on EDG breathed a sigh of relief.

Jinx getting first blood can help the bottom lane open up the situation.

The crocodile on the road got a kill and had the ability to counterattack against TheShy's Sword Demon.

But is that all?

After reaching the sixth level, the factory director turned around and hit the road again!

Just as the top laners from both sides were teleported, the big tree came again.

This wave of big trees has big moves.

Just go in a wave and block the road with your big move.

Sword Demon's ultimate move just now was gone, and even flashing was useless. With Big Tree's ultimate move, W Bundle, and Crocodile's W, Sword Demon was killed again...

TheShy0-2! (End of chapter)

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