Chapter 101: 99

Qin Miao's physical examination and evaluation came out very quickly. Compared with the physical examination items in the hospital that still need time to verify, the physical examination data recorded by computer observation came out much faster.

The built-in system of the computer has given a professional evaluation based on the data of Qin Miao's test.

Qin Miao worked hard for more than an hour in the afternoon, and it turned into a thin A4 paper that appeared in the hands of the doctor and many people who followed Qin Miao.

Lawson, the director of youth training, naturally obtained Qin Miao's physical test data immediately. After all, he is Qin Miao's immediate boss.

And looking at Qin Miao, an 18-year-old kid, whose physical fitness is comparable to that of some F1 drivers, even Lawson, who has already prepared himself to a certain extent, was slightly speechless.

In fact, this kind of physical fitness can also be practiced by people with a little talent, but the sweat and hard work required are beyond the imagination of normal people.

It is unreasonable for such a terrifying physical quality to appear on a child who has just turned 18 years old.

Coupled with Qin Miao's driving skills that shouldn't belong to this age, Lawson really has a strong feeling that Qin Miao will be the second genius to come out of Ferrari's youth training, and he has to catch up with Leclerc possibility.

Lawson had a hunch that he was going to be promoted.

In fact, Lawson, who trained Leclerc as a talented driver for Ferrari, has enough voice and qualifications within Ferrari, and now there is only one opportunity...

Now Lawson feels that the opportunity has arrived...

After completing the first project, Qin Miao naturally moved to the next project, which is the test of car skills.

Thanks to Zhou Guanyu's guidance, Qin Miao often ran Ferrari's private track on the simulator: Fiorano track when he was at Zhou Guanyu's house.

But I don't know why, the system did not increase Qin Miao's proficiency on this track. It may be that this track that only belongs to Ferrari has not held any influential large-scale events. Take on the task of testing Ferrari vehicles.

Qin Miao originally thought that he might be driving a Formula 3 car when he was testing on this track, but thinking about it better, he might also be driving an F2 car.

But when the car that Qin Miao needed to drive came to Qin Miao, Qin Miao realized that Ferrari didn't prepare a formula car for themselves at all. What they prepared for themselves was a red Ferrari 488.

Originally, Qin Miao thought that when he first started the test, he had to run in with the car that Ferrari had prepared for him, but looking at the familiar 488 in front of him, Qin Miao knew that he could skip the familiarization process. .

Qin Miao's driving skills are good, and coupled with his previous familiarity with the track, now Ferrari prepares him a 488 that he is very familiar with.

Although the performance of this 488 is a little worse than that of his own 488 pista, Qin Miao's feeling of the integration of man and car with his 488 pista has not been brought to this car.

But after all, the two cars have the same model of chassis, and many parts of the design structure are the same. Although Qin Miao can't drive like the 488 pista, it can be called handy.

Naturally, Qin Miao's final test results were very good, even better than many people imagined.

After completing the test, Qin Miao drove the car back to the maintenance area of ​​the track. Qin Miao had just parked the car, and he hadn't even got out of the car. Just parked there, a large group of people surrounded him.

These people all had friendly smiles on their faces, congratulating Qin Miao on joining the Ferrari family.

But they are also very measured, although they don't hide their faces at all, but inexplicably, their sense of distance is just right, so as not to bring too much ill feeling to Qin Miao.

This is also normal, because their purpose is to make friends with Qin Miao. If they leave a bad impression on Qin Miao, it will be a little bit of putting the cart before the horse.

After Qin Miao got off the car, they greeted Qin Miao enthusiastically.

"Qin! Congratulations on officially joining Ferrari. I am the head of the HR department at Ferrari. I will be a colleague from now on. Please take care of me and make progress together..."

"Congratulations to your child, welcome to our big family, I am the department head of the Ferrari marketing department..."

"Looking at you, I feel like I'm looking at a rising star in the future, I welcome you to join me..."


All kinds of people, all kinds of blessings came one after another, everyone looked at Qin Miao with sincere smiles on their faces, everyone's eyes were full of joy and anticipation, and even a little eager to try?
One thing to say, Qin Miao really felt that he couldn't handle such a scene.

He has a slight social fear, and he has a slight cognitive impairment to the appearance of foreigners, so seeing so many people talking to him for a while, Qin Miao's brain slightly crashed.

I want to remember the names of those who greeted me, but the next person will make Qin Miao forget the self-introduction just made by the previous person.

So Qin Miao could only mechanically shake hands and nod with these people in the end, but couldn't say a word.

Fortunately, at this time, the person who rescued Qin Miao came over.

"Hey, gentlemen, I think you should give young people more space." Lawson's voice sounded from outside the crowd.

The crowd naturally gave him a way, and Lawson also smiled and greeted others all the way, and walked in.

After coming to Qin Miao's side, he smiled and patted Qin Miao's arm and said, "Good job! Qin, I did not misread you."

With this self-confident look, it felt as if he had been very optimistic about Qin Miao's talent from the very beginning, and he didn't approach Qin Miao out of the mentality of being able to fight two poles.

"Mr. Lawson, good afternoon." Although Qin Miao was stunned by the enthusiasm of the crowd for a while after completing the test, after seeing Lawson, Qin Miao still greeted him politely.

Lawson responded to Qin Miao's encouraging look with a smile, and then he put his arm around Qin Miao's shoulders and said to those who surrounded him: "Gentlemen, I think a banquet must be held tonight to celebrate Qin Miao to join."

The underlying meaning of this passage is actually: they are all gone, don't hang around here like flies, if you want to talk to Qin Miao about something, there is plenty of time to talk at the evening party.

After hearing this, the people around naturally responded with smiles, and then said goodbye to Qin Miao with a smile, and agreed to see you in the evening.

After everyone left, Lawson still held Qin Miao's shoulder.

Turning around with Qin Miao, the two faced the red Ferrari 488 that Qin Miao had just driven to test.

Looking at the elegant red super sports car in front of him, Lawson asked, "Qin Miao, what do you think of this car?"

After thinking for a while, Qin Miao replied: "It's a very good super sports car. I like the 488 very much. It accelerates stably and corners accurately. After turning off the CST, this car is very fun to drive."

Lawson raised his eyebrows slightly after hearing this, and looked down at the steering wheel of this 488. At this time, in the mode selection above the steering wheel, the pointer pointed to CST OFF.

Although the facts were in front of his eyes, Lawson still asked a lot: "During the test just now, you always chose CST OFF?"

Qin Miao was puzzled while nodding. Is there any doubt about it?

Lawson took a look at Qin Miao. You must know that after the 488 mode is turned on, this car is completely a beast. To control it requires not only sufficient driving skills, but also a sufficient understanding of this car, otherwise let alone What achievements have been made, one foot of the accelerator may push his head to the side wall on the spot.

But Qin Miao... actually turned on this mode during the test?
After the surprise, Lawson's face suddenly burst into a bright smile.

This is a real treasure!

"Very good, it seems that you like this car very much." Lawson was about to give some guidance, and then directly gave the car to Qin Miao.

This is not to lend this car to Qin Miao to drive, but to directly hand over the ownership of this car to Qin Miao. Although Qin Miao does not have an Italian driver's license at this time, with the power of Ferrari and Qin Miao Miao himself has a driver's license in China, so it's not a big problem for him to get a legal driver's license within half a month.

At that time, when the sports car is given away, the house is given away, and the benefits are stuffed, this young man's sense of belonging to Ferrari will increase?The degree of favorability towards oneself will also increase along with the degree of favorability towards the team, and at that time, his position will also be unbreakable due to his achievements in cultivating two talented Ferrari drivers.

"That's right, because I also have a 488." Qin Miao echoed Lawson's words: "But my 488 is a pista version, and it was a gift from a friend of mine."

Lawson:? ? ?

Although Qin Miao already owned a 488, that car was not in Italy after all, so in the end Lawson put the car key in Qin Miao's hands.

However, Lawson knew that the 488 that he specially applied for Qin Miao entered into Qin Miao's hands in this way. A young man who already owns a 488 pista left some superfluous emotions in his heart.

But it doesn't matter, there is still a long time in the future, and Lawson feels that he has enough opportunities to draw closer to Qin Miao.

Then it was party time.

After all, Lawson was engaged in youth training, and he also saw that Qin Miao might not be very sociable, so on the way to the banquet, he told Qin Miao the reason why those people were so enthusiastic, and taught Qin Miao how to deal with it accordingly Skill.

Although these people hold important positions within Ferrari, unless they make some outstanding contributions, they may only stop at that position in this life.

Since there is no way to take a step forward in the normal way of promotion, they will naturally think of other ways to get promoted and raise their salary. They are all people who want to climb to the top, and this has almost become their instinct.

One of the choices is to make friends with potential drivers and invest in potential rookies.

What they think is not that after they have a good relationship with the drivers inside Ferrari, the drivers enter F1, and they, chickens and dogs, can go to heaven with them once they learn the truth.

But if this driver turns around and joins other teams, and those teams happen to lack staff in his position, then they are very likely to jump jobs and get promoted directly because of their relationship with this driver.

Although the probability is very small, idleness is idleness. If you have a date, you can hit two shots, and Qin Miao's talent is really amazing.

So that constitutes the current picture scroll.

Another reason is that many people want to pull Qin Miao into their camp, so that their right to speak will be more important in the internal struggle in the future. After all, even Ferrari, a genius like Qin Miao, has to be treated with caution.

However, Lawson did not explain this to Qin Miao, because these internal struggles were still too early for Qin Miao, a young man who had just grown up.

Another one, it's really not good to expose the dark and dirty side of the team to a newcomer who has just joined Ferrari.

The solution provided by Lawson is also very simple. You nod politely to show that you heard what the other party says, but just don’t agree to any request made by the other party, no matter how tempting the other party’s promise is, don’t agree.

In fact, when Qin Miao first listened to Lawson's teaching, she only held a half-believing and skeptical attitude.

After the banquet officially started, someone approached Qin Miao and chatted with Qin Miao not long after.

The chat topics at the beginning were quite normal, such as his views on the future of Ferrari, Qin Miao's preferences, and his future career plans.

As the topic became more and more heated, Qin Miao also felt that the young man in front of him who came to chat with him was a friend who could live in harmony. The other party began to express that he could provide Qin Miao, a future star, with a considerable amount of drivers. loan.

The interest is very low, and the requirements are also very low. During the F2 campaign, Qin Miao only needs to put the other company's logo on the racing suit, and cooperate with the other party to participate in the promotional shooting by the way.

And the other party's almost imperceptible behavior immediately woke Qin Miao up, even though the other party offered a lot in Qin Miao's opinion, the conditions were also very generous, and he didn't have much work to do.

But thinking of Lawson's exhortation, Qin Miao still didn't agree, and rejected him with the euphemism unique to Chinese people.

The other party was not annoyed, seeing Qin Miao's refusal, he just smiled and said that if there is a chance in the future, he must cooperate.

Qin Miao also said that she would be sure next time, and sent the other party away.

Then Qin Miao was empty for half a minute, and when Qin Miao, who hadn't eaten dinner, was going to find a table with food to get something to eat, another person stopped Qin Miao.

The same process, but the chat content is different.

People who come to chat with Qin Miao can always find and guide the topic, and unknowingly guide the topic in the direction they want.

But Qin Miao can always stop the topic at the last step, and take a big step towards the direction of the dining table with food.

It's a pity that Qin Miao's seat selection was not ideal. When the banquet ended, he didn't eat anything, but drank a stomach full of fruit juice instead.

Fortunately, the banquet was finally over after two hours.

(End of this chapter)

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