How did I become an F1 driver?

Chapter 18 18: Weakening of the Simulator

Chapter 18 18: Weakening of the Simulator

"I won some money..."

"No matter how much you win, buying a lottery ticket is wrong!" Mom forcefully interrupted what Qin Miao was going to say next.

Qin Miao honestly didn't continue talking.

However, after interrupting Qin Miao, my mother didn't make a long speech, but just emphasized the seriousness of this matter to Qin Miao very seriously.

And said that this is Qin Miao's first time to buy a lottery ticket, but it is also the last time, and he must never do it again in the future.

Qin Miao nodded like a slap in the face. Qin Miao didn't dare to make mistakes in front of his mother, even if his net income from buying lottery tickets reached 60.

The mother saw that Qin Miao's attitude of admitting his mistakes was still serious and Chen Ken, so she didn't continue to make a long speech. She believed that her son could understand the stakes.

But before continuing to move her chopsticks, she still asked curiously: "How much did you win?"

Qin Miao answered honestly: "60..."


This is the sound of chopsticks dropping to the ground.

"How many?"

The mother's voice suddenly rose, and Qin Miao could clearly see the surprise in her eyes.

"60, here, this is the winning lottery ticket." Qin Miao took out the scratch-off that she just took out of her bag from her pocket.

Mom took a look at the scratch-off lottery, and after confirming that the scratch-off lottery really won the prize, she returned the lottery ticket to Qin Miao with an absurd face.

Then my mother looked at Qin Miao, and then looked down at the scratch-off piece on the table.

In the end, he shook his head helplessly and said: "Our family's luck in this area has never been very good. I didn't expect you to have a change of luck."

Qin Miao nodded and let out a sigh of relief.

Then Qin Miao explained: "This is the winner, but we can't get it here. We have to go to the Welfare Lottery Center in Changsha to get it."

"So you're going to Changsha tomorrow?" My mother was relieved when she heard this, but she didn't get overly excited because of Qin Miao's sudden windfall.

Qin Miao nodded and said, "I'm going to Changsha tomorrow to collect the money."

After hearing this, my mother nodded slightly and asked, "Do you want me to go with you?"

Qin Miao shook her head: "You should go to work normally, it's nothing, I can handle too complicated things by myself."

"Okay, I'll help you pack up after dinner, but have you thought about how to spend the money?"

"It should be spent on racing cars, but Mom, if you want it, I can give it to you..."

"No, I don't need your money, as long as you don't spend it indiscriminately."


"Let's eat first, but can the 60 yuan be spent on racing?"

Qin Miao was stunned for a moment, thinking that the 60 yuan for racing cars would not even be able to pay the entry fee for advanced events.

But Qin Miao quickly realized that the racing car that his mother was talking about was actually the simulator he usually played.

After all, the only thing my mother can get into with racing is the one I usually play.

So Qin Miao explained: "It's a racing car in reality, not a game, but I haven't figured out how to spend the money yet."

"It should be to buy a professional kart, and then go to see if there is anyone holding a competition near us."

My mother didn't delve into it, she just nodded and said, "You just know what you have in mind. If the money is not enough, you can ask me for it."

Qin Miao didn't say anything, and continued to eat instead.

However, no matter what, Qin Miao would not ask her mother for money. With the system, Qin Miao knew that it was unlikely that she would be short of money.

After eating, Qin Miao didn't wash the dishes immediately, but said to her mother who hadn't finished eating: "I've already packed the things, so you don't need to clean up. Go watch TV directly after eating."

Mom didn't think much, nodded and continued to eat.

After washing the dishes and throwing out the trash, Qin Miao's day's tasks are considered complete. When she returns to her room and turns on the computer, Qin Miao is ready to practice her racing skills.

My own system responds to the racing in reality, so is it also effective to practice on the simulator?

Qin Miao was very curious.

Turn on the computer, log in to Steam, enter ACC, and open up his steering wheel and bracket. Qin Miao is ready for the game.

Called Twist North, and chose 911GT3RS.

Qin Miao didn't adjust the AI, and just drove the car on the track by herself to do lap times.

Twisting North is not Qin Miao's favorite track. His favorite tracks are Monza and Shangsai.

But Qin Miao knew that if he wanted to take the path of a professional e-sports player, he would definitely need to get familiar with some tracks that he didn't usually like very much. Isn't this just an opportunity.

As for the car, Qin Miao actually prefers the Ferrari 488GT3, because that car fits Qin Miao's aesthetics very well.

As for the 911, Qin Miao also likes it very much, but it is slightly inferior to Ferrari.

But for practice, Qin Miao will definitely choose something he is not very familiar with to practice.

Soon after the system was loaded, Qin Miao glanced at the tire pressure of his racing car, and after confirming that the setting of his racing car was the one he had adjusted, Qin Miao lightly stepped on the accelerator and drove the car out of the P room.

Qin Miao didn't dare to start at full throttle in the game like she was playing kart with Qiumeng.

After all, the horsepower of the car in the game is much greater than that of a go-kart, and GT3 uses semi-heated tires. Although the grip is very good under normal conditions, if you want to start directly from the P room with full fuel, you still have to wait for the tire temperature. Just come up.

After driving out of the P room, the first lap should be adjusted and warmed up.

The track of more than 20 kilometers can give Qin Miao enough time to feel the changes brought about by the improvement of his attributes.

There is one thing to say, the improvement given by the system is completely without dead ends in all aspects.

In the past, Qin Miao always had one or two corners on the ultra-long track of Twisting North. Every time he came here, he either braked late, or missed or advanced the turn-in time.

After the systematic improvement was in place, Qin Miao found that he also found the feeling of cornering in these two corners, and drove past them easily and without mistakes.

After finishing the laps, Qin Miao started to set up lap times in Twist North.

Of course, because Qin Miao's own strength is still limited, his main goal for setting lap times is the lap times he made some time ago.

After the first flying lap, the lap time was half a second slower than Qin Miao's best lap time in Twisting North.

This is normal, after all, the track is too long, and it is inevitable that there will be some small mistakes when running, and Qin Miao is not driving the car he is most familiar with.

At the same time, the system prompts [Ding! 】

[The practice circle is completed, the track proficiency +0.3. 】

[Current proficiency of the Nürburgring Nordschleife: 0.3. 】

[The simulation level of the simulator is 30%, and the obtained proficiency is (1*0.3)]

Qin Miao frowned, not because he didn't like the proficiency of 0.3, but mainly because Qin Miao didn't expect it to be as strong as Divine Corsa, and the degree of realism in the system's judgment was only 30%.

Qin Miao thought that the games she played most often could reach 5.00% of the level of realism no matter what.

After thinking about it, Qin Miao ran around again, brought Twisting Bei's proficiency to 0.6, and then changed the map.

The main thing is that the picture is too long. It takes nearly 7 minutes to practice a circle, and the proficiency is only 0.3. For Qin Miao, the investment is not directly proportional to the reward.

So in the follow-up, Qin Miao put his attention on practicing Spa. If Qin Miao drives 911GT3 at Spa, the average lap time is about 2 minutes and 22.

In fact, Qin Miao still has a lot of details to pick out. After these details are done in place, it should not be a big problem for Qin Miao to enter the lap time of 2 minutes and 20.

However, Qin Miao didn't have much time in the past, and now he just takes care of the details, and by the way, familiarizes himself with the track with his own skills.

(End of this chapter)

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