How did I become an F1 driver?

Chapter 1 1: Summer vacation after high school graduation

Chapter 1 1: Summer vacation after high school graduation


Taking out the steering wheel from the direct drive motor, taking off the white labor protection gloves, and rubbing his sore arms, Qin Miao leaned helplessly on the seat behind her.

Just now Qin Miao participated in an ACC (Ascension Corsa: Battle for the Front) e-sports competition.

Although the car was crashed due to over-aggressive driving during the race, and the right front wheel of the car was damaged due to this collision, and the car was deflected to the right, but Qin Miao still insisted on relying on strong perseverance and almost monstrous control of the car. to finish.

However, due to car damage, and because he only used the simulator as a form of entertainment, and because of academic problems, Qin Miao didn't have extra time to practice, so his results after the race were not very satisfactory.

Turning on the barrage in the live broadcast room, Qin Miao said to his second-hand camera from the scrap yard: "This wave of mine, that overtaking was too aggressive. If there is no car damage, I am confident that I will enter the top 10." of."

However, no one replied to him in his live broadcast room.

Qin Miao is not surprised either. After all, it is normal for an anchor who can’t live broadcast a few times a year to be watched by no one. In addition, he is not playing those popular FPS games, but a racing simulator with a very high barrier to entry. , the audience itself is very small, and it is a first-person perspective running game, so it is not normal for someone to watch.

"That's it for today, I'm off."

After speaking, Qin Miao immediately disconnected the push stream in the live broadcast room and turned off the computer.

At this time, the sky outside the window had gradually dimmed, and his mother's voice sounded outside the door: "San Shui, eat."

Qin Miao responded, "Okay."

After responding to her mother, Qin Miao walked out of the room.

Wash your face and serve.

I ate fried rice with eggs for dinner today, and I just took advantage of the unfinished meal at noon.

Coupled with two ordinary home-cooked dishes, although it is not luxurious and rich, it is also full of the warmth of home.

Although Qin Miao's family didn't have any rules when eating, the mother and daughter didn't chat when eating.

After eating, Qin Miao washed the dishes, cleared the dining table, and then returned to the room.

Instead of turning on the computer again as usual, Qin Miao lay on the bed, took out her phone and checked WeChat.

The screen on WeChat on the mobile phone is the same as the screen Qin Miao saw before the start of the competition, without any change.

The last message was sent by Qin Miao.

【Are you there? 】

It's just that it's been almost 4 hours, and the other party still hasn't replied.

But Qin Miao is still looking forward to the person on the other side of the chat box to give him a reply, and every reply from the other party can make Qin Miao happy for a long time.

Boys who are in adolescence are almost in this state.

It's just that some things are destined to disappoint him. Until Qin Miao went to bed, there was no reply from the other party in the chat box, as if the other party had forgotten him.

One last look at WeChat before going to bed, Qin Miao let out a breath and turned off the phone.

The next day, Qin Miao got up early from the bed, and her mother had just woken up.

Finding that Qin Miao got up so early today uncharacteristically, she asked curiously, "Why did you get up so early today?"

Qin Miao replied: "I'm getting tired of playing computer games, I'm going to go out to play."

Mom nodded: "Yes, it's not good to be bored in the house all the time. Where are you going to play? Do you want me to send you there by the way?"

"No, it's just over there from the school, and it's not too far away. I'll just go there by bike."

Mom looked at the time, and then said, "Then let me get you some breakfast?"

Since Qin Miao played computer intensively every night after the college entrance examination, Qin Miao hadn't woken up before 11:[-] am since the holiday, and her mother logically didn't prepare breakfast for Qin Miao.

"No, just eat something on the way when I go." Qin Miao replied casually.

After hearing this, the mother just told Qin Miao to pay attention to safety, and then continued to eat breakfast.

Qin Miao changed her shoes, picked up the bicycle key and went out.

Today his destination is a karting gym near his high school.

Due to various reasons in the three years of high school, Qin Miao, who loves racing cars very much, has never really come into contact with real racing cars, not even karting.

And because this karting hall is opened near the school, many of the students in the class talked about it from this karting hall. Listening in.

But now that Qin Miao has graduated from high school, she just has enough time to have fun.

In addition, Qin Miao was a little tired of playing computer games almost day and night some time ago.

So Qin Miao decided to come out to relax his tense nerves, and move his already stiff body by the way.

Qin Miao's school is not too far from home, and it usually takes half an hour to walk, but it only took Qin Miao 10 minutes to arrive at the karting hall on a bicycle.

After locking the bicycle with a tree on the side of the road, Qin Miao took out her mobile phone to check the balance on Alipay, and then walked to the karting hall full of excitement and apprehension.

It's just that when they came to the door of the karting hall, a basin of cold water poured down on their heads.

Because Qin Miao came too early, the karting hall didn't even open.

Looking at the time, it was about an hour before the opening of the karting hall. Qin Miao decided to go to the breakfast stand near the school where he often ate something.

Although the college entrance examination has ended, the students of junior high school and senior one and senior two did not have summer vacation, so the breakfast stand in front of the school is still open normally.

After ordering his favorite rice rolls, Qin Miao brought a bottle of mineral water to the karting hall again after showing off.

Taking out her mobile phone and squatting on the steps of the karting hall, Qin Miao opened WeChat.

What remained on the chat interface was the message Qin Miao sent last night, but the other party did not reply.

Qin Miao didn't care, and tentatively sent a greeting to the person on the other end of the phone, which she thought was decent: [Good morning, are you up? 】

The other party's attitude towards Qin Miao remained the same as before.

Maybe it's just not up yet...

Qin Miao thought so in her heart.

But just as Qin Miao was comforting herself, QQ suddenly rang.

A message pops up.

[Morning, NT deskmate, are you up yet? ()]

The note of the person who sent the message on Qin Miao is: [brain-disabled deskmate]

This person's name was Qiu Meng, and she had been at the same table with Qin Miao for two and a half years in the three years of high school, until the last semester of the third year of high school, the two separated in order to sprint for the college entrance examination.

Qiu Meng originally had a very gentle temperament. During the time when she first met Qin Miao, she was basically quiet and quiet, and she didn't even know how to swear.

But those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to ink are black. After being at the same table with Qin Miao for so many years, this girl has been ruined by Qin Miao. I don't know when Qiu Meng chatted with Qin Miao. A cerebral palsy.

Feeling a little melancholy, she opened the chat box at the same table as her, and Qin Miao said: [Get up, what's the matter? 】

The other side was not polite [Have you read the news in the class group? 】

Qin Miao was a little puzzled: [Didn't read it, what news?Have a dinner party?Didn't you get together when you just graduated? 】

The opposite party replied triumphantly [I knew you didn't watch it, today the monitor and the others are going to take us to the karting hall near the school to play karting, and it's the monitor and deputy monitor who treat us. 】

【Free! 】

【Are you coming or not? (*^▽^*)】

Qin Miao stared at Qiu Meng's text and froze in place.

Stiffly, he looked up at the signboard of Headwind Entertainment Kart Arena behind him, and then looked down at the messages on his phone.

There is a sound of "Weng~" in my head.

Qin Miao replied with some uncertainty [Is the one near our school? 】

[Yes, this is the only place nearby where you can play karting, and it's also near the school, so it's convenient for students to come here. 】

【But don’t worry, I’ve already signed up for you at the same table as NT! (*ω)】

Qin Miao: […]

[Don't be late!I go first! ┏(^0^)┛】

After being stupefied for a short while, Qin Miao regained her spirits in an instant.

Because he found another piece of news in Qiu Meng's words, that is, the class monitor and deputy class monitor invited the students to the karting hall this time!

This means that the deputy squad leader will also come!

And the person Qin Miao never forgets is none other than Fan Yue, the deputy squad leader.

Since it was the squad leader and deputy squad leader's treat, there was no reason for the two of them not to come to the scene.

Even if the deputy squad leader came to the scene, with Qin Miao's courage, he couldn't muster up the courage to go forward and say even a word or two to Fan Yue.

Most of the time, Qin Miao was still watching from afar. If Fan Yue could come and say a word or two to him, he would be terrified for a long time.

[I'll go to the group to have a look]

Qin Miao opened the 99+ class group that she hadn't seen for a long time.

Since it was morning, there were not many students who got up at this point, and no one was chatting in the class group. The last message was sent at 2 am this morning.

Qin Miao scrolled through the pages, and soon found the chat history Qiu Meng mentioned.

[Fan Yue and I discussed it. Tomorrow, we invite the students to go to the karting hall near the school for a day. We treat the two of us] This is the wish from the monitor.

[Yes, it will be very difficult to gather everyone together in the future] This is Fan Yue, the deputy squad leader.

[I just took this opportunity to get together for the last time, and we have prepared a little surprise for the students! 】

The first one to pop up was Qiu Meng [Okay, okay!I regestrated!By the way, Qin Miao! 】

[Squad leader is grand!It's a pity that I have to travel abroad with my family tomorrow, and there is really no way. 】

【Why!I happen to be fine tomorrow, and I feel a little itchy after not playing for a long time, thank you monitor]

[Squad leader is awesome! 】




[Okay, let's meet at the karting hall at nine o'clock tomorrow morning! 】

After confirming that what Qiu Meng said was true, Qin Miao jumped up from the steps.

Because he jumped so hard that he almost fell off the steps in front of the karting hall.

Fortunately, Qin Miao's body is relatively thin when she is young, and she is struggling to control her body.

But after the excitement, the only thing left is to worry about gains and losses.

I didn't make any preparations for a party with my classmates today, so when I went out, I just wiped my face with some water as usual, and didn't even take care of my hair.

The clothes are also very ordinary, just shorts and a T-shirt, and a pair of pull-back canvas shoes that have been worn for half a year, and they are a little dusty because they haven't been cleaned very much.

This attire would make Qin Miao feel ashamed among her classmates.

Just when Qin Miao was hesitating whether to ride back to change clothes while there was still time, a big sister full of mature charm looked at Qin Miao strangely and came to the door of the kart hall.

After all, Qin Miao was young, and the bad friend who could help the young people to be brave was not around, so facing the strange eyes of the big sister and the turbulent waves in front of him, he still felt a bit of embarrassment, and he picked the soles of his shoes with his toes.

"Um, I'm here to play karting... But I seem to be a little early..."

Qin Miao explained incoherently, and her face gradually turned red.

Seeing the embarrassed look of the big boy in front of her, the big sister burst out laughing.

Then he said: "Little brother, why are you shy? But I'm going to disappoint you. Someone booked the venue this morning. Come back in the afternoon, little brother."

Qin Miao hurriedly said: "It's okay, I read the news in the group that the one who booked the room is my monitor."

While talking, Qin Miao took out her mobile phone and opened the group chat to show the big sister in front of her, but Qin Miao still didn't dare to look into the big sister's eyes.

"Oh~ that's fine, but you did come a little early, little brother. Our coach hasn't come to work yet. Even if you want to get on the car and practice, you have to wait until the coach arrives."

Qin Miao said, "It's okay, I can wait."

The eldest sister glanced at Qin Miao, and then opened the door of the karting hall.

"Just sit anywhere, the coach won't be here in about 10 minutes."

Qin Miao cautiously went to the rest area of ​​the karting hall to do the work. He was a little nervous and didn't even dare to look at the big sister who opened the door and went to the back of the cashier with her legs crossed.

But soon Qin Miao fell into another trouble.

Looking down at his clothes, and reaching out to touch his sagging hair from sleeping on his side, Qin Miao began to worry about gains and losses again.

But Qin Miao's feeling didn't last long, and soon a man in his 30s walked in.

"Here? There's a kid here, take him for training." The eldest sister greeted the man as soon as she saw him coming in.

The man also saw Qin Miao, nodded and replied, "Good boss."

This big sister is actually the boss!

And this man should be the coach.

The coach put down the things in his hand, then put on a vest with the logo of the karting hall, came to Qin Miao and said, "Young man, come with me for training."

Qin Miao hurriedly got up from her seat and followed the coach.

Before leaving, Qin Miao accidentally saw a slogan printed on the door: [Users who set the fastest lap in the karting field will be given a lifetime membership card and use all facilities in the karting field for free until the record is broken. 】

The two came to a conference room, which was not the kind of conference room used by companies for meetings, but a place similar to a small classroom.

There is a white curtain of a projector on the front wall, and a projector is hung on the ceiling. This thing should be used when the coach conducts training later.

"Have you been off the track before?" The coach asked casually when he turned on the projector and the computer in the meeting room.

At this time, Qin Miao was still a little cautious, and answered the coach's question straightly: "I haven't played before, this is the first time."

The coach nodded, and after the computer was turned on, he called up the topographic map of the karting hall, and then began to narrate it step by step.

The pre-competition training is also very simple, the main thing is to talk about the data of karts in the kart field, engine power, top speed, safety instructions and so on.

The last is the track information, how many turns in total, which ones are left and which ones are right, which ones can be passed with full throttle, and which ones must be slowed down.

Usually, Qin Miao enjoys the knowledge about the track and racing car even when watching the video, but today he seems a little absent-minded when facing the real person's narration.

Students who have been teachers, or who were dragged to the podium and punished to stand in class, know that no matter how the students hide from the podium, the small movements of the hands of the students sitting in the audience, the face His demeanor and expression, the people on the stage can see clearly.

So Qin Miao's absent-minded coach can see clearly, but it's just a job after all, and the speed of entertainment karts is not too fast. It is difficult to turn the kart over in the track of the kart hall with no big straights .

So he didn't care, and took Qin Miao to the preparation area downstairs after finishing the training before leaving the track according to the script.

According to the safety procedures, the coach put on Qin Miao a series of protective gear such as helmet ribs and gloves.

After all, it is a public item, and these equipments are consumables, so the equipment worn on the body does not fit Qin Miao's body very well, the helmet is also loose, and the rib guards do not fit Qin Miao's body well.

But the gloves made Qin Miao feel a little novel, because his hands would sweat when he played the simulator at home. To absorb the sweat, he went to the hardware store downstairs and bought a pack of labor protection gloves for ten yuan and five pairs.

Although the threads of labor insurance gloves are very thick and not very comfortable to wear on the hands, the gaps inside the labor insurance gloves can help Qin Miao's hands sweat and increase friction to a certain extent. The most important thing is that they are cheap, Qin Miao has been using it like this.

Although the gloves in the karting hall have obvious signs of use, they are professional racing gloves after all. The anti-slip texture on the palm of the glove and the sweat-absorbing fabric inside the glove make Qin Miao feel very novel.

After the equipment was brought, Qin Miao came to the preparation area.

The track of the karting pavilion is an anti-clockwise track with a total length of 421 meters and a total of 14 turns, including 9 left turns and 5 right turns. The maximum speed of the track is driven by a four-stroke 240CC displacement Yamaha engine. 60 kilometers per hour.

But this is not the limit of this engine. This engine can drive at a maximum speed of 80 kilometers per hour with the frame.

However, due to the limitation of the track, there are no mistakes when exiting the corner, and the straight lines are all perfect. The fastest can only drive to 60 kilometers per hour, and it is about to enter the next corner.

Since no one was there, Qin Miao got on the No. 18 kart, the most advanced kart, under the guidance of the coach.

At this time, Qin Miao's attention has unconsciously shifted to the go-kart.

Sometimes something you love really attracts boys' attention more than the opposite sex.

The moment Qin Miao eagerly sat down on the driver's seat of the kart and held the steering wheel with both hands.

【Ding! 】

[Conditions are met, the strongest car god system is activated! 】

[Reading host information... please wait...]

[Read successfully! 】

【Name: Qin Miao
Age: 18
Overall Rating: 38.6
Stamina: 46
Mentality: 59
Stability: 66
Ranking ability: 17
Starting ability: 42
Race long distance: 2
Tire protection capacity: 33
Rain Fighting Ability: 10
Attack power: 41
Defense ability: 70]

[Evaluation: Talking on paper, getting started with defense]

[The novice gift pack has been issued successfully, do you want to open it now? 】

【Yes. 】

【no. 】

(End of this chapter)

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