In Q2, Qin Miao's performance was still stable, with 1 in 10 minute and 997 seconds, advancing seventh.

Just like the rhythm of Q1, a new set of soft tires did not come out after running a flying lap.

Also because of Qin Miao's running style, fans gave Qin Miao a lazy nickname.

So what if you use the tires that have run one lap and come out for another lap?If you work a little longer, you will die, right?

It cannot be blamed for the deep resentment of the fans. After all, compared to other drivers, Qin Miao is indeed a bit too salty in the qualifying stage. Except for Q3, as long as there is one result in Q1 and Q2, he can steadily enter the next round of flying laps. Qin Miao Miao will definitely not come out to run the second lap.

It was as if one extra lap could kill him.

Q3, this is the part that Qin Miao's fans are most looking forward to.

Because Qin Miao will show his full strength only in Q3.

However, although Qin Miao successfully entered Q3, many people are still pessimistic about Qin Miao's race tomorrow.

Because on this track in Monaco, a ten-place grid penalty basically eliminates the possibility of a driver getting on the podium.

As far as Qin Miao's offensive ability in F2 and F1 is concerned, no one thinks that Qin Miao's offensive ability will be as perfect as his defensive ability, which can give Verstappen a life of doubt.

Of course, there are also many fans who trust Qin Miao unconditionally.

The two sides were arguing endlessly on the Internet about the result of Qin Miao's main match.

Regardless of the public opinion on the Internet, Qin Miao didn't think about tomorrow's affairs at this time, but tried her best to stand up for her last post.

In the first lap of Q3, Qin Miao used the old soft tires used in Q1.

In the Q3 stage, the first person to run was Verstappen, and the second was Qin Miao.

Verstappen used new soft tires for the first lap. After the first flying lap, the time came to 1:10.

Ranked first for the time being.

After Qin Miao finished the first flying lap, the time only came to 1 minute 10 seconds 900.

The three sections are all green, but there is no way to compare with Verstappen's speed.

At the same time, the two Ferraris behind him also began to exert their strength. The first lap of Leclerc Q3 in the home game not only killed Qin Miao, but also killed Verstappen, with a score of 0.23 faster than Verstappen. Strong to the first position.

Should it be said that it is a home game?On the only way for Leclerc to go to school, he showed his absolute strength.

After the first flying lap, Qin Miao returned to the pit area to refuel and change tires.

In the last lap of Q3, Qin Miao needs to change to a new set of soft tires. After using this set of soft tires, Qin Miao will be left with a new set of soft tires, two sets of medium tires, and one set of hard tires in the race. fetal.

With 3 minutes left before the end of the race, Qin Miao was released and started the tire warm-up lap.

The reason why it is released so early is mainly to worry about traffic problems.

Soon Qin Miao started her last lap.

T1 in Monaco is particularly difficult, because you have to turn while braking heavily. The speed at the end of the straight is about 290 kilometers per hour. A little mistake will let you go to the wall, which is very exciting.

Although you brake heavily in T1, you have to control the braking force when you reach the apex of the corner to test the limit of the car's grip before exiting the corner.

There is also a saying on how much road shoulders to eat when exiting a corner. If you eat too much, the car will be ejected. If you eat too little, the speed will be very slow.

Numerous details are piled up in this corner of T1. Whether this corner is perfect or not is directly related to the speed of the entire flying circle.

Fortunately, Qin Miao's countless times of practice played a role at this moment. Muscle memory made Qin Miao's T1 life perfect.

After exiting T1, stay as close to the outside of the track as possible, and go full throttle when going uphill. There is nothing to say.

T2 is a fake turn, nothing to repeat, but T3 should not be cut too early, turn a little later, cut to the first apex of T3, then return to the middle of the track, and then cut the exit of T3 Heart.

Step 2 is very important, because after cutting the apex of the corner, you can ensure that the car is always on the left side of the track, and naturally have a wider entry line and speed.

T4 is down to fourth gear, because the apex cannot be seen when exiting the corner, so I have to go a little wider.

Of course, for someone like Qin Miao who can memorize the route of this track, not being able to see the route out of the corner basically has no effect on him.

It is worth mentioning that there is another detail on this track that Qin Miao discovered after he went to the site for inspection, that is, there is a small bump on the left side of the T4 track, which needs to be hidden on the right side after the corner Bulge, and if you don't hide the car will go over a small bump and the rear wheel will lose some traction.

The next few turns are where the handle is in trouble.

The difficulty of these corners is even worse than that of T1.

Because it is going downhill, you have to brake vigorously, but because the inner side of this curve is relatively low, the braking centers of gravity of the two front tires are different.

So if you apply the brakes too hard, the two front tires are particularly likely to lock up due to unbalanced pressure.

The brakes are stepped lightly, the braking force is not enough, a lot of time is lost, and it may even be directly stuck on the guardrail.

And these few corners need to be experienced and comprehended by the drivers themselves. There are too many things that need to be understood and paid attention to when passing this corner.

The average driver may just follow the script here to familiarize himself with this corner and understand the cornering skills.

But the real top drivers don't have that much trouble when passing here, they just rely on their own car feel.

If you feel that it is appropriate to step on the brakes as deep as you want, then step as deep as you want.

Give oil whenever you feel you can give it.

This world is like this, 90.00% of talent is more useful than [-]% of ordinary people's sweat.

It was like this when Qin Miao passed the bend.

Qin Miao didn't even remember the braking points at these corners. He just relied on his own car feel to find the braking points and cornering routes.

But the annoying thing is that Qin Miao handled these corners much better than his teammate Hamilton, and was only a little worse than Leclerc who competed at home.

I won’t go into too much detail about these turns here, mainly because there are too many details, but Qin Miao turned the corners by relying on her own feeling.

T8, the way to go through this corner is different. Normally for a right-angle corner like this, you usually brake later and then cut the apex to get a better exit speed.

But the T8 position can cut the apex at a small angle, because the grip of this apex is very strong, so there is no need to worry about losing time if the speed is too fast.

Although such a cornering angle will be a bit large, and the oil can be refueled later after exiting the corner, the time saved on entering and exiting the corner is more than the time advantage obtained in the tunnel straight road after braking late.

It may appear from the broadcast screen that the environment and visibility in the tunnel are actually not bad.

But the field of vision sitting in the car is not very good, and it is almost impossible to see anything in the tunnel.

But fortunately, the environment in the tunnel is not complicated. With Qin Miao's current understanding of the track and his racing car, it is not an exaggeration to say that he can really run this section of the tunnel with his eyes closed.

After coming out of the tunnel, you can't see the braking point, because the driver's perspective is very low, and after exiting the tunnel, there is another downhill, and Qin Miao's braking point is just the position of the downhill.

It is also difficult to brake at this place, because the downhill slope is the braking point. If the brakes are applied too hard, the center of gravity of the car will shift to the front wheels, and the load on the two rear tires will also be reduced.

If the load on the rear wheel becomes smaller, it is easy to step on and lock the rear wheel directly if the braking force is a little heavier. After all, a small load on the rear wheel means that the inertia of the rear wheel is small.

As far as the terrible efficiency of F1 brakes is concerned, it is really possible to directly pinch your rear wheels to death.

The consequences of locking the rear wheel in this position are very serious, which Rosberg has a deep understanding of.

After arriving here, Qin Miao decisively adjusted the braking center of gravity of his car forward. After reaching the braking point, he stepped on the brakes and lowered the car to two gears.

Turn into the corner early and keep the speed. You can go a little deeper into the corner. After passing the apex of the tenth turn, the exit position is the slowest place on this track.

After passing this place, start to turn on the oil slowly, and adjust the body to exit the corner.

After that, it becomes more interesting. When exiting the corner, you can’t cut the left guardrail like cutting the apex, but go straight, because only in this way can you get the best cornering traction and the fastest acceleration.

Wait until you're about to hit the barrier in front of you and then pull the car back on the track, so there's basically no loss of traction or speed.

The following T12 enters the corner in sixth gear, and the apex drops to fifth gear. This corner exits with extra care, because there are guardrails on both sides, and there is no buffer zone, so there is naturally no room for mistakes.

But this corner is the gentlest among the corners at the Monaco circuit, because compared to other corners, the cornering of this corner is very regular, and many circuits have this type of corner.

T13 and T14 are two fake corners. After T12, the car can rely on its strong downforce and full throttle to corner.

The prerequisite is to master the angle, but it is not difficult for professional drivers.

Then there is another difficult corner.

T15, there is no good reference for this corner. Qin Miao usually chooses trail braking to slow down the speed of the car. The shoulder of the T15 corner is basically the same as no, so when cornering, you can get infinitely close to the guardrail of the corner, but you can’t Hit the guardrail at the apex.

In terms of the speed and kinetic energy of entering the corner, if the angle is not well grasped and the right front suspension of the car is lightly touched, it will basically be reimbursed.

However, Qin Miao made this bend perfectly, visually speaking, she just brushed against the parapet.

After exiting the corner, stop the brakes in the middle of the T15 and T16 corners and start applying oil.

The curved road shoulder of T16 is hard to eat, but it has to be eaten.

The bending apex here is a little too much, and when the left front wheel of the car bounces up, the rear wheel will also bounce up.

If both tires are bounced, the car will lose grip for at least 0.1 seconds. This 0.1 seconds may not sound like a long time, but in motor sports it is enough to determine the outcome of a race.

The consequence of 0.1 seconds in the air is that the car will directly hit the front wall.

And if there are fewer road shoulders, the exit angle will not be enough, and the speed will not be enough if the angle is not enough, then your flying lap in this qualifying race will be wasted.

Stronger than Verstappen in this place is also pushed over the wall by the shoulder.

Then there are three combined turns of T17, T18 and T19.

This combination corner has many corners and lateral steering, so braking control is crucial here.

Not to mention T17, T18 has two apexes. You can miss the first apex, but you must cut the second apex. You can take as much apex as you can.

After exiting the corner, it quickly stuck to the left side of the guardrail.

The corner exit of T19 is very important, because after exiting the corner, there is a long straight for the start, and this is also the corner that Qin Miao practiced the most before the race.

Because only if the exit from this corner is good enough, he can get enough opportunities to overtake on the following straightaway.

And Qin Miao didn't cut the apex of this corner, but took a wider route into the corner.

After exiting the corner, cross the line with full throttle.

"Okay, Qin Miao is here." Fei Ge said excitedly as the No. 66 Mercedes driven by Qin Miao passed T19.

The reason why the commentator is so excited is because Qin Miao is green in the first time period, and purple in the second time period, 0.2 seconds faster than Leclerc in the home game, and 0.1 seconds faster than Leclerc overall. If Qin Miao's speed is fast enough for a time period, then Qin Miao's first pole position in his career will be in his hands.

Although as a commentator and audience, they still like Leclerc. After all, he is a handsome guy with strength, and he has not achieved results at home in Monaco for so many years. Who doesn’t want Leclerc to realize his dream at home in his hometown? ?
But if you have your own compatriots beside you to compare, it is self-evident that you are close and distant.

Both the three commentators and the domestic fans who are watching this game hope that Qin Miao can achieve good enough results.

What was a pity for the three commentators was that as Qin Miao finally crossed the line, Qin Miao's last timing segment was only displayed in green.

The final score was 1:10.

Qin Miao's result was only 0.04 seconds slower than Leclerc's.

But it was this 0.04 seconds that made Qin Miao lose his first pole position in his career very regrettably.

The three commentators also sighed after seeing this result.

If you say that Qin Miao is 0.1 or 0.2 seconds slower than Leclerc, then the commentators can accept it, but it is only [-]/[-]th of a second slower, which is really a pity for several commentators.

But before they could say anything more, a yellow flag suddenly appeared on the track. When the director cut the camera, he saw a Ferrari stuck on the guardrail at the T16 corner, and its front nose was directly broken. up.

This is the road shoulder just mentioned that the cornering speed is slow if you eat too little, and the road shoulder that is easy to be bounced off the wall if you eat too much.

But this time Leclerc did not suffer from this road shoulder, but cut too much when cutting the T15 corner. The right front suspension directly hit the guardrail and broke on the spot.

Seriously, they should really learn from Mei Ben and see how the Zhenjin Suspension is made.

Soon, the race will give the name of the Ferrari driver.

No. 16 driver Leclerc. (end of this chapter)

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