How did I become an F1 driver?

Chapter 3 3: Qin Miao: I'm going to explode

Chapter 3 3: Qin Miao: I'm going to explode
These people are naturally Qin Miao's classmates.

For these unheard of cold knowledge, the students naturally listened attentively, and their eyes unconsciously showed curiosity about these unpopular but interesting knowledge.

People are always good teachers, not to mention that Zhu Hong is just a child who has not grown up at this time, so facing the curious eyes of his classmates, Zhu Hong's vanity has been greatly satisfied.

Of course, apart from the classmates who got together to listen to Zhu Hong's show off, there were also many people who got together and whispered.

Although he is already in the third year of high school, he has no real experience of entering the society. Before the social exam, the students were still a little confused, except for a few couples who had already confirmed their relationship and fell at the back of the line holding hands.

Those students who have graduated but still dare not tell the feelings in their hearts to the other half, all they can do is look casually in the direction of the person they care about.

Even just a glimpse can make them happy for a long time.

Most of the students are still the same as in school, divided into two large groups, a group of male students and a group of female students.

And within these two large groups, there are countless small groups. There are more girls in these small groups, and the boys are a group of people who are noisy and chaotic.

Among the crowd of girls, there are two girls who are the most attractive.

A girl is a standard black long straight, oval face, visually 1 meters tall, very tall, coupled with a relatively slim white floral dress, tall figure and the clean temperament of a literary girl, anyone The first moment I saw her, I would think of the white moonlight in my green years.

The other girl is not so beautiful, she is another kind of beauty.

The neutral short hair grows to the nape of the neck. The short hair adds a sense of layering to Ben's cute, round face, making the girl's face look more handsome and clean, plus fine air bangs, and those pair of The plain self-confidence protruding from the eyes has a kind of capable and handsome beauty.

At this moment, the two girls were chatting quietly together.

"Qiu Meng, are you sure Qin Miao is here? Why didn't you see him all the way here?" The long-haired girl whispered and looked around: "I don't know what you think, but I have to hint that they How can a little boy have such a high EQ, can't you just go to him and confess your love?"

Hearing this, Qiu Meng blushed a little, but she said frankly, uncharacteristically: "Yes, I was indeed a bit too screwed up before."

Then she looked at Fan Yue with a smile and said, "So today I will definitely seize the opportunity."

Looking at Qiu Meng's smile, Fan Yue was a little dazed, and was not used to her now.

Because Qiu Meng used to have a shy personality, and was a little hesitant, otherwise she wouldn't like Qin Miao and hasn't confessed for three years.

But Fan Yue felt that Qiumeng today had some inexplicable changes compared with her when she was studying, but she couldn't say what the specific changes were.

It's only been eight days since the end of the college entrance examination. What did Qiumeng go through in these eight days to make such a big change happen to her?
"But having said that, it's obviously the squad leader's game today, but Fan Yueyi's name has to be mentioned. Didn't you notice something?"

Seeing that the topic suddenly shifted to herself, Fan Yue subconsciously stretched out her hand and pulled her hair behind her head, and seemingly inadvertently turned her head to look at Zhu Hong, who was talking at the front of the line.

At this time, Zhu Hong, who was in front of him, also turned his head to talk to his classmates inadvertently, but his eyes turned towards Fan Yue.

The eyes of the two happened to meet in the air.

So bold and shy.

"Let him go..."


A group of people entered the karting hall in such a mighty way.

The noisy movement upstairs also attracted Qin Miao who was studying how the system said the 50 was sent to him downstairs.

The familiar voices of the students penetrated into Qin Miao's ears, and Qin Miao instantly confirmed their identities.

After taking off the equipment on her body, Qin Miao subconsciously stroked the hair on her head before going upstairs.

In the three years of high school, although Qin Miao did not become a popular character like Zhu Hong, the monitor, she could hook up with anyone.

But it didn't mess too much, Qin Miao could basically chat with all the classmates.

It's a pity that the classmate who has the best relationship with Qin Miao went on a trip after the college entrance examination and did not come to this party.

"Qin Miao?" When Qin Miao came up from the first floor, someone in the crowd soon spotted him. "Why are you here so early?"

The students were all surprised by Qin Miao's appearance, even Qiu Meng among the crowd.

She thought Qin Miao was sleeping at home when she sent a message to Qin Miao.

Qin Miao replied: "You may not believe me, I just wanted to come to the karting hall to play today, and I played computer every day during this time, I haven't seen the class group for a while, before Qiumeng told me in the morning, I I had no idea you were coming too."

Hearing Qin Miao's answer, the students had different expressions.

"Hey! According to what Qin Miao said, it's not a coincidence!" Class monitor Zhu Hong came to Qin Miao with a smile and said indifferently: "But it doesn't matter, as long as you come, all your expenses today are counted like other students. It's fine for me and Fan Yue's account."

When Fan Yue's name was mentioned, Qin Miao subconsciously searched among the classmates, and soon found Fan Yue beside Qiu Meng.

"Then I would like to thank the monitor! The monitor is generous!" Qin Miao concealed it very well, basically no one noticed the change in Qin Miao's eyes.

"We're all classmates, why are you being polite..." Zhu Hong noticed that Qin Miao's hair was still a little wet: "But look at you, just went down for two laps? How do you feel? Your grades are good, right?"

Qin Miao expressed her true feelings very honestly: "It's very cool! Playing cars in reality is completely different from the racing cars I play on the computer. It's very enjoyable! The results... can only be said to be average."

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Qin Miao felt that Zhu Hong's smile became more enthusiastic when he heard that his grades were average.

It's just that not far away, the coach who was waiting for the crowd to come to train with his hands folded at the door of the small classroom, heard Qin Miao's words, and the corner of his mouth twitched subconsciously.

"It's okay, it's normal for the first time to play karting to not be so ideal." Zhu Hong smiled and patted Qin Miao: "This is a gradual accumulation process. After playing often, the results will definitely improve."

"The pre-competition training should have been completed, right?" Zhu Hong finally said: "The other students haven't trained yet, you should find a place to rest first, and then we will run a small competition together later, and the winners will have small prizes. "

After Zhu Hong finished speaking, he brought the other students into the small classroom that Qin Miao had visited once very acquaintedly.

Qin Miao also smiled and greeted the students passing by her one by one.

Until Fan Yue passed by his side.

Qin Miao, who was able to speak without fear through WeChat on the other side of the phone, was like a piece of wood at the moment, unable to do anything, even unable to speak.

When Fan Yue passed by Qin Miao, he just greeted Qin Miao with a smile, and then walked into the small classroom full of curiosity.

Finally, Qiumeng came to Qin Miao's side, handed a pack of unopened tissues to Qin Miao with a smile and said, "Here, wipe off your sweat."

Qin Miao was not polite either, took it apart, took one and wiped it on her face.

I didn't say thank you either, since I've been friends at the same table for so many years, there's no need to say thank you.

"Go to training, I'll take a break." Qin Miao stuffed the used tissue into his pocket, and was going to throw it away when he saw the trash can.

But Qiu Meng didn't leave in a hurry, but said to Qin Miao with a smile: "This is my first time here, I'm not very good at this game, you have to take me with you later."

Qin Miao was taken aback after hearing Qiu Meng's request, because Qiu Meng was not like this before.

It's not that Qiumeng used to be autistic or something. After all, it must be a big heart to say that Qin Miao has cerebral palsy in front of Qin Miao.

But the former Qiumeng was a little twisted, and she was usually not so direct with such requests.

She would try to hint to Qin Miao what she wanted to do, and if she didn't understand, Qin Miao would be beaten severely.

This also made Qin Miao and Qiumeng always get beaten up for no reason when they were chatting.

It's just a fight, but Qiu Meng never used any real force when beating Qin Miao.

Facing Qiumeng's request, Qin Miao nodded without thinking and said, "Okay, but my skills are average, so don't be too slow when the time comes."

"Oh no!" Qiu Meng's smile became even brighter when she saw Qin Miao agreeing.

Even Qin Miao felt dazed when she saw this smile, when did this idiot Qiu Meng smile so beautifully?
"By the way, have you really stayed at home for so many days on vacation?" Qiu Meng asked curiously.

Qin Miao nodded: "I don't know what to play when I go out, and you know how depressed we were in the third year of high school. After the college entrance examination, I let myself go a little bit."

"But I can't compare with those who take games as a profession. After playing for 7 days, I get a little tired."

Qiu Meng asked curiously: "After seven days of high-intensity play, will you never want to play games again?"

Qin Miao rolled her eyes angrily: "How is it possible? I'm just depressed because I haven't been out much for 7 days. I still have to play the game."

Qiu Meng shook her head helplessly.

After the two chatted for a while, the classmates in the distance also began to urge Qiu Meng.

Then I saw the girl throw the cloth bag she was wearing into Qin Miao's hand, and went to the small conference room with ease.

Qin Miao was stunned for a moment, then looked down at the bag that inexplicably appeared in her hand, feeling a sense of inexplicable absurdity in her heart, she didn't know Qiu Meng that well, did she?Why did you just throw the bag to me?Are you not afraid that I will rummage through your things?
But boys, when a beautiful girl acts intimately with him, there will be a pleasure of vanity being satisfied.

Even if the relationship between Qiumeng and Qin Miao is very good, it's still the same if they are very familiar with each other.

While Qin Miao was waiting for the students to come out of the small classroom, her mentality changed a little because of the inexplicably added system.

The protagonist in the novel can still maintain a calm nature after suddenly acquiring the system, which is actually very abnormal.

And for an ordinary person like Qin Miao to suddenly acquire such a thing, it's almost like the poor getting rich suddenly, and it's hard not to be inflated.

During that period of time, Qin Miao's mentality remained unchanged, mainly because Qin Miao's mind was filled with many things.

Qin Miao just wanted to test the system functions, and it was the first time to play a car, and she was even worried about her image.

There is no extra time for Qin Miao to think about what a system means to an ordinary person like him.

But now Qin Miao has enough time to think carefully.

So in thinking, Qin Miao naturally swelled up.

After all, he has obtained something that only the protagonist in the novel can obtain, which means that from now on, Qin Miao's growth will be quantified, and he can clearly know that all his efforts have been rewarded.

He can get positive feedback from his growth and maximize his enthusiasm.

And the system returns money and skills.

Qin Miao's future high achievements in the field of racing can already be predicted in advance.

It was precisely because of this thought that Qin Miao suddenly had the illusion that he and his classmates were no longer in the same world, and there was even a trace of contempt in his gaze towards the small conference room.

But thinking that Fan Yue was also inside, Qin Miao's eyes suddenly felt eager to try again.


After more than 10 minutes, among the voices of "Okay!"

"Qin Miao, don't be dazed, let's go play with the car!" When Zhu Hong went downstairs, he found Qin Miao sitting and greeted him.

"Here we come!" Qin Miao responded, got up from her seat and walked downstairs, her pace was a little bigger than before.

When he came to the entrance of the stairs, Qin Miao found that Qiu Meng was waiting for him right here.

After returning Qiumeng's bag, Qin Miao asked casually, "Why are you so lazy when you come back from a vacation? Exercise more, or you'll gain weight."

After teasing, Qin Miao was ready to be punched by Qiu Meng. The muscles in his right arm were tense, ready to meet Qiu Meng's impact at any time.

While studying, after Qin Miao teased Qiu Meng, what Qin Miao greeted was either Qiu Meng's fist or Qiu Meng's fingernails.

However, Qin Miao's preparations this time were in vain. Qiu Meng didn't give Qin Miao the same way she did when she was still in school.

He just looked at Qin Miao inexplicably.

Qin Miao was sure that there was no anger in Qiumeng's eyes.

However, he also couldn't understand what the inexplicable look in Qiu Meng's eyes meant, but what was certain was that, judging from Qiu Meng's performance today, Qiu Meng had changed a lot compared to before.

Qin Miao asked worriedly: "It's just been a week since I saw you, why do you feel weird, what stimulated you?"

"It's okay, leave me alone!" Qiu Meng blinked, and the inexplicable look in her eyes disappeared, and she returned to the Qiu Meng that Qin Miao was familiar with.

Fierce and fierce.

"That's fine, let's go down." After getting the exact answer from Qiu Meng, Qin Miao turned around and went downstairs without thinking too much.


After going downstairs to the arena, Qin Miao saw that some students who were in a hurry had already got on the karts.

There are also some male students driving tandem karts, with a female student behind them, slowly driving out of the parking area.

Looking at the seats that are almost stuck together between the two-person karts, it is obvious that the classmates who play this kind of karts do not care about drunkenness.

Soon after the male student slammed on the brakes, the female student's exclamation sounded, and the bodies of the two were directly stuck together, and the female student's shameful coquettishness gradually faded away with the roar of the engine...

The squad leader, Zhu Hong, was wearing a helmet with the same style of purple painting as an old man on his head.

Qin Miao even saw that Zhu Hong was wearing a sweat-absorbing hood.

Qin Miao didn't know whether the monitor's speed was fast, but Qin Miao felt that the monitor's professionalism in equipment was already full.

Like an old sow wearing a bra, one set after another.

"Okay, let's pick a car first, get familiar with the car and the track, and we will hold a few small competitions later, and there will be a mysterious gift!" After putting on the helmet, Zhu Hong pointed at the The students in the preparation area explained.

At the same time, he did not forget to help the students wear the equipment that they were not familiar with.

Zhu Hong obviously came here often to play, and he was very familiar with the layout of the environment here, and he was even very skilled in wearing the equipment.

He quickly helped two or three students who didn't understand how to wear the equipment to put on the equipment, and then came to Fan Yue's side seemingly inadvertently.

"Can't you wear it?" Zhu Hong smiled and asked Fan Yue who was fiddling with equipment.

Fan Yue nodded.

"Let me help you..."

"Look, this rope passes through this place, and then inserted into this buckle..."

"The helmet is a bit big? Let me tighten it up for you, you raise your head first..."

"This is a rib protection. In case of an accidental crash, this thing can protect your ribs and relieve the impact."

Since the ribs had to go through the back, when Zhu Hong helped Fan Yue put on the ribs, Fan Yue raised his hands up and showed Zhu Hong his slender waist wrapped under the hem of the white skirt.

And Zhu Hong seemed to be doing it on purpose, and started to help Fan Yue put on the protective gear with his hands in an embracing posture.

From Qin Miao's point of view, the two of them were completely hugging each other.

For others, the picture of them hugging together may just be an intimate interaction between a young couple.

For Qin Miao, who has been in love with Fan Yue for three and a half years, this scene is tantamount to the end of the world.

At this moment, Qin Miao felt that the sky was falling.

In just a split second, a surge of anger and humiliation rushed straight into Qin Miao's brain.

Qin Miao has a strong urge to rush up and pull the two of them apart, and Qin Miao is also ready to put it into practice.

After all, Qin Miao already has a system at this time, and he knows that he is destined to be extraordinary in this life.

With a little bit of Long Aotian mentality, he simply can't stand the girl he loves in the arms of other men.

But just when Qin Miao was about to move forward, something extremely cold was stuffed into Qin Miao's neckline, and Qin Miao, who was about to explode, shivered.

The mind that was about to be dazzled by anger also cleared up a little.

He hurriedly shook off the cold thing in his neckline, looked down, and saw that it was a small pudding ice cream that hadn't been unpacked.

This is one of Qiu Meng's favorite snacks.

I don't know why, the moment Qin Miao saw this ice cream, the first thought that popped into Qin Miao's head, which was still filled with anger, was this,

Turning his head to look at Qiu Meng's position, he saw the short-haired girl looking at him with a smile, holding a small pudding that he had bitten half in her hand, and there was still a little milky white ice cream on her upper lip. Zhang's slightly heroic face due to the hairstyle problem added a touch of cuteness.

Qin Miao wanted to get angry at first, but when she saw Qiu Meng's appearance, she calmed down a little for no reason.

I don't know if it's because of Qiu Meng or because the system added five attributes to Qin Miao's mentality...

After Qin Miao's mind calmed down a bit, she came back to her senses. She was not Fan Yue's, at most she was a classmate, and she had no position to stop the two of them at all...

Although the current Qin Miao would not rush forward to fight with class leader Zhu Hong out of anger like before, but after experiencing this incident, he no longer has the nature to continue playing karting.

But before Qin Miao had more thoughts and ideas, Qiu Meng's soft voice came over again.

"NT at the same table! Don't waste it? You can still eat it without opening the package." While speaking, Qiu Meng bent down in front of Qin Miao and picked up the bag of puddings that had fallen on the ground.

Then he handed it to Qin Miao and asked, "Do you want it?"

If it was Qin Miao 5 minutes ago, facing the ice cream that Qiu Meng handed over, he would have snatched the delicious one and started enjoying it without saying a word.

But at the moment, he couldn't arouse any interest.

But Qiu Meng didn't care about you so much. Seeing that Qin Miao, who was still in high spirits just now, looked like an eggplant beaten by Shuang, she sighed silently in her heart.

After opening the ice cream, Qiu Meng directly stuffed the ice cream into Qin Miao's mouth violently.

Qin Miao's sad mood was interrupted by Qiu Meng for the second time, and she felt a little bad all over.

But before Qin Miao took the ice cream out of his mouth and said something, Qiu Meng pulled Qin Miao and whispered something in his ear with a voice that only two people could hear.

"Qin Miao, I like you."

The girl's nice voice matched the hot air blowing to Qin Miao's earlobe, and a set of combined punches came down.

Qin Miao: ...? ? ? ?

who I am?where am iwhat happens?

ps, sorry for being late, but I still have the audacity to ask for a monthly pass.

Thank you readers!
(End of this chapter)

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