LOL: I can hear the enemy team chatting!

Chapter 534: Equalizing the score! ?

"This is God J's ability! Relying on his roaming and his own advantages, he drives the team like crazy. EDG is getting better!"

"The world's No. 1 AD really lives up to his reputation. He turned the tables in this way. When have you ever seen an ADC roam around like crazy and succeed? This is the charm of J God. He always appears in the right position at the first time. The horn of EDG's counterattack has been sounded!"

"And the five of them are also in a very hot state. It can be seen that they are absolutely unwilling to fail..."

Guan was very excited.

The rhythm of these waves is definitely a very exciting game in this year's World Championship.

In fact, it can’t be considered a game. This is actually Jiang Zhou’s personal show. He relies on his own consciousness to drive the rhythm crazily.

It is absolutely impossible for other players to be so excellent.

It looks like both sides are preparing for the life-and-death battle in the fifth round.

The game continues.

Naturally, IG would not sit still. TheShy, Ning Wang, and Baolan were constantly looking for opportunities to start a team fight and catch EDG players who were left alone.

But EDG is a very disciplined team and will never act rashly unless they are told to do something.

Coupled with Jiang Zhou's vague reminders at the side, they were leading for such a long time, but were only caught and killed by the opponent once.

This was because Jiejie was too nervous and the angle of releasing his ultimate skill was a little wrong, otherwise he would not have been caught up by the tree.

Jiang Zhou could also feel that as he madly set the pace, his four teammates were gradually regaining their form.

Everything is getting better.

23 minutes into the game, EDG had already successfully taken a 6000 economic lead and destroyed three outer towers and a second tower in the middle lane.

Then the next step is to force a fight for the big dragon.

They have three little dragons in their hands, so there is no rush at all.

If IG wanted to snatch the Baron from them, they could easily win in some team fights.

It would be better if you don't compete with them and directly take the big dragon to continue to expand your advantage. You can just give up the small dragon first.

IG doesn’t even have a single dragon.

Jiang Zhou's decision was to trade the small dragon for the big dragon.

He knew very well that he must not push IG into a corner.

If these five people are pushed into a corner, they can do anything, and it is very likely that all five of them will die together.

Jiang Zhou was just afraid that five opponents would attack him at the same time. Even if he was a god, he couldn't kill five of them instantly.

Just give the other side a glimmer of hope so that they can't move freely.

This is called boiling a frog in warm water.

His strategy was absolutely correct.

When IG saw the five of them gathered at the big dragon, they didn't dare to rush over. They just let Ning Wang grab it symbolically. The other four stood in the middle lane and let Tsar take the little dragon alone.

After they took the little dragon, EDG also easily took the big dragon, and a group of people rushed straight to IG's second tower in the top lane.

Under normal circumstances, EDG can split the team into four and one, which would allow them to pull the opponent back perfectly.

However, Jiang Zhou still wanted to play it safe. After all, there were only four of them actually fighting, and they absolutely could not be dispersed any further.

Although TheShy's crocodile has been soloing in the bottom lane, trying to pull EDG over.

But EDG was completely unmoved and just kept moving forward with its eyes fixed on its goal.

This caused a lot of headaches for IG5 people.

"These guys are unyielding! Are they really just going to keep pushing the top lane?" Ning Wang cursed. He really didn't want to fight with the opponent.

His big tree was poorly developed and could not withstand any damage. He died in the middle of a team fight.

But if he doesn't initiate the team fight, Crocodile will be leading the team from below and naturally will not take on the responsibility of initiating the team fight.

It would be fine if Luo could do it, but Luo's level is three levels lower than Jiang Zhou's female gunner, not to mention the equipment. He is not much different from a soldier in front of the female gunner.

Even if the team is set up, it is still a question whether it can be fought.

IG is now in a twisted state. At this time, TheShy suddenly started to teleport around.

He should have noticed that EDG completely ignored his solo push, and he would not be able to lead the team to victory if he kept playing like that in the bottom lane.

So he could only rely on his own ward from behind and force a team fight.

EDG didn't notice it at first.

TheShy rarely communicates with the team when he makes a flanking move, as if it would be a waste of money to say two more words.

When he teleports, he relies entirely on the tacit understanding of his team.

It depends on whether your teammates can cooperate in the first place.

Fortunately, Prince Ning understood.

He used a big move to push EDG players back.

But the range of Maokai's ultimate is still very large, and EDG can only avoid the edge.

But they soon discovered that there was a big crocodile approaching from behind.

Jiang Zhou was stunned. "Don't retreat! Go straight forward! Don't worry about the crocodile. The barrel will help us block the impact of the tree!"

EDG was also panicked at the first moment.

Even though they were ahead it was mostly due to Miss Fortune herself.

If Miss Fortune is killed instantly, they may not be able to win the team battle.

But after hearing Jiang Zhou's arrangement, they immediately realized that they would have a chance as long as they broke through head-on.

Jiang Zhou drove forward with big strides.

Holy Spear's Gragas also used his E skill to hit the rushing Luo.

Jiang Zhou starts to output!
His target was none other than Rookie's Tsar.

He knew very well that Rookie's Tsar would definitely flash over and push the opponent at the first possible moment.

And I am definitely his first target.

Having worked with Rookie for such a long time, he naturally understands Rookie's playing style.


When the two sides met, Rookie also stood up the sand soldier and rushed directly towards the crowd on the EDG side.

Jiang Zhou flashed in the opposite direction and ran towards IG's main crystal, easily avoiding the Tsar's ultimate move that was drifting over.

Rookie was stunned, this ultimate move was actually flashed past.

And their back row was in complete chaos.

Maokai, Luo, and Tsar are all heroes that rushed to EDG's face.

Miss Fortune flashed in the opposite direction and directly engaged in a SOLO with Varus!
Ah Shui is so sad that he wants to cry but he has no tears. Does that mean you guys don’t care about me anymore?
Then I will die happily in front of you!

It was very easy after that. Miss Fortune brought her cat and killed Varus alone.

The sister-con's cat stayed on the female gunner and didn't get down. He used his ultimate skill directly to rush behind him and also saved Jiang Zhou's female gunner.

Despite the Gragas, Graves was quite unlucky.

Without their E skills and being submerged in the crowd, these two heroes naturally had no chance of surviving.

They are still relatively crisp now.

But Jiang Zhou had already harvested the battlefield, and took Xiaohu's fox with him. Both sides killed 4 people in total.

It was a two for four exchange, and the only one left was a Tsar, who flashed away.

Rookie was still conscious and knew that if he died, the opponent would march straight in. By then, even if they could defend the main crystal when they were resurrected, they would have no chance of turning the tables.

But even if he was left alone, he wouldn't be able to do much.

This game no longer belongs to IG. (End of this chapter)

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